Chapter 367

Ye Zhen didn't speak, but looked at Zhang Yi.

As an emperor, he certainly didn't want to just take some iron ore and coal.

Real money is what he likes.

This thing is the most reliable and practical.

Zhang Yidao: "Your Majesty, King Xiaoyao will take the lead in this matter, and it is advisable for the Hedong side to negotiate with Beishi Kingdom, because this will allow the court to stay out of the matter and avoid some embarrassment. The imperial court and His Majesty are directly involved."

Human beings seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Taking responsibility is something that most people don't want to do.

Those who can hide far away will avoid getting into trouble.

It is in nature to eat meat quietly.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites, at this moment, began to calculate their own gains and losses.

Zhang Yi went on to say: "King Xiaoyao established the Hedong Grain Bank and the Hedong Investment Bank in Hedong. If this matter is left to the King Xiaoyao to handle it with full authority, then the Hedong Grain Bank and the Hedong Investment Bank will be guaranteed by that time.

The iron ore and charcoal paid by Beishi Kingdom can be delivered to the empire, that is, the Ministry of Households, by the two banks providing equivalent money and food. "

At this point, Zhang Yi will stop talking.

Because these are enough.

The Ministry of Households doesn't want iron ore and coal, it doesn't matter, Xiaoyao Mansion can convert it on your behalf, give money and food, and give you what you want.

This is what no one expected.

Xiaoyao Mansion has great courage and great financial resources.

Dare to take this job.

Ye Zhen was also taken aback.

Wait...Hedong Grain Bank and Hedong Investment Bank belong to him, Ye Zhen.

Wasn't it Ye Zhen's money and food that was spent?
Take it out from your left pocket and give it to your right pocket.

"So, my household department has no objection!"

Seeing what Zhang Yi said, for fear that Xiaoyao Mansion would go back on its word, the Minister of the Household Department immediately sealed the words and did not give Zhang Yi a chance to explain.

The Ministry of Households doesn't say anything else, as long as they have money and food.

I take care of your life and death.

Eat first as a respect.

The Minister of Rites was stunned for a while, and looked at the Minister of Hubu, as if to say, why did you rebel.

We agreed to play duos together, and you secretly ate chicken.

"Your Majesty, I think it's not appropriate. King Xiaoyao is still young, and he has just gone through a war in the east of the river, and he has a lot of resentment. It is really inappropriate for this kind of business between the two countries. What I mean is that the Ministry of Rites is the main one. help from others." The Minister of Rites did not intend to give up his rights, and argued hard with reason.

He wanted to fight, but Zhang Yi waved his hands directly and said: "This lord is so persistent, then my Highness has also said that all matters of light judgment, handling of surrendering troops, and contact with Beishi people should all be taken over by the Ministry of Rites. , I, Xiaoyao Mansion and Hedong just saved trouble, so we can have a good rest!"

I... What the hell, just stop playing?

"Oh, by the way, the guarantee of the Hedong Grain Bank and the Hedong Investment Bank can be ignored. How to make profits for the empire and fill the treasury, the Ministry of Rites must have the most say. Then Zhang Yi's meeting with His Majesty today is to make a fool of himself." Zhang Yi gestured for you to continue, and stepped back a few steps to the right rear wing.

After Zhang Yi's words fell, Minister of Rites clearly felt the murderous intent from his teammates.

The sharp eyes of Hubu Shangshu were directed at the Minister of Rites.

Cut people's fortunes, kill their parents.

I just ask you whether the Ministry of Rites still wants to get a salary in the future.

Without the Hedong Grain Bank and the Hedong Investment Bank, can those cold iron ore and coal be drinkable or edible.

"This..." Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites quickly thought about this matter in his mind, and finally said to Ye Zhen: "This...Your Majesty, I think it is feasible for His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang to take charge of this matter!"

After speaking, he wanted to slap himself.

The face hurt a little bit.

Sure enough, she shouldn't have stood up to Zhang Yi alone.

There is no good fruit to eat.

Is my Ministry of Rites so humble?

Even diplomatic power is gone.

