Chapter 364
I didn't expect His Majesty to be so tolerant of Zhang Yi's children.

He has such a tolerant heart towards Ye Qing.

Could it be that he really wants to make Ye Qing his heir?
The officials didn't care what Zhang Yi said at all?
Not interested in any compensation.

They were just guessing and analyzing Ye Zhen's actions and words one by one.

This is what Baiguan likes to do most.

Thinking about the emperor is a compulsory course for every official.

"Your Majesty, if you want to explain the details of the compensation, you must explain the eight words of marriage, claim, mutual business, and alliance!" Zhang Yi said immediately without waiting for Ye Zhen or Baiba to interject:

"Marriage is not a political marriage, but an ordinary marriage, not an official form, but a folk way."

"In the past, my marriage in the Great Zhou Dynasty was between the royal family of the prince and the royal family of the other party, so the so-called match.

Now what I want to talk about is an ordinary marriage, referring to the folks, referring to the common people, and it is one-way.

There are so many good men in my Great Zhou, so we should marry more wives and have more children, so that the population can prosper, and more soldiers can serve the country. Therefore, our Great Zhou can introduce more women from Beishi Kingdom and men from my Great Zhou. Ding combined.

One can increase the population, and the other can eliminate the enmity between the two countries, and resolve the resentment with family affection, so that Dazhou and Beishi can truly enjoy peace and less friction. "

Everyone's eyes widened.

What the hell, the marriage you mentioned refers to civil marriage.

That's still called marriage, that's called getting married, okay?

What the hell is the introduction of Beishi women, who don't feel back pain while standing and talking, so why should they marry into Dazhou.

The Emperor of Great Zhou and all civil and military officials are fools.

Pingping, the daughter of the family, sent Da Zhou here.

Increase the population of Dazhou and prosper the population.

But one thing, Zhang Yi is right.

If the people of the two countries, especially the border areas, interact more, large-scale marriages will form with each other, and there will be blood relatives.

The relationship is not as rigid as before.

Will not start fighting at every turn.

Hedong and Taiyuan counties will be much more stable.

Ye Zhen was also lost in thought, thinking about the feasibility of this folk marriage method and the benefits it would bring.

This marriage is not binding.

It does not interfere with the national policy of the Great Zhou, and there is no restraint. One day, if you want to turn against Beishi, you can still continue to fight if you want to.

Nor will it be blamed by other allies.

"It's all nonsense, it's whimsical!" An official from the household department stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, Zhang Yi is making an excuse. Although the Beishi people are reckless, they are definitely not fools. How could they do such a loss-making thing.

How could a woman from Beishi country marry into our country for nothing?

This matter between a man and a woman has always been between both parties. You marry me and I marry you. Where does the one-wayness come from.

If the opening is opened, everyone must come in and out of each other, and there is no such thing as whoever loses and who takes advantage. "

As soon as this person opened his mouth, other people also echoed.

This is obviously Zhang Yi insulting their IQ.

Is it unreasonable to bully everyone?

Ye Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Zhang Yi: "Zhang Yi, I am also confused, how do you dispel everyone's concerns?"

"Your Majesty, Zhang Yi doesn't want to make any excuses, because His Highness used the scriptures to carry out this matter in Hedong. The people of my Great Zhou married more than 2000 Beishi women based on the scriptures. I believe that by this time next year, there will be countless new sons of the Great Zhou Dynasty. "Zhang Yi confided confidently.


"Ahem! How is this possible?"

The officials who were about to continue to criticize were stunned for a moment.

One by one their eyes widened.

Almost thought I had heard wrong.

Ye Qing began to implement this strategy in Hedong.

Moreover, there were more than 2000 Beishi women married to the people of Dazhou.

This efficiency is too fast.

This number is too scary!
Even if it is to grab it, it is not so fast.

It has only been a few days since the truce, and the two sides are still confronting each other.

Did the Beishi people send the woman up by themselves?

"Is this true?" Ye Zhen was a little surprised and asked:
"How did he do it?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is simple. In this battle, our army captured more than 2000 Phoenix Army soldiers from the other side. Therefore, His Highness, based on the policy of harmony between the two countries, allowed the meritorious soldiers who wanted to marry to choose a female Phoenix Army." soldiers to combine.

The soldiers of my Great Zhou participated enthusiastically, so in the shortest possible time, Yijing married all the female soldiers of the Phoenix Army.

For this reason, the soldiers who were not selected still have some regrets, and hope that the court and His Majesty can give certain policies to help them solve their personal marriage matters. "


Ye Zhen didn't know where to shoot his right hand raised high.

All the officials fainted and sighed when they heard the words.

That's what happened.

You are obviously forcing others to directly carve up the surrender, okay?

Where is voluntary, what ordinary marriage.

"Your Majesty, as well as the princes in the court, I am rich in Dazhou, and Beishi is poor. Let me ask, if this matter is opened up, is there more people in Beishi who originally intended to marry me in Dazhou, or the Dazhou who married to Beishi?" There are many women in Zhou?" Zhang Yi glanced at the crowd and said:

"Since ancient times, water has flowed from high to low, and the marriage in this world is the same. Who doesn't want to marry a stronger and richer husband.

My Great Zhou is stronger than Beishi, and richer than Beishi. Naturally, the inflow population is more than the outflow. As long as the guide is good, the women who are attracted by Beishi will naturally flow into my Dazhou continuously.

Unless you think that I am not as good as Beishi in Dazhou, or you are not optimistic about my future after Dazhou, and think that Dazhou will lag behind Beishi! "

Damn it's that assumption again.

Whoever dares to say that Da Zhou is not as good as Bei Shi will be sprayed to death by people all over the world if he goes out.

"Hahaha, it's a good thing that water flows to the earth, and marriages move to high places. This statement makes sense, and I promise it!" Ye Qing laughed loudly:

"Then I will issue an imperial decree to the Hedong side. Within a year, I will introduce at least [-] Beishi women to me, otherwise I will punish Xiaoyao Mansion and cut the title of King Xiaoyao."

Finally found a good way to cut the noble.

The best of both worlds.

If it succeeds, the big week will benefit, and if it fails, there will be no loss.

If Da Zhou had this kind of self-confidence, it's no wonder that the wealthy Da Zhou couldn't compare to the poor Beishi.

If it doesn't work, just stop when you come.

"Eh...Your Majesty is wise!" Zhang Yi was stunned.

Obviously did not expect the emperor to add a subsidiary condition.

But finally agreed.

This eight-character policy has settled the first two characters.

"Hehe, then Xiaoyao Wang has to work hard, so he can't attract so many women, so don't cross the border and openly fight." An official said sarcastically.

Since it can't be stopped, then put more constraints on Ye Qing and set some conditions for him.

"That's right, Xiaoyao Mansion can't do other nasty things, and you can't do things like buying and selling people with money. Otherwise, why would the countries in the Kanto region criticize us?"

"Then you don't need to worry about it. My Highness has a way to let the girls from Beishi Kingdom come to Dazhou." Zhang Yi cast a glance at Baiguan, and then said to Ye Zhen:

"Your Majesty, Caomin is here to talk about this mutual business!"

(End of this chapter)

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