I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 356 Ye Zhen's Reaction

Chapter 356 Ye Zhen's Reaction

Although Ye Zhen also felt sick, he didn't try to stop it.

The way of the emperor lies in levelness!

Thinking about it carefully, Ye Qing seems to have broken through the original level.

Because of his existence, the stable structure of the princes was completely overturned and collapsed in a short period of time.

As an emperor, especially a young and vigorous emperor, he doesn't like aggressive people who are too good in all aspects.

Calculating carefully, Ye Qing now holds enough soldiers and horses to wrestle with the emperor.

The Thunder Army is said to be [-].

There are [-] old soldiers in Hedong County, plus the new recruits in the past half month, the total is [-].

There are [-] soldiers and horses with organizational systems and numbers in the northeastern part of the river.

Ye Qing's subordinate Xue Rengui and Xu Shu still have five or six thousand under their names, and Baibogu's new army has fifteen thousand.

In total, the troops commanded by Ye Qingneng are now [-] troops.

[-], Ye Zhen personally conquered the Turks, and counting the civilian husbands and logistics troops, he was only in the early [-]s.

No...Ye Qing still has more than 4 soldiers from Beishi in his hand.

There are tens of thousands of troops who can take up weapons and fight immediately.

I am afraid that the emperor now cannot raise such a large army in Chang'an in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhen's eyes lowered slightly and became more restrained.

His face also suddenly turned cold.

"His Majesty……"

Ye Zhen raised his head suddenly, and the minister who was about to speak stopped immediately.

Because what shot out of Ye Zhen's eyes at this moment was far from being sharp.

But the endless swords are about to fall.

"What dear friends say..." Ye Zhen was about to make a decision when someone reported outside the hall:
"Your Majesty, urgent report from Hedong, His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao was assassinated and poisoned..."

The whole hall was instantly quiet!

Ye Qing was assassinated?
Also poisoned?

This news is explosive, being assassinated is not new, but being poisoned is so rare.

Was it poisoned?
In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds.

Ye Zhenteng stood up, his eyes became more fierce.

"Qing'er was poisoned, what's the situation?"

The messenger immediately entered the hall, then bowed his head respectfully and trotted, bowed his head at the front and bowed:

"His Royal Highness King Xiaoyao took over the Northern Stone Army and went to Yong'an City for inspection. He was wounded by a hidden assassin with a sword at the base of the city. He was poisoned and fell into a coma. His life and death are unknown now!"

After the report, the person put his head on the wooden floor, not daring to lift it up.


Ye Zhen shouted angrily, kicked the dragon case away, and kicked it sideways!

"In broad daylight, the war has just stopped and the victory has just been won. Someone dares to murder my great prince of the Zhou Dynasty. It's very good! It's very good!" Ye Zhen glanced at Ye Tao, then Ye Wei, Ye Cai, and Ye Mu. , Ye Miao.

Then came a group of civil servants, and their eyes finally settled on a few officials from aristocratic families.

These people are all suspects.

Can't wait?
If Ye Qing was killed on the spot, the Beishi army that surrendered would mutiny.

The battle in Hedong will resume, and no one can predict what will happen in the end.

If you fight, you will fight. If you gamble on Da Zhou's national fortune, you will die.

Ye Zhen's eyes scratched like a knife.

No one dared to look at him.

Even though they wanted to curse Ye Qing to death, they were still wondering who did it.

"Come here, take the best imperial doctor in the palace to Hedong, and immediately, immediately, must rescue him!" Ye Zhen stretched out his dragon robe and stepped off the stage.

Rescue, not revive!
What did everyone immediately realize?
There is poison in the sword, and it must be the most difficult poison in the world to kill people.

It is a luxury to be able to wake up Yijing.

Rescue is even more impossible.

Ye Qing was finally going to die.

Like a meteor, it passed by in a flash, leaving a trace, and still walked on the path he should go.

