I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 358 The Emperor's Wrath

Chapter 358 The Emperor's Wrath

"Hehe! What a jealousy! What a revenge!"

Ye Zhen threw the letter of remonstrance sent by the Wang family to the palace directly to the ground.

There was a look of sarcasm and disdain on his face.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? It's perfect to put all the responsibility on two dead people, and it makes me feel ashamed!" Ye Zhen closed his eyes, and the anger on his face became more intense.

The entire Imperial Study Room seemed to have entered the silence before the volcanic eruption.

After a long time, Ye Zhen's oral order finally came out.

"Come here, the Wang family fabricated rumors in an attempt to confuse the public, colluded with the Liu family in Hedong, deliberately rebelled, and bought murderers to assassinate King Xiaoyao and King Hejian County. This crime cannot be punished.

The Wang family was confiscated, the three clans were wiped out, and important members of the Wang family were killed on the spot. "

The people waiting outside gasped.

The Wang family has suffered eight lifetimes of bloody misfortune!

To touch His Majesty's brow at this time is to force His Majesty to submit.

But His Majesty is so friendly.


With one order, the once glorious Wang family disappeared.

This early bird came out, and it was gone immediately.

"Come on, King Hongnong doesn't think about making progress, he made friends with the rebellious party, and demoted him as Marquis Hongnong. From now on, he will go to the fief, face the wall and think about his mistakes, so that he can reflect on himself!"

After killing the Wang family, Ye Zhen gave another order.

This order directly cut Ye Wei dizzy.

From Prince to Marquis.

Also kicked out of Chang'an.

"Come here, King Fufeng has nothing to do all day long, drinking and having fun with the stubborn people in the mansion, slandering and commenting on others all day long, reducing his title to King of Fufeng County, and being banned for a month."

Cut another prince.

Of course, this is not over yet, and then Ye Zhen said again: "Come here, during the Battle of Hedong, the King of Hedong didn't care about the affairs of Hedong, didn't want to be loyal to the country, didn't want to show compassion for the people in Hedong, and left Beijing privately for Hanzhong County to play. Let's have fun, cut his title to be the Marquis of Hedong, take back all the food towns, and immediately go to Hedong for me!"

Ye Jin, a fat man, has left Beijing.


The prince doesn't want to live anymore.

Without the permission of the emperor, he went to Hanzhong County.

How audacious that is.

Everyone didn't expect Ye Jin, who has always been low-key, to do such a thing!
Several orders came down one after another.

It really confused the officials and the people of Chang'an.

More of a shock of course.

When the emperor was angry, he buried a million corpses.

The extermination of the clan, the reduction of the nobles.

Depreciation of deprecation.

No one got a good one!

At the same time, it also made everyone think about it.

The poisoning of Ye Qing and the murder of Ye Tong, surely this is not such an understatement as written in Wang Shizheng's remonstrance book.

The reason is not at all.

It may be related to King Fufeng and King Hongnong.

And King Hongnong is the most suspected.

Otherwise, how could he be cut into a marquis and kicked out of Chang'an.

As soon as the Wang family was destroyed, King Hongnong rushed to Hongnong County.

The strength of the aristocratic family is even more damaged.

Accompanied by only pants.


"How did this happen! How did this happen? Father, you are unfair!"

Ye Wei was dumbfounded after hearing the imperial decree.

The Wang family was directly wiped out of the three families.

Whatever he did, he would lose his title, and he would be kicked out of Chang'an.

After leaving Chang'an, he didn't compete much for the crown prince.

"Is a little Ye Qing so important to you? Father, I don't want the family anymore, and you don't want the cornerstone of the Great Zhou?"

Ye Wei was so angry that he coughed up blood on the spot.

The whole person fainted.

Fufeng Palace, Ye Tao was also dumbfounded!

what have i done?

Where am I?

How can I become the king of the county.

It had nothing to do with him.

He may just add insult to injury and fan the flames.

He is a spectator who sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, and he will be roasted by the fire no matter what.

"Could it be that the third child really did it, the third child...you are not honest, you are too ruthless, the father's eyes are sharp, hahaha..."

After Ye Tao's brief displeasure, he suddenly clenched his fists excitedly.

Ye Wei, his greatest enemy, was driven out of Chang'an.

Then his advantage can be infinitely magnified.

Without the trouble of the family lineage, he can grow wildly and grow rapidly.

Since the king of the county, at least he is still the king.

He was not expelled from Chang'an.

Thinking about the situation of Ye Wei and Ye Jin, my heart immediately calmed down.

"However... in this matter, only Lao Qi was not affected at all, and it really is comfortable to have a good uncle." Ye Tao stroked his chin, moving back and forth, and said with a sneer:
"Even so, what's the use? Father's heart is like a mirror. The Chuyue Kingdom is the biggest stumbling block to my Great Zhou. He won't give you that position. You are outsiders after all. The stronger you are, the more powerful you are, the more powerful you are." The more the emperor will fear you.

In the end, I, Ye Tao, still belonged to my destiny. "


Old Chu Palace!

"Hahaha, well killed, well cut, and rightly demoted!"

Ye Cai laughed from ear to ear when he heard the news.

This is a big victory!

Ye Qing was poisoned and must have died.

Ye Wei became a marquis and was demoted from Chang'an.

Ye Wei was also punished.

What does this show.

It shows that the emperor has doubts about them, is disappointed in them, and has no confidence in them.

Only he remained motionless.

The one-word prince is so strong.

Without Ye Qing, there would be no strong opponent.

I am the only one who is thriving, and the family is the only one.

"Hmm! No, there's also the boss!" Ye Cai's face suddenly darkened.

The King of Xiliang is still extremely threatening.

The generals all support him.

More than half of the military and horse power in the Great Zhou Dynasty fell to Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang.

He also stayed out of the matter.

And Liangzhou is developing towards a good situation.

Now the Seven Qiangs have changed into the Five Qiangs.

It can be predicted that according to this development momentum, Ye Yu will solve the Qiang people and the Sixichui problem sooner or later.

At that time, Ye Yu will return with great achievements.

Another eldest son.

No matter in name or in terms of contribution to Da Zhou.

It is very easy to get the approval of civil and military officials.

If there is no good choice for a family of civil servants, they will not rule out turning to Ye Yu in the end.

Benefits are eternal.

Unless Ye Yu publicly stated that he does not need civil servants and aristocratic families.

Otherwise...he is my next biggest obstacle.

"Civilian officials and aristocratic families, shouldn't I also get in touch with them and give them some hope?"



White Valley!
The imperial physicians of Great Zhou and Beishi Kingdom arrived at Bingcheng at the same time!

The imperial doctors of the two sides bowed to Fang as a salute, then they both turned around and snorted coldly.

Then went to Baibo Valley.

"Your Highness is poisoned, but I have not been able to detect it. Your Highness, please punish me!"

Gong Taiyi did research and research, but he couldn't find a way to detoxify, so he said very ashamedly.

But he was happy in his heart.

At least Ye Qing's poison was suppressed, and he himself did not die, which is good news.

I thought it would be a waste of time, but now it seems that I have gained something.

Ye Qing said: "It's okay, the imperial physician has worked hard, let's go down and rest first!"

A guard brought the Imperial Physician down, and then the Imperial Physician from Beishi Kingdom brought a few people in.

(End of this chapter)

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