I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 359 Tianxiang Cardamom

Chapter 359 Tianxiang Cardamom
After the imperial doctor from Beishi Kingdom came in, he first checked Ye Qing's pulse, and then inquired to check the location of the poisoning.

Then he shook his head and said: "Your Highness, the foreign minister is incompetent and unable to detoxify, please make amends!"

Ye Qing just smiled lightly and was invited out.

The few people who followed Beishi Country did not leave.

Zhao Feiyan said to Ye Qing: "This is a master who is good at detoxifying and treating internal injuries from the Black Mountain School, Hengyue School, and Mount Wutai of Beishi Kingdom."

Like the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are also many great sects in Beishi Kingdom, among which the Black Mountain School, Hengyue School, and Wutai Mountain School are the three most famous schools.

The three gestured to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing also returned the gift.

These three people came from great sects, but their martial arts are only above average, and they are all first-rank.

The three of them came over one by one to show Ye Qing, and finally looked at each other, and then said:
"Your Highness, the poison you are suffering from is a poison from outside the territory. It is not owned by me in the Central Plains. The detoxification requires a person who refines the poison."

"A poison refiner? Where can I find this?"

Before Ye Qing could speak, Ding Chunqiu snorted coldly: "If you knew who made the poison, what would you do? I would have gone to capture it long ago."

The people of the three factions are inevitably a little embarrassed.

So I had no choice but to say again: "Then there are only two ways, one is to find a special mental method, rely on His Highness to practice and get rid of the last toxin, and the other is to get Tianxiang cardamom, this thing can not only life and death, And flesh and bones, still live forever, cure all poisons in the world."

Needless to say the former one.

Ding Chunqiu mentioned it in the scriptures.

This is by chance.

The second one was a bit of a surprise.

"Heavenly Cardamom!"

Ye Qing murmured softly.

It seems that this thing has been heard somewhere.

Zhao Feiyan's eyes sparkled, and she asked: "There really is such a miracle medicine in the world, isn't it a legend?"

The person from Mount Wutai said: "Your Highness is right, this thing is indeed a legend, we have never seen it before, it is just a legend.

Legend has it that this thing blooms once every 30 years, and only bears one fruit at a time. If you eat it, no matter how serious the injury is, the poison will heal, but the person who eats it will sleep forever, until someone finds the second Tianxiang cardamom and feeds it Only then can you wake up. "

"That's why Tianxiang cardamom is also known as Jiazi yin and yang medicine. It takes 60 years to get together this yin and yang thing. The world is so big, but few people know where it was born and what it looks like." people added.

The people from the Black Mountain School seemed to want to show off, and they also stood up and said: "This kind of strange thing is speculated from the classics and secret records of our Black Mountain School. It should survive in the rare cave of the world, and it must not be discovered. of danger.

Since it is called yin and yang medicine, I think it should be the place where the sun and the moon alternate clearly, and the qi of yin and yang invades and competes repeatedly, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to grow such a strange thing! "

More and more mysterious.

There are only so many caves and mountains in the world.

The more infrequently visited the place, the more dangerous it is.

There is also the alternation of yin and yang, and the most important thing is that I don't know what I look like.

Also play with wool.

"Thank you three!" Ye Qing said politely, and asked them to go down and rest.

Although the three of them couldn't cure it, they also provided another way to detoxify.

It is of course difficult to find Tianxiang cardamom in the wild.

But if you know this thing, you can inquire about it. You can't find a family, a certain country's royal family, or a certain sect, so they secretly hide it.

It is very difficult to make a pair in 60 years.

But Longteng Continent has gone through an unknown number of years since there was a dynasty.

The amount of Tianxiang cardamom obtained must also be quite a lot.

Don't doubt this kind of strange thing, most people really don't want to use it.

Because one is useless, two are needed, and yin and yang do not match each other, just double yin and double yang will not work.

Therefore, the probability of secretly circulating and exchanging is the greatest.