The civil servants looked at Ye Tao one after another.

A slight smile appeared on Ye Tao's mouth at this moment, and his eyes swept over Ye Wei, Ye Cai and others.

The family officials all looked at each other, and then looked at Ye Wei with a look of satisfaction.

Ye Cai looked at the Civil Service Department, and then at the Aristocratic Family Department, his expression was normal, but his eyes still couldn't hide his excitement.

Only the generals of the Ministry of War were sad.

Sighs sounded from time to time.

A prince Chongwu who was better than the king of Xiliang fell at the most glorious moment.

Great Zhou's Sorrow!

The imperial doctor quickly left Chang'an City and headed for Hedong under the escort of a small group of tiger and ben cavalry.

Ye Zhen returned to the imperial study room, staring at the hanging masterpieces of calligraphy written by himself.

"The scent of soaring fragrance penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is full of golden armor!"

"For a whole month in Chang'an, the sound of thousands of households pounding their clothes!"

"The autumn wind produces the Wei River, and the fallen leaves are all over Chang'an!"

"Withered vines, old trees and dark crows, small bridges and flowing water, people, old roads, westerly winds and thin horses. The sun sets, and heartbroken people are gone."

Ye Zhen looked at these poems written by Ye Qing and the white paper he made, and suddenly shouted to the outside of the hall: "Bring Yingxiong Lie, I want the original taste!"

"No!" Soon a eunuch won a heroic battle.

Ye Zhen slapped Feng Ni directly, then raised his head and poured it into his mouth.

The spicy wine rushed down the throat and into the stomach!

"Sweet...hahaha, finally the sixth child is the first to go, you shouldn't have given me hope, you shouldn't..." Ye Zhen lifted the wine jar and poured it again.

Cao Zhengchun, who was waiting outside the hall, stared at Ye Zhen inside, his eyes turned red unnaturally.


Suddenly there was the sound of the wine jar hitting the ground.

Then came Ye Zhen's roar: "Come on, I'm sending two hundred riders to chase after the medical team!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Someone received the order at the moment, and immediately went to notify Huben Qi.

"Come here, tell Qin Hu to bring Hubenwei into Nancheng County, guard the Xiaoyao Palace, and guard Nancheng!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Another person received the order and immediately passed the order to Qin Hu.

"The world belongs to me, if I don't give it to you, none of you can take it!"

Ye Zhen's words came out again in the hall, Cao Zhengchun and others, along with a group of eunuchs and guards, knelt down one after another.

This sentence is lethal.

The emperor's domineering, the emperor's will.

The heart of an emperor is unpredictable!
Order after order was passed on.

First, two hundred tigers rode out of the city to chase the escort that had set off earlier.

Then Qin Hu led Huben Guards, including cavalry guards and foot guards, into Nancheng.

One part is guarding Xiaoyao Mansion, the other part is guarding the south gate, and there is also the entrance of the main road leading to the east and west cities in the south city.

The news of Ye Qing's injury, poisoning and coma also spread back to the mansion.

Huanhuan fainted when she heard the news.

Even Wu Linglong swayed slightly, then patted her forehead with a haggard face, muttering nonstop:
"How is it possible? How is it possible? My little friend, I haven't abandoned you, haven't given you enough love, haven't abandoned you ruthlessly, you are irresponsible..."

Li Ru and Guo Jia entered the study one after the other.

"It is estimated that Yuhuatian will return to Beijing before dark and will bring back the news of the lord. What we have to do now is to stabilize the overall situation. People's hearts are the most important thing!" Li Ru said first.

Jin Yiwei entered Hedong earlier than Ye Qing, and has been following Ye Qing's activities, and will send back news as soon as possible.

"I believe my lord will be fine!" Guo Jia said in a serious tone for the first time:
"Your Majesty just sent Huben Guard into Nancheng, so we must be mentally prepared to deal with everything. We can be less harmful and more defensive!"

(End of this chapter)

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