Chapter 360

After a series of bad news.

With the return of the Imperial Physician Gong, he finally brought back a piece of good news.

Ye Qing didn't die, he was rescued and came back.

But because the sword poison is too overbearing.

As a result, all martial arts are lost, and Shi Potian, a master of the fifth and sixth ranks, is required to suppress them with inner strength and mental methods in time every day, otherwise there is a danger of sudden death at any time.

This made everyone sigh.

His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang, who was brave in the past, has now become an ordinary person who will die at any time.

I can no longer gallop across the battlefield like before, and attack with pleasure.

Now it is no longer possible to rush to the forefront like before, leading the soldiers all the way to attack the city and loot the land.

"To be able to come back to life is God's gift to me!"

"That's right! Although His Highness can't rush to the front line, as long as he is there, the soldiers can go forward and defeat all enemies!"

"Your Highness' spirit will always be infected and live in my Great Zhou's army. The soldiers of my Great Zhou can't just follow His Highness, they should hold their weapons tightly in front of His Highness, follow His Highness's orders and charge forward. You should protect His Highness!"

The news that Ye Qing is still alive.

The people are very happy.

But Baiguan and the family were so angry that they wanted to throw their stools at their feet.

This is not dead.

How can he still be alive.

No one understood better than them that the threat Ye Qing brought to everyone was not how capable he was in fighting, nor how brave he was.

Knowing how to fight, very brave, just a king of Xiliang, just an ordinary man.

Such people are not scary.

What's terrible is his scheming, his resourcefulness, his insight into talents, and his ability to dig out and reuse talents make Xiaoyao Mansion continue to grow and develop its unique charm.

The kind of strength that crushed the princes in all aspects of military, agriculture, business, and politics.

The protagonist doesn't need to charge ahead.

The emperor does not need to go to the imperial conquest every day.

A qualified commander only needs to sit at the back and point out the country.

Talent is used.Baiguan is used to be commanded and used to work.

So there is no need for the emperor to know everything, just to be able to coordinate.

And Ye Qing has such ability.

The other princes are not enough in front of him.

This is the reason why Baiguan and the family vowed to kill him after seeing through it.

It is undoubtedly good for such a person to inherit the Great Zhou.

But... what use is it to us.

The emperor does not need to be too strong, nor does he need to be perfect.

As long as the qualifications are mediocre.

Because such an emperor can allow officials and aristocratic families to manipulate the court and place happily.

An emperor who is too strong is not a good thing for officials and families.

"Old Six, Old Six, why are you still alive? You shouldn't! You shouldn't! Everyone in the world thinks about you, how can you continue to live." Ye Tao squeezed the wine glass and continued to force it, and his face began to distort ferocious:
"Do you want Dazhou to continue to be in chaos? Because of you, the entire imperial court has been tossed. You have made our sacrifices a joke. I won't let you live, I won't..."

Hongnong County!
Ye Wei's fief and city mansion!
"Bastard, Ye Qing, you lied to us so hard... Hahaha, in the end, no one can count on you, I bet 10 taels, you are not poisoned at all, you big liar, why am I the one who got hurt in the end... "

Chang'an Old Chu Palace!

"Damn it! How could he not be dead? Is his life really so cheap?"

"It's all like this, and I still can't die. Do I have to send someone to kill me again? Why do you have to obey him when a fifth-rank master is so arrogant?"

Not happy for a few days, when Ye Cai heard the news that Ye Qing was not dead, he was going crazy.

Ye Qing didn't die once, so it's hard to have a chance to assassinate him again.

"No, we still have to add up. Ye Qing must not let Ye Qing mess up the plans of my mother and I!"

"Absolutely not. If you can poison you once, then you can poison you twice. If you can't do martial arts, then you can do it!"


Tai Chi Palace!
Imperial study room!
"Hahaha, okay, it's fine, as long as you save your life, that's good, that's good!"

After listening to the imperial physician's statement, Ye Zhen felt excited all of a sudden.

Swing someone to take the palace doctor down to receive the reward.

"A group of Xiaoxiao, your calculations are all empty now! Although the poison in Qing'er's body cannot be completely eliminated, it is enough if there is no fear of life!"

"People will have hope in life. If you can't solve it now, it doesn't mean you can't solve it in the future. It doesn't matter if you don't have martial arts. You can still contribute to me, and you can also help me build a strong Zhou Dynasty!"

Ye Qing is not dead, this is the best news for Ye Zhen.

Also the best result.

Ye Qing can't practice martial arts, but can practice literary methods.

His literary talent is not inferior to Ye Tao, and his strategy is not inferior to Ye Wei.

Such a prince would not pose such a great threat to him.

He can still arrange the layout calmly, can check and balance the imperial court, and maintain the balance of various departments.

The weakened Ye Qing is his ideal benefactor.

"Come here, pass the decree, since the king of Xiaoyao County is inconvenient, he is allowed to recuperate in Baibo Valley, and by the way, he will supervise the military administration of Hedong and be responsible for the defense of Beishi Kingdom."

"Promise!" At that moment, a eunuch in charge of rites wrote the imperial decree, then sealed it with Ye Zhen's jade seal, and sent it out.

Ye Zhen thought for a while and said: "The decree is to post a notice in the whole territory of my Dazhou to find a doctor for King Xiaoyao. Whoever can cure the poison of King Xiaoyao will be sealed as a marquis, and there will be a special reward.

At the same time, invitations are sent to all countries in the Kanto region, and those who can cure the poison of Xiaoyaohou will be treated favorably! "

Soon the notices were posted all over Chang'an, and then quickly appeared all over Dazhou.

Those who are capable of healing, who consider themselves good at detoxification, set off for Hedong one after another to try their luck.

Faced with this big gift from Ye Zhen, Ye Qing was overjoyed.

All the opponents said:

"All doctors who enter Hedong will be escorted and guided by officers and soldiers, and treated with the highest courtesy. At the same time, a medical center will be built in Bingcheng, named Hedong Medical College. My Xiaoyao Mansion intends to provide the best conditions for the study and research of doctors all over the world." I hope to carry forward the medical skills!

Those who are willing to stay must pay attention to courtesy, and those who do not want to stay must be tied up so that they can come and go freely! "

Physicians from all over the world flocked in. Ye Qing would be an idiot if he didn't take advantage of such a good opportunity.

Whether it is for military or civilian use, the more doctors the better, the progress in medical treatment is a great progress in social civilization.

Without a good public medical system, the physical fitness of an imperial citizen cannot be improved.

"By the way, we are setting up a Tong Ren Tang pharmacy, collecting all the medicinal materials in the world, and don't spare a lot of money. You can collect as many good medicinal materials as you can!" Ye Qing ordered his subordinates again.

Now he has money in his hands, and if he has money, he wants to make it, spend it, and make him live.

Only circulation can generate value.

Only when business is active can the economy of Hedong be quickly restored.

"You all think about it carefully, what else needs to be purchased vigorously, everyone should think about it, and report it when they think of it, and then ask Xu Shu and the others to approve the money to buy it." Ye Qing felt that he was not thinking comprehensively alone. It's just that you think it's important to let everyone participate.

Everyone's status, thinking is not at the same level, and the focus of consideration is different.

Add up all aspects, so that there will be no omissions, and it will be richer.

Spending money, everyone is a bit deluded now, they know how to earn that hard-earned money, and how to spend money to make it, they really don't know it, and they don't dare to think about it.

Suddenly, leaving such a task behind.

It's really scratching my head.

(End of this chapter)

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