I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 365? Zhang Yi hates Yang Biao

Chapter 365 Zhang Yi hates Yang Biao

Ye Zhen didn't speak, but looked at Zhang Yi.

The meaning is self-evident, you just keep talking.

Only then did Zhang Yi explain: "Those who say that Beishi Kingdom has nothing to buy and sell, or to exchange, must have ulterior motives.

This Beishi country not only has things to exchange, not only what we need, but also very important. "

"Then what are you talking about? Could it be a woman?" Someone said with a smile.

Immediate silent approval from others.

There was a snigger.

"As we all know, Beishi country has the most two things. One is iron ore and the other is coal. These two things not only have more stocks than other countries in the Central Plains, but also have the highest quality." Zhang Yi said to the person who spoke just now:

"You can ignore such an obvious thing. Are you trying to deceive the saints and fool the officials and the world? Your heart will be punished!"

"You..." The man's face turned pale in an instant, and the hand that pointed at Zhang Yi trembled. Finally, he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

"Bold Zhang Yi, don't spit blood on others and call a deer a horse." When other officials saw it, they stood up and looked at Zhang Yi one after another, and then checked the situation of the fainting person.

Zhang Yi smiled, cast a contemptuous look, and said to Ye Zhen:
"Because the northern stone people are rich in iron ore and coal, their smelting technology is slightly stronger than ours and the Kanto countries, so that the range of arrows used by their troops is far superior to other countries. It is a disadvantage. Therefore, His Highness wants to open up mutual business, and vigorously import iron ore and coal from Beishi to strengthen our armaments and our army."

"Absurd, Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible. It's not that I don't have iron ore or coal in Dazhou. Why do I need to spend money to buy it from the northern stone barbarians?" Yang Biao stood up and objected.

The main business of the Yang family is the iron industry.

This matter has the greatest relationship with their Yang family.

He didn't need others to come out to object, he was the first to stand up and object.

Zhang Yi sneered and said, "I have Dazhou, but it seems that there are not many, and it is not enough to meet Dazhou's actual needs.

And most of the iron mines happen to be in the hands of Mr. Yang's family. Regardless of the high price, it still can't meet the needs of Da Zhou. Should I buy some at a low price from other places? "

Zhang Yi walked towards Yang Biao's position, pressing every step of the way, with sharp eyes: "Still, the Yang family has never cared about Da Zhou's life and death, and only wanted to make money for themselves, and even wanted to rely on the iron industry to control Da Zhou. Blackmail Your Majesty!"

This kind of thing is not visible, and since ancient times, no one dared to say it publicly.

Now Zhang Yi poked it out directly.

Apart from turning purple and staring with anger, Yang Biao was powerless to refute.

In the end, I had no choice but to bow to Ye Zhen: "Your Majesty, the Yang family is loyal to Da Zhou and His Majesty. Please take a lesson from your majesty. The Yang family has been dedicated to Da Zhou for generations. They are hardworking and don't dare to slack off in the slightest. Please be careful!"

At this moment, Ye Zhen felt very happy.

Old man, you are sometimes afraid.

The last time Qing'er forced you to hand over half of the iron mines, you were not honest.

But on the bright side, Ye Zhen raised his hand very wisely and said: "Yang Aiqing, get up, I naturally see the loyalty and bravery of the Yang family, and the people of Da Zhou also see it."

Ye Zhen won't say much about other things.

Just tap and tap.

Zhang Yi didn't want to fight Yang Biao either, because he didn't want to fight the Yang family.

Yang Yi turned around and said to Ye Zhen: "Your Majesty, the iron ore will not be described to the important grassroots of our great Zhou army. The grassroots talk about this coal. This thing can not only make iron, but also be used in military affairs.

More importantly, he is related to people's livelihood and PepsiCo, and is even more important to the people.

Especially in winter, this thing is convenient for heating, and it can release a lot of heat, which can help the people of Dazhou survive the cold winter. The most important thing is that it is cheap. Not only is the coal in Dazhou cheap, but the coal in Beishi is so cheap that it is almost free. "

Warm yourself with charcoal!
Isn't this whimsical?
Coal is a good material that can be burned to generate high temperature and iron making.

But this thing is poisonous!

If used indoors, it will produce a poisonous gas.

Mild cases are dizzy, nausea and vomiting, and severe cases faint and die from poisoning.

Using it for heating is courting death.

The old birthday star ate arsenic and became impatient.

Are you trying to poison all the people in Da Zhou?

Countless people snorted coldly.

But this time, no one took the initiative to jump out and shout.

Because Zhang Yi opened his mouth too much.

And if people take the initiative to propose it, maybe there will be a big move later.

So this time, everyone learned well.

Ye Zhen glanced down and found that he hadn't come out to argue.

This made him, the emperor watching the theater, a little uncomfortable.

Why can't I ask such an idiotic question?

So he turned his attention to the Ministry of War.

When everyone in the military department saw it, they all realized it instantly.

Warriors are born to be blamed.

No way, Han Zhan and the Minister of War glanced at the generals around him.

At that moment, a general stood up, bowed his hands to Zhang Yi politely and said: "Mr. Zhang, I heard that there is poison in this charcoal, and when it is burned, it will produce something uncomfortable. All kinds of diseases, severe cases will kill people, is there a solution to this?"

People respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet.

Zhang Yi also bowed politely and replied: "The general asked well, when coal is burned, something called carbon dioxide is indeed produced.

Of course, this carbon dioxide is what my Highness said. He said that this thing is actually a kind of air, and the air we live and breathe contains this substance.

When burning charcoal, you only need to ventilate well, and it will disappear with the wind without poisoning people. "

carbon dioxide!

Is this the thing that hurts people?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Sir, Your Highness is talented!" The general who asked the question immediately returned to his seat, and his task was completed.

Sure enough, the emperor Ye Zhen above kept nodding his head.

Carboniferous poisoning can be eliminated.

Then there is no problem.

Zhang Yi said: "Your Majesty, in order to make good use of charcoal, our Xiaoyao Mansion has developed a series of equipment for military and civilian use. Using these things together will not only increase the utilization rate of charcoal, but also allow it to play its role to the fullest.

In order to eliminate potential safety hazards, Caomin brought a set of utensils into the palace when he returned. After using it, His Majesty will definitely understand the subtleties. "

"Okay, okay! Go to the palace as soon as possible after leaving court, I want to see what is so good about it!" Ye Zhen understands very well that the things produced by Xiaoyao Mansion are definitely good things.

Either paper or salt.

Zhang Yi said to the generals in the Ministry of War: "Of course, my highness also ordered you to send a set to my lords. I hope you can use it comfortably!"

"Hahaha, easy to talk about!"

If it is beneficial to take it, the generals of the Ministry of War are naturally happy.

Then Zhang Yi handed over to the Wen family again, and everyone's hearts became hot.

Is Ye Qing going to bribe us?

It's okay to use something good.

You, Ye Qing, beg us, let's use it reluctantly.

"If you adults are also interested, you can buy it at Minwufang. After using it, you can make your own judgment, so I won't make more statements!"


What the hell, do you want money?

(End of this chapter)

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