I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 357 The Bad News Coming Soon

Chapter 357 The Bad News Coming Soon
"It seems that Your Majesty knows who is trying to harm the Lord!" Li Ru showed his signature sinister smile:

"Or, His Majesty is also staring at the fat piece of our Xiaoyao Mansion."

Guo Jia glanced at Li Ru, this guy is easy to blacken, and he can always feel the coldness around him.

"No matter what, make preparations first and speed up the production of ordnance; Haifeng, Shang Yang, Lu Hai and others should not return to the city, and protect themselves outside first."

"Of course!"

The two discussed some other matters, and before the sun set, Yuhuatian really returned to the city.

"Although my lord was poisoned, the situation has improved since then, and the poison has been brought under control." Yu Huatian continued:
"He said that everything is going according to the established strategy. Everyone pays attention to personal safety and must not go out alone; at the same time, don't make any noise these days, and wait and see what happens."

After hearing this, Li Ru was relieved a lot.

As long as Ye Qing doesn't die, everything will be easy to handle.


Zheng County!

The border with Hongnong County!
The team of the medical guards was in a hurry, speeding up.

Before leaving the county, suddenly, countless arrows were shot from both sides of the official road.

It was dark and unclear, and the guards did not expect that someone would ambush and murder them at this time.

It's still closed here!
They are Tiger Benqi.

Caught off guard, several cavalry guards fell off their horses and fell to the ground.

Then dozens of black shadows jumped out from both sides.

The two sides immediately broke out handover.

Although the visitors are all masters, Tiger Benqi is not a vulgar person.

A bloody battle, each with casualties.


Suddenly, the leader of Sombra commanded Sombra to withdraw from the battle.

Huben Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

But turned to look at the doctor.

Yiran fell to the ground in a fit of rage, dying so badly that he couldn't die anymore.

Rumbling, at this moment, the sound of galloping cavalry came from behind.

The members of the Huben Riders held their weapons tightly, ready to fight again, ready to fight again.

But soon they put down their weapons again.

Because it was their own people who came to the army.

"what happened?"

The incoming army was the second wave of guards sent by Ye Zhen.

"We were ambushed and the imperial physician was killed!"

"Bastard, someone dares to ambush our Tiger Benqi in Guanzhong, walk back to Beijing, and report to His Majesty immediately!"

Everyone took the brothers who died in battle and the imperial physician, and immediately returned to Chang'an by the same route.

After dawn, I finally returned to the city.

Hastily reported to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen, who was about to go to court, was furious when he heard the words.

"What a bunch... they all deserve to be killed, they all deserve to die!" Ye Zhen's eyes almost turned into oceans of blood, and he twisted his face and said:

"Go, guard the Imperial Physician to Hedong, this time there must be no mistakes, the Imperial Physician is in an accident, everyone should kill themselves and thank God!"


Ye Zhen came to Tai Chi Hall with killing intent and strong anger.

After all the officials saluted, they looked up and saw, good guy, Ye Zhen hasn't sat on the dragon couch yet.

His eyes were bloodshot, his face turned cold, and he kept sweeping back and forth.

"What happened here, Your Majesty?"

Countless people below are constantly suspicious.

"You are all my good subjects, you are all very good!"

After saying this, Ye Zhen shook his dragon robe, and then sat on the dragon couch.

Many people in the hall looked confused.

The emperor meant something.

What do they mean.

Who messed with the emperor?
"Report! Your Majesty, urgent report from the east of the river!"

Ye Zhen frowned, and his eyebrows squeezed towards the middle.

Something happened to Hedong again?

Others also clicked, thinking that they had found the reason for Ye Zhen's anger.

Hedong, what big things can happen in Hedong.

Isn't it all over?

The voice of male duck, the eunuch of ceremonies, sounded.

The person who sent the report from the hall lowered his head and trotted in.

"Your Majesty, King Hejian was robbed and killed a few days ago!"

The entire court exploded in an instant.

Ye Tong is dead?

Was robbed and killed?
Who is so courageous to kill the commander of the three armies.

Ye Qing was killed yesterday, and Ye Tong was also killed today.

The two men who controlled the Hedong army were assassinated and ambushed one after the other.

What exactly does the person who makes the move want to do?

Ye Zhen was so angry that he stood up directly, his face was a little distorted, his eyes were blood red like a monster, and his whole body was like a wild bird devouring blood and meat.

Ye Qing is his son!
Ye Tong is his younger brother!
Although the son is a concubine, he is also his own son.

Although the younger brother has no ability, he is still his own younger brother!
This is not a simple battle for succession.

This is to destroy the foundation of his Ye Shi and shake the foundation of his Great Zhou Kingdom.

The majestic royal family, the two princes, and the commander-in-chief of the army were all plotted against.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

All the officials were terrified and went down to worship one after another.

"Calm down, tell me to calm down, tell me how to calm down." Ye Zhen said coldly:
"In two days, the two princes, the general and the commander, were all killed. Could it be that I am so incompetent? The majestic prince was slaughtered wantonly.

Could it be that one day, when I stay in this palace, I will be killed casually? "

All the officials crawled lower, each of them sweating coldly.

Without it, the matter is too serious.

As Ye Zhen said, the two princes of the party hall will be killed if they want to kill them, so if they are all officials, they may be assassinated and ambushed at any time.

How do you guys play.

Who broke the rules.

Even playing this method.

"Check! Check it out for me! I want to know who dares to be so lawless and reckless, who is in charge of this big week!" Ye Zhen slapped down, but did not touch the newly replaced dragon. case.

The dragon case immediately exploded into two pieces.

Shocked, all the officials retreated in unison.

The emperor's martial arts... are very high!

Ye Zhen was not in the mood for a meeting at all.

Some people challenged his authority and bottom line again and again, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Back in the imperial study, Ye Zhen immediately said: "Call me the Shadow Guards! Are they all shit eaters?"

Then Ye Zhen issued eight orders in a row, and the guards who delivered the orders kept running out.

Then the imperial guards went out of the city and began to arrest people in the city.

Among them are officials, merchants, civilians, local hooligans, and mothers who go out of the way...

All of a sudden, the entire city of Chang'an was in turmoil.

Everyone knew that the emperor was about to kill and vent his anger.

Of course, people from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple also rushed to Hedong one after another.

Another day and a half later!
Hedong is spreading news!

Wang Shizheng left his post without authorization and suddenly returned to the capital, but was robbed and killed on the way.

Wang Shizheng's guards took Wang Shizheng's body back to Beijing and found a letter of advice from him.

The members of the Wang family beat the drums to express their grievances and sued Xiaoyao Mansion!
The content of the remonstrance book also spread like wildfire.

What is in the remonstrance book is very simple.

The general idea is that Ye Tong was dissatisfied with Ye Qing's seizure of his military power and jealous of his defeat of the Beishi army, so he sent someone to assassinate Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's subordinates from Xiaoyao Mansion, after learning that the mastermind was Ye Xi, sent people to rob and kill Ye Tong to avenge Ye Qing.

Wang Shizheng, who knew the cause and effect, returned to Beijing immediately to report to the emperor.

In the end, the people in Xiaoyao Mansion learned about it, so they intercepted and killed him halfway.

The members of the Wang family beat drums on Zhuque Street to appeal for grievances, asking the emperor to uphold justice, avenge Wang Shizheng, and ask for an order to arrest everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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