I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 353 Wang Shizheng also died

Chapter 353 Wang Shizheng also died

Everyone back down!
Ding Chunqiu taught Ye Qing Huagong Dafa and heart method.

After listening to Ding Chunqiu's thoughts, Ye Qing didn't want to learn anymore.

This is the method of using poison to overcome poison, which is a bit like the Qishangquan.

If you want to poison others, if you want to transform other people's skills, first poison yourself.

If you don't practice poison or practice for seven days, your skills will gradually fade, and you will be poisoned instead.

How could Ye Qing become infected with poison in order to get rid of this kind of poison in himself.

So he decisively refused.

In the past, I only thought that Huagong Dafa was awesome, but I didn't expect it to be such an awesome method.

It doesn't matter if you don't study.

Although Hua Gong Dafa was also born out of Beiming Shengong, but this small village has gone too far, it is not as good as the star-absorbing Dafa that I can do.

"Just teach me some basic formulas of the Beiming Divine Art, and I don't need the rest!" Ye Qing was also afraid that Ding Chunqiu would have a grudge, so he finally asked him to learn something.

Beiming Divine Art is also divided into basic and essence.

The foundation is a must for the Xiaoyao School, and the essence is divided into many parts. Ding Chunqiu has never touched the essence, so he only knows the basics, and based on this foundation, he created his own method of transformation.

Ding Chunqiu did not refuse either, nodded and replied: "Good master!"

So Ding Chunqiu taught Ye Qing the basics of the Beiming Divine Art.

Although what is the use of these basic He Suo.

But it has benefited Ye Qing a lot.

It turns out that the inner martial arts mentality is like this.

In the past, they directly relied on the power of the system to inherit martial arts or ascending dragon pills to improve directly.

It is always a shortcut.

Now it is a good thing to use the most remaining foundation of Beiming Shengong to relearn and lay the foundation.

"As Liu Bowen said, it may not be a good thing for me to return to Chang'an with a great victory. I don't know if the emperor will have other ideas. I will take advantage of this time to recuperate in Hedong, slowly digest the results of the battle, and gather strength. By the way To improve my personal martial arts, Changan will let them make trouble, and let them get headaches first!"

The corners of Ye Qing's mouth rose slightly, and then he concentrated on studying the basic formulas of Beiming's magical skills.

The next day he wanted to learn the Taixuan Sutra again, but it was of a higher rank, and Ye Qing couldn't learn it because he didn't know much about it.

"My lord! Something happened!"

Tai Shici came and reported anxiously: "My lord, Ye Tong was killed!"

"Ye Tong, how did he... die?" Ye Qing was indeed a little surprised.

Isn't this guy staying in Jiangyi well?
Can this also be killed?
Who will kill him?
Tai Shici replied: "Ye Tong heard the news that the lord was murdered, and took Zhang Hui to go north to receive the main force while drunk, but he turned back after twenty miles out of the city, and was killed by someone!"

"How courageous! In broad daylight, he robbed and murdered important officials of the court and murdered the commander of the army!" Ye Qing was furious when he heard that Zhong Dong was killed outside the city.

This is someone's plan.

The reason for killing Ye Tong is probably because he wanted to kill Ye Tong by himself or Xiaoyao Mansion, so as to splash dirty water.

As a result, after Ye Tong left the city, he felt regretful and timid, and dared not come again.

Seeing that the goal could not be achieved, he directly killed him by force.

"Immediately pass this news to Xu Shu and Liu Bowen, manage the army well, control the public opinion in the army, take over Jiangyi, and the Pi family at the same time, blockade all the rivers and rivers, arrest anyone who spreads rumors, and kill those who resist without mercy! "Unfinished Ye Qingshuang added:
"Let Yang Guo, Jing Wuming and others track down the culprit."

"No!" Tai Shici went down immediately.

Seeing Tai Shici go out, Ye Qing rubbed his temples.

This time the enemy is sinister!

Ye Wei did it!