Ye Zhen saw clearly from above, and sneered in his heart.

You also have today.

This guy Zhang Yi really has a set.

So he nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, this matter will be handled by King Xiaoyao. At the same time, Zhang Yi will give the host and guest member Wailang to assist on behalf of the Ministry of Rites!"

The subject and the guest are one of the four divisions under the name of the Ministry of Rites.

In charge of national diplomacy.

And Yuanwailang is a deputy under the department of host and guest.

The grade is below the host and guest doctor, the above is the servant minister, and the above is the Minister of Rites.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's grade is three grades lower than that of the Minister of Rites.

But it is rare to have such a high position as soon as you enter the Ministry of Rites.

What's more, the emperor kisses me.

It can be seen that Ye Zhen intends to lure Zhang Yi into the Ministry of Rites, and may hope that he will take over the Ministry of Rites in the future.

Even if he doesn't take over the Ministry of Rites, at least he will take over one of the four divisions, the main and guest division.

That's why Zhang Yi was deeply valued by Ye Zhen.

This is a dangerous signal for the Ministry of Rites.

This is especially true for civil servants and aristocratic families.

The emperor publicly introduced people from Xiaoyao Mansion into the court as officials.

Entered the court.

What is the intention, a little clear!

The princes are in danger.

Zhang Yi herself was taken aback!
Host and Guest Uiro!
I have now become a high-ranking official in the imperial court.

Zhang Yi immediately bowed his head and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En, my emperor will last forever! Great week and ten thousand years!"

The civil servants watched from the sidelines very uncomfortable.

It's fine if you can't stop Ye Qing's plan, but in the end Zhang Yixiu made a move.

It also allowed him to be appreciated and became the host and guest Yuanwailang.

The Ministry of Rites was the most embarrassed and uncomfortable.

This is a stab in the heart.

The enemies are coming inside.

Will the future Ministry of Rites still be the Ministry of Rites?

Looking at the proud Zhang Yi, everyone in the Ministry of Rites felt awkward for a while, and their hearts were very stuffy.

"Free gift!"

The officials are not happy, but the emperor is happy. I finally found a shit-stirring stick for you, Ye Zhen was secretly proud.

His face was calm and normal, and he waved his hand.

Zhang Yi thanked her and withdrew.

Now he has not been officially appointed and has no official uniform, so where did he come from and where does he go back.

Waiting at home, issued court uniforms and documents, he is an official of the Ministry of Rites.

Next, I have to go to Hedong to help Ye Qing fool Beishi Country.


Zhang Yi's favor is Ye Qing's favor.

After the disintegration of the dynasty, the various departments started again, and all the parties were preparing for their own interests to deal with and suppress Ye Qing.

Ye Cai also hurried into the palace and went to the Queen Xiong Yue.

"Mother, the situation is clear now, father is inclined to be born to that lowly servant girl Ye Qing." As soon as he saw Xiong Yue, Ye Cai couldn't wait to complain.

I don't want Empress Xiongyue to cast cold eyes and said coldly: "Who told you that he is inclined towards Ye Qing?"

"Ah! No wonder, isn't it? He has promoted Zhang Yi and let him enter the Ministry of Rites. I don't know how many people from Xiaoyao Mansion will enter the court in the future." Ye Cai expressed his judgment one by one.

Xiong Yue looked up at the western sky and said: "You all underestimated your father, is he such a simple person? It's a good thing for you to be favored? Wasn't your fourth brother also very favored at the beginning? Didn't you also get favored?" Are you the King of Chu? Do you really want you to take that position?"

Ye Cai has only a half-knowledge.

Xiong Yue said again: "The ones that are placed in the front to focus the light are not necessarily the ones that are loved and loved the most, and they may also be the ones that they want to destroy the most; don't warriors like to put the cannon fodder that can be fought in the front when they fight? The big flag that needs to be protected is placed in the rear."

"Didn't you realize that there are people who have been staying out of the matter and have never been involved in karma?" Empress Xiongyue stopped suddenly, showing Ye Cai a smile that was not a smile,
Suddenly, Ye Cai seemed to understand something?
(End of this chapter)

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