I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 355 Two Kingdoms Hall

Chapter 355
"how can that be?"

The civil and military officials of Beishi Manchao listened to the battle situation sent back from the front line.

Collectively blinded.

Obviously, we captured half of Hedong in Dazhou, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo. One hundred thousand troops entered and swept Hedong County.

It didn't take long before the [-] troops were gone.

More than 5 people died and more than 4 surrendered.

How the battle was fought.

Damn Zhiboyuan!
No, he is dead!

The coffin was on the way back, and the direct descendants of the Zhi family went to greet him with scriptures.

"Your Majesty, this must be fake news. The general who lied should be severely punished. I, Beishi, will not lose, and Li Mu will not surrender..."

"Your Majesty, this matter is yet to be discussed. The third lord should not surrender..."

Beishi Wenwu was unwilling to accept this fact.

If it's just losing and being beaten out, that's still acceptable.

The [-] troops were all made dumplings.

A pot is served.

If one didn't escape, the general surrendered, the commander committed suicide, and the motherfucking surrendered, there were as many as [-] people.

Never before!
The key is that the opponent's strength is not superior to his own.

Still in a completely passive situation, counterattacks were staged one after another.

Zhi Boyuan and Li Mu were so-called famous generals that I, Beishi, were hard to come by in a hundred years, but they were defeated by a ten-year-old boy in the end.

Is Ye Qing really that strong?
Northern Stone Emperor Zhao Wuji had a gloomy face.

This battle report is slapping him in the face naked.

It's not enough to finish the fight, but you have to step on your feet fiercely.

Compared with the complacency half a month ago, it is nothing now.

"Check, check it out for me."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wou-ki immediately left his seat angrily and returned to his imperial study.

"Your Majesty, here is a letter from the third princess!"

Someone soon handed over Zhao Feiyan's letter.

When he took the hand, Zhao Wuji was stunned for a moment.

It was made of cowhide leather, and there was nothing inside.

It was only after the mud seal was opened that the clues were discovered.

It turned out to be a letter written on paper.

Take it out and hold it in your hand, and gently knead it delicately.

Immediately shocked.

Paper can be so good.

After looking at the words on the paper, he even slapped his thigh and shouted "Hello".

The white paper is like snow, delicate and smooth, and the writing has rhyme, smoothness and spirit.

There is such amazing paper in the world.

But after reading the meat of the letter.

He didn't even bother to marvel at the strangeness of these things.

The facts are true, the frontier army did not lie, and Da Zhou did not deceive them.

Zhi Boyuan committed suicide after surrendering, and Li Muping was defeated and surrendered in Yangcheng.

But what everyone didn't know was that Ye Qing was injured and poisoned.

"For the lives of [-] soldiers, I am willing to ask my father to show mercy, and look for famous doctors who can detoxify, as well as medical prescriptions or capable people in the rivers and lakes. Treating Ye Qing is to save Beishi's surrender, and it is to save Beishi's future."

After reading it, Zhao Wuji was furious, and slapped the dragon case heavily: "Bastard, is this still my daughter? Let me save the king of the enemy country, let him come and beat me Beishi?"

After being angry, Zhao Wuji suddenly looked at the several pages of the letter, and found that the characters written by Zhao Feiyan were extraordinarily large, obviously they could write two places at a time, but they only wrote one character.

Then take these few pages and spread them out for careful consideration.

After a long time, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.


When Beishi Kingdom received the news, the Great Zhou Chang'an City had already been turned upside down.

One piece of news that was more exciting than the other kept coming back, and it was not long before.

"Hedong was victorious, His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao led the army to defeat the Beishi army, and the Beishi army was besieged under Yong'an City, with tens of thousands of descendants..."

"What! I won the big week, finally won, the battle on the river east is over..."

"His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang is really powerful. He won more with less. He marched alone to the north, passing through all the way, first destroying Baibo Valley, and then destroying Beishi's [-] troops. His military exploits are touted!"

"Hahaha, okay, finally killed these northern stone barbarians, Wannian of the Great Zhou, Wannian of Your Majesty, Wannian of the Happy King!"