"Okay, let's leave it at that. Anyway, I won't die!" Seeing that everyone was not in a good mood, Ye Qing smiled optimistically and magnanimously.

Everyone went down, Zhao Feiyan said: "Ye Qing, my father replied, what do you want to do with my Beishi soldiers? What conditions do you want to let them go back to the country?"

"How to deal with it, I don't seem to be in charge of this. Your Majesty will discuss with the officials to come up with a proper plan. Don't be in a hurry. Anyway, we have food to feed them." Ye Qing laughed.

Put it back and dream.

Putting back these more than 4 experienced veterans will not be a big trouble in the future.

Wouldn't it be nice to have [-] strong people staying in Hedong, building roads, digging mines, and developing infrastructure?
Zhao Feiyan seemed to know that Ye Qing would say that, snorted, then turned and left.

The captives are Ye Qing's business, and how to deal with them must go through the hands of the Great Zhou court.

Ye Qing is not so stupid as to overreach by himself.

Even if it is to be released, if Beishi Kingdom is to be redeemed, it is a matter of communication between the two Ministry of Rites.

So Zhao Feiyan did not place any hope on Ye Qing.

Zhao Feiyan left, Ye Qing said to Ding Chunqiu: "Send our people to various countries to inquire about Tianxiang cardamom, remember to keep it a secret, don't let others know."

"It's the lord!"

Ding Chunqiu left, Ye Qing said to Shi Potian again: "Go and explain my situation to the imperial physician!"

To explain, Ye Qing had explained earlier.

We must make a fuss about this poisoning.

Ye Tong's death may not be a good thing?
Now that Ye Qing is still alive, he has to take care of Hedong's military affairs.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Qing called Xu Shu and Liu Bowen over to discuss the economic strategy of Hedong.

First of all, Ye Qing's confidant generals in Hedongbo now include Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Huang Zhong, Di Qing, Zhang Liao, Zhang Ying, Xu Huang, Guan Yu, Tai Shici, and Xue Rengui.

Di Qing led [-] troops to guard Yong'an City!

Li Cunxiao was in charge of the major cavalry departments of the Great Zhou Dynasty in Hedong.

Zhao Yun used the surviving Xiaoyaofu cavalry in the east of the river, selected soldiers based on the captured Beishi army horses, and rebuilt the Xiaoyaofu cavalry, this time with 5000 horses!

Xue Rengui is the leader, Guan Yu is the assistant, in charge of infantry, and sits in Jiangyi.

Xu Huang is the leader, Tai Shici is the assistant, and he is in charge of the Lei Ting Army. He is in Anyi,

Zhang Liao led an army of five thousand to Pi's.

Huang Zhong led an army of [-], and was responsible for guarding Beishi's troops in Pingyang.

Zhang He stayed in Bingcheng, commanded and trained other recruits, and was responsible for forming the heavy infantry soldiers.

Secondly, Sima Guang awarded the governor of Hedong County to be responsible for the southern government affairs.

Fang Xuanling was in charge of the government affairs in the northeastern part of the river and also took care of the magistrate of Linfen County.

Xu Shu acted as Ding Yuan's chief bookkeeper as a staff member.

Ding Ding was transferred to Ye Qing's side, responsible for building the ice city and comforting the people.

Liu Bowen is in charge of the army and is responsible for coordinating and contacting the military affairs in the north and the south.

Gong Taiyi obtained the information from Ye Qing, and then returned to Chang'an.

News from Chang'an also came one after another.

The emperor destroyed the Wang family in a fit of anger, which surprised and shocked everyone.

Then the kings were deposed and let everyone understand that this time the emperor was more serious.

It made people understand how much Ye Qing's status in the Great Zhou was worth in the emperor's weighing of pros and cons.

Ye Zhen cannot live without Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's survival is of great benefit to the emperor.

Whoever moves will die.

(End of this chapter)

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