I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 366? Draw a Big Pancake

Chapter 366 Draw a Big Pancake

The civil servants are so angry!

It's my turn to collect money.

You did it on purpose!

It seems that we are very rare.

There was a cold snort.

Give Zhang Yi a bad face.

Zhang Yi didn't care either.

This is to be expected.

So Zhang Yi turned around and said to Ye Zhen with a straight face: "Your Majesty, now let me talk about this alliance. Invasion of the North Stone Kingdom.

In the same way, our friendship with Beishi Country is also for the purpose of stabilizing the northeast frontier.

At the same time, we also have a common enemy, that is Turks, and the two countries can cooperate in dealing with Turks.

Our cooperation with Beishi does not affect our relations with Wei and South Korea.

If the two countries think it will affect them, then please send us troops or supplies to us, let us deal with the Turks, otherwise, don't make sarcastic remarks.

In the same way, if the State of Wei and the State of Beishi cooperate to deal with Xianbei, then we Da Zhou will not object to it. On the contrary, we will applaud and agree, and we will not regard the State of Wei as abandoning us. "

Cooperate with the North Stone Kingdom to deal with the Turks!
It's not like Da Zhou didn't think about it before.

The last time Zhao Feiyan came to Chang'an, Li Mu had discussed with Da Zhou on dealing with the Turks on behalf of Bei Shi in the court.

Just turning around, Beishi Kingdom came to attack Da Zhou instead.

Therefore, the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty inevitably had doubts.

"Your Majesty, the last time it was because we only had a verbal agreement with Beishi, there was no covenant, and Beishi was not defeated.

Now we have the advantage of a big victory. After signing a written limited covenant, the Beishi people dare not break the covenant and attack at will. "Zhang Yi bit the word "limited" very hard, and Ye Zhen responded immediately.

Then Zhang Yi said: "If the Beishi people break the contract and do things that hurt our Great Zhou, I think we will have a reason and an excuse to attack the hinterland of the Beishi Kingdom, and the Beishi court will also lose its promise. The people of Beishi, their people will no longer support the royal family of the Zhao family, and it will be easier for us to attack Beishi at that time.

No matter what country, place, or aspect, it is feasible to get more help if you are right, and less help if you are unjust. "

This is... laying mines in advance for the Beishi people?
Ye Zhen couldn't help thinking deeply.

Attacking Beishi under the current conditions, although Da Zhou is also reasonable, but it is only limited to the army attacking Beishi.

If it invaded the territory of Beishi country, there would be no reason to occupy it.

At that time, it will be the same as when Beishi Kingdom invaded Dazhou. There will be wars on all sides and resistance everywhere. They will be surrounded by the people in Hedong and become blind and deaf.

Ye Zhen didn't want that one day Dazhou's army would follow in the footsteps of Beishi's army.

This is quite a profound lesson.

It can be said that half of the victory in Hedong this time is due to the contributions made by the people of Hedong.

These things are hidden under the smoke of gunpowder and history books, and they need a pair of discovery eyes to see them.

"Limited cooperation, I agree with that." Ye Zhen looked at Baiguan and said, "What do you think?"

Damn it, Zhang Yi made it so clear.

Your emperor is sure.

What else can we say?
Could it be that instead of peace, we want war?

Who dares to carry such a big black pot.

All the officials said: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"Well, can Zhang Yi talk about the compensation now?" Ye Zhen smiled.

This is his favorite.

With money and food, the Ministry of Household Affairs must be one of the most anticipated.

Indemnity, which was unthinkable before.

Because Beishiren had never been beaten so badly.

One hundred thousand troops were wiped out, which has never happened before.

This time, they should be more honest and give money.

Zhang Yi said: "Your Majesty, Hedong is now calculating the losses suffered in this battle, and after the statistics are calculated, Beishi Kingdom will pay the full amount.

My Da Zhou Renyi does not want them to pay half a word more, as long as we make up for our losses, this is to make up for my Da Zhou, and also to take care of the feelings of the Beishi Kingdom. It should not be less or more! "

This statement is very agreeable.

In fact, everyone doesn't care about how much you lose, what you want is the attitude, and it is the Beishi people who give the money.

With the face of Da Zhou, it is easy to say anything.

"Zhang Yi, this Beishi country is impoverished. How will they pay for it? Although I don't care about politics, I know that the loss suffered by a county should be an astronomical figure!" Han Zhan asked.

He is a general, so calling Zhang Yi by his name is not unreasonable.

Zhang Yi was clueless, and replied respectfully with a smile: "General, as I said earlier, there are people in Beishi who have high-quality iron ore and coal, which are very abundant in Beishi and the price is low.

I think they must be very happy to use these two things to pay for it.

Moreover, we need to exchange business with them, and we will also buy large quantities of iron ore and coal in the future. Just imagine how much coal will be needed if people in Beishi know that I will use coal for heating in winter and spring in the future.

Can bring infinite wealth to Beishi people, will they be reluctant to pay with their cheap things?
Anyway, if it were me, I would not be able to resist this temptation. I have a large population of nine counties, and if every household needs charcoal, the Beishi people will settle the account. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yi smiled wickedly.

Lure small profits with big profits.

Who is not moved.


Ha, how much is it worth.

If the people from Beishi, who are used to bitterness, find out, they will go crazy with joy.

There was no need to pull the charcoal, and it was brought over obediently.

At that time, the whole people will dig coal frantically. In Ye Qing's words, this scene is unimaginable.

"Hahahaha, all Ai Qings understand." Ye Zhen asked with a big laugh.

Anyway, he discovered the mystery of this.

In short, he first tricked the Beishi people into kneeling and talking.

Draw a big pie, first get iron ore and coal resources.

The problem of the market will be discussed later.

Among the hundred officials, some figured out the joints, and some didn't.

But we all know one thing, the Beishi country can't afford to pay real money.

The same goes for food.

What they can get out of is those cold stones.

And as much as you want.

Tobe was undoubtedly disappointed.

If there is no money and food coming in, that is farting.

It has faded so much, but the benefits still go to the Ministry of War.

What is iron ore used for? Iron is smelted to make weapons.

Coal is used to smelt iron and burn stoves.

Still in use by the Ministry of War.

They didn't get a penny from the household department.

"Your Majesty! Just pay for the charcoal and iron mines, the losses suffered by the Hedong, and the expenditures raised by the Ministry of Households. What will be used to make up for it?" The Minister of the Ministry of Households left the field in person, ready to fight Zhang Yi.

It's no good, I just want to fool around.It doesn't work.

After Hubu left, the Ministry of Rites also said: "Your Majesty, who will take the lead in negotiating with Beishi!"

Regardless of whether the Ministry of Households has food or not, our Ministry of Rites is in charge of this anyway. Since we want to talk to Beishi people, it is their Ministry of Rites' business.

It is managed by their Ministry of Rites.

(End of this chapter)

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