The news spread into the palace and the main hall, and all the officials were excited.

Especially the military department in terms of generals.

Although the civil servants didn't like Ye Qing, they were also excited about the victory.

Winning is winning, at least when it comes to the northern stone barbarians, Da Zhou can puff up his chest and hold his head high.

"Okay! My son is brave, haha... come here, and draw up a decree: Ye Qing will come to fight, quell the battle in the east of the river, defeat the [-] soldiers of the Northern Stone Army, promote the prestige of our country, add... [-] households in the city, the government Ten thousand soldiers, one thousand taels of merchant gold, eight hundred bolts of silk and satin, and the rest will be rewarded according to their merits..." Ye Zhen happily added awards in front of all the officials.

The title can no longer be promoted.

Just add something else.

After the heroic decree, Ye Zhen was very excited, even excited, both on the outside and on the inside.

But there is also a hint of strange mixed emotions.

Relying on his real skills, Ye Qing was promoted once he was promoted, and there was no other way to advance, so he had to be given that position when he was promoted.

Otherwise, we can only... find a chance to cut him a title or two.

"Your Majesty, the battle in Hedong is over. Next, it's time for Hedong to recuperate. Do you want to withdraw the troops and return to the power to reduce the burden on Hedong!" The Minister of the Household Department came out and proposed in a very nonchalant way.

It's like having a fire in the winter, and suddenly a basin of ice water is poured down.

It's very annoying.

Even if you want to dismantle the stage, it shouldn't be so fast. Anyway, let people get off the stage and talk.

Ye Zhen's eyes focused, as sharp as an eagle.

He stared at Shangshu Hubu.

"If I remember correctly, the household department seems to have just received 80 shi of grain from Hedong. Why is the household department empty again?"

After eating, I smashed the bowl and the pot!
Hubu Shangshu knelt down with a plop.

"Your Majesty! I believe that the situation in Hedong has not yet been stabilized, and soldiers are still needed to garrison Hedong. It would be bad if Beishi Kingdom gathers troops to invade again.

Moreover, the fighting in Hedong has just stopped, and there are still many Xiaoxiao in the territory that have not been cleared. If they make trouble, they will destroy the situation in Hedong that has been fought so hard. " Han Zhan stood up and said.

A bunch of bastards who have never fought a war actually do this kind of shit without wiping their ass.

Ye Zhen hadn't replied yet, when the Minister of Rites said: "Your Majesty, I echo what General Han said, there is no need to rush to withdraw the soldiers and horses. After all, there are still more than 4 Beishi's soldiers in Hedong, and there are enough soldiers and horses to guard them." them."

Hey, why did Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites speak for the people in the Ministry of War?

Why are you facing this group of people?

When everyone was puzzled, they only listened to the Ministry of Rites and said: "I feel that the king of Hejian County is the commander-in-chief of an army, so he should be the commander-in-chief and continue to be in charge of all walks of life in Hedong.

King Xiaoyao fought hard, so he should hand over the power of dispatching soldiers and horses to King Hejian, and return to Chang'an as soon as possible, so that His Majesty and the princes in the court should go as soon as possible to hear in detail how King Xiaoyao bravely went north to defeat the enemy , Playing fabulous victories one after another, how can you be loyal to the country. "

After the Minister of Rites finished speaking, everyone understood his intentions.

The soldiers and horses that entered Hedong will not be withdrawn, but Ye Qing will be transferred back and the military power will be handed over to Ye Tong.

Ye Dong controls the overall situation in Hedong.

Let Ye Tong handle the rest of the matter, and clean up the influence of Ye Qing staying in Hedong.

In this way, more than 1000 Ye Qing rode over, and then hundreds of wounded soldiers returned, which restrained Ye Qing's development as much as possible.

After they understood it, a group of people stood up one after another and said, "Your Majesty, I second the proposal!"

"Your Majesty, the minister also agrees that King Xiaoyao has worked hard all the way, so he should come back to rest as soon as possible."

Ye Zhen glanced at these guys coldly.

Han Zhan and others showed anger, these shameless guys.

As soon as the battle was over, they started killing donkeys and weakening Ye Qing's achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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