Ye Wei is good at playing tricks, but sacrificing Ye Tong is enough to make a fortune.

"It's a good way to destroy my reputation and at the same time make the emperor suspicious. It's just a coincidence that I was poisoned, and the effect of your plan will be much worse!"

"Look at what tricks you have behind you!"


Ye Qing was injured and poisoned, and Ye Tong was robbed and killed again.

This made Hedong, which had just won the recovery victory after the war, instantly filled with smog.

All of a sudden, the whole east of the river was cloudy again.

The most nervous one was Wang Shizheng who was in Wenxi City.

Now the entire Hedong is full of people from Xiaoyao Mansion, Ding Yuan, Yuan Ding, Xu Huang are in the south, and all kinds of armies in the north are in the hands of Xiaoyao Mansion.

He's just a sandwich cookie stuck in the middle.

You can't retreat, you can't advance, you can't advance.

This is because the people from Xiaoyao Mansion took him under the knife, and he has no choice but to finish the job.

Wang Shizheng even heard rumors that Ye Tong was killed by people from Xiaoyao Mansion in order to avenge Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was killed by Ye Tong, so... Wang Shizheng didn't dare to think about it.

"My lord, someone sent a letter just now, please read it!"

Just when Wang Shizheng was in panic all day long, his confidant guard sent a letter.

Wang Shizheng untied the cloth bag, took out the bamboo slips, and looked uncertain after reading it.

His eyes are complicated.

Then the opponent said: "Pack up your things, we will return to Chang'an after dark!"

That night, Wang Shizheng left Wenxi without permission, and went south overnight with hundreds of soldiers.

Bypass Anyi City and go straight to Puban.

Then I didn't dare to delay the ferry!

The twelfth lunar month of winter!

The north wind was howling, and the business travel had already ceased, and all the people who wanted to go to Hedong earlier returned to their hometowns, and were properly arranged by Sima Guang.

So the ferry is extremely quiet, no human habitation, no birds or beasts.

It was eerily quiet!
"Wow!" Wang Shizheng reined in his horse suddenly and stopped, and the guards looked puzzled.

Wang Shizheng is able to lead the army, and he still has some martial arts skills.

The warrior's intuition also told him that there was danger ahead.

So he slowly pulled out the saber in his hand.

Seeing this, all the guards also drew their weapons.

Then a group of gray-clothed men appeared at the intersection ahead, about a dozen of them.

A dozen or so men in gray clothes also appeared behind him, also a dozen or so.

They all covered their faces.

One by one slowly stepped forward, the intention of coming was self-evident.


Wang Shizheng urged the horse to charge forward, and all the riders followed, patting the horse and killing the gray-clothed men in front.

When rushing halfway, suddenly, three hemp ropes popped out from the ground.

Wang Shizheng's horse tripped over one of them and fell headlong.

Wang Shizheng jumped down, rolled on the ground, and was about to run into the grass.

At this time, the gray-clothed men came forward to stop him, their weapons pointing at Wang Shizheng's body to greet him.

Wang Shizheng waved the weapon in his hand to block from left to right, but after a few wavings, he was beaten back in embarrassment.

Everyone here is a master.

Wang Shizheng was even more startled and frightened, he turned around and fled again.

The men in gray surrounded him, Wang Shizheng couldn't escape, he had to hand in hand with them, and was stabbed with a sword, and then slashed with a knife.

Then he fell to the ground.

"You guys are... so ruthless!"

"Pfft!" With a sound, Wang Shizheng's neck was sliced ​​open with a sword. .

"Let's go!" After killing Wang Shizheng, the man in gray retreated immediately, but did not kill all his guards.

Seeing the enemy retreating, all the guards breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing Wang Shizheng killed, their scalps became numb.

"Damn it, the people from Xiaoyao Mansion must have done it. They are so ruthless. They killed the commander-in-chief, even the general. They want to cover the sky with one hand in Hedong and do whatever they want..."

(End of this chapter)

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