I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 368 The Doctor Arrives

Chapter 368 The Arrival of Hundred Doctors

Zhang Yi received the decree and rushed to Hedong immediately.

Report this good news to Ye Qing.

"Okay! Haifeng has done a good job." Ye Qing got the full power to handle the negotiation, looked at the imperial edict given by Ye Zhen and laughed:
"All court ministers look down on these cold stones, but they don't know that iron ore and coal are the protagonists of the future, and they are the most important things that will change the world in the future. Whoever owns them can rule the world."

"We want what no one wants. There is no waste in the world, but it is not placed in the right place and its value has not been discovered. Next, we will establish a coal industrial park in Hedong to make multi-layered utilization of coal and maximize the development out its value.

We will also establish a steel company in Hedong, Bingcheng, which will be a new steel city in the future, and this will be one of the starting points for our great development! "

Although everyone still hasn't seen what kind of future coal and steel can create, but Ye Qing is so excited, and there are contagious words.

Everyone used their brains to make up a pair of beautiful future visions.

They never doubted what Ye Qing said.

Because it's all done.

Because in Ye Qing's hands, nothing is impossible.

"Haifeng, rest for a few days, and then go to Beishi country. How to talk and what to talk about is up to you. I trust you!" Ye Qing patted Zhang Yi's shoulder heavily, very trusting.

There is no doubt about Zhang Yi's ability, and there is no opponent in the entire Zhou Dynasty.

In the war of words against the Confucianists, even if the family of civil servants of the Great Zhou Dynasty was defeated, the Beishi Kingdom was even less of an opponent.

Zhang Yi replied: "It's the lord, Yi knows what to do, and the lord will help me out, hehe, then I will walk sideways like a crab!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words.

Zhang Yi is best at talking, and only Shang Yang and Guo Jiajia can barely fight in this respect.

This time Bei was offended by Shi Guoyou.

Zhang Yi was sent away.

Zhao Feiyan is here immediately!

"Ye Qing, you Da Zhou originally intended to have a conversation with Bei Shi and me. When will you let us go back?"

Zhao Feiyan didn't want to stay by Ye Qing's side anymore, it was like years.

This Baibo Valley is big and big, but she is the only one from Beishi Country.

She asked Ye Qing for a dozen female soldiers, but Ye Qing refused all of them on the grounds that the female soldiers were married.

Knowing the truth, she was so angry that she ignored Ye Qing for several days.

The Phoenix Army, which he managed to pull together, was dismantled by Ye Qing into more than 2000 new families.

The well-trained female soldiers who are proficient in archery and riding have all become married women.

It is necessary to give birth to children and raise offspring for the soldiers of Da Zhou.

This simply maxed out Zhao Feiyan's best bottom line.

At this moment, she just wanted to return to the country quickly, and then fight with all her troops to completely defeat Ye Qing and take back the honor that belongs to Beishi.

Shame before the snow.

Unfortunately, Ye Qing never thought of giving her a chance.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "You should just give up on that thought. After becoming my maid, you still want to go back to the country, but there is no door for you.

Be honest and stay with me in Dazhou. One day when you are in a good mood, I can let you go back to visit your relatives! "


Visiting relatives, that's a special term for married people, okay?

The old lady is not your woman.

My old lady will not marry you even if she dies.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and go to work. You have to pay me back for being lazy these days, otherwise..." Ye Qing walked towards Zhao Feiyan slowly, Zhao Feiyan hugged her chest fiercely, with vigilant eyes.

Ye Qing stopped a foot away from him and smiled, "I'll kill the prisoners. If you think about it once, I'll kill a hundred of them until they're all gone!"

"you dare……"

Zhao Feiyan's eyes were bulging, her breathing became heavier, and her chest heaved.

The bastard threatened her again with a prisoner.

The last few times they took female soldiers, but now they are taking male soldiers from the army.

One hundred at a time.

Even an army of [-] is not enough to kill many times.

"Why don't you dare, we have a hostile relationship with you Beishi. We are very familiar with each other. We have a close relationship. Is there any relationship between our two countries? I don't want anything, so what about killing prisoners? After I kill them, I will tell everyone. People in the world say that you rioted, and we have to kill them." Ye Qing said with a charming smile:

"You said people in this world, do you believe in you, or believe in us!"

Looking around, Beishi didn't have a single ally.

There is no friendly country.

The northern stone barbarian, reckless and impulsive, willful and reckless, has penetrated into the hearts of all countries.

Who would believe what the Beishi people said.

"Fuck you...ruthless!" Zhao Feiyan knew that she couldn't fight Ye Qing, because the loser would always be herself.

So he left angrily.

"Little girl Pianzi, I still can't cure you, just work for me honestly, I don't know what you want to do? Hehe, you guys in Beishi Country will have to work for me in the future, and you can avoid it Is it?" Ye Qing looked at Zhao Feiyan's leaving back with sly eyes.

Subduing the enemy without fighting and making a country surrender is the greatest achievement.

This is exciting.

It's not cost-effective to fight against the bitter Beishi people.

It is the right answer to get rich together and go to a well-off society.

Beishi's chassis needs to be eaten, but it is definitely not based on force.

The military is deterrence and coercion.

The economy is the key.

Turn over the map around the entire Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

Ye Qing felt that the importance of Beishi country was much more important than that of Wei country and South Korea.

After taking Beishi, he can charge towards the East Mansion with his face high in the west, so that the route of Dazhou's eastward advance can be extended and widened.

Instead of a dry Hangu Pass, like a dragon coming out of the water, when it rushed out, it was held down in Luoyang by Wei Guo and South Korea.

With Beishi, Wei State can be broken, so that Hangu Pass area is blocked by only the South Korean family.

It can make Da Zhoudong go out of Kanto smoothly and calmly.

If you want to enter the Kanto, go to Beishi first.

If you want to get Beishi, you must first provide convenience, ascertain the landform, humanities and customs, relieve its guard, and be kind to it.

Just when Ye Qing was thinking about Beishi Kingdom day and night, dragging it into the trap.

Yiran, the healer who came to Hedong, gathered 80 NO.[-] people.

After reading the information of all the doctors, Ye Qing closed the list, and immediately said: "Except for the one named Hua Tuo, everyone else has to check and make detailed registrations, especially after they entered Hedong, who they met, who they met. Who and what has been said must be investigated clearly."

"It's my lord, I'll do it right away!"

The person who reported immediately went down to handle the matter.

Three days later, Ye Qing ordered all the doctors to be called to Baibo Valley.

The Hundred Medical Congress will jointly support the method of detoxification.

Ye Qing didn't screen them, and directly called everyone to the main hall. Everyone had a table with pens, inks, papers and inkstones in front of them.

Everyone was arranged to sit down, and Ye Qing arrived shortly after.

Everyone stood up to greet each other.

Ye Qing said: "Excuse me, everyone, everyone is here because of my illness. Regardless of whether the poison can be cured, Ye Qing is very grateful again, and will pay the fee, which is worth the journey."

"Your Highness, Gao Yi, I admire you!"

All the doctors showed joy on their faces.

They like this kind of bold and polite prince.

Whether the cure is good or not, you will get money, and you will not be angry.

It was worth the trip.

Ye Qing motioned for everyone to sit down, then sat down himself and said: "I will briefly explain my illness first, and you can listen to it together, and you can speak freely and express your unique opinions. If anyone is sure, I will be free With the affirmation of the government doctors, you can take the pulse and swab the symptoms."

Everyone heard the words and didn't have any opinions.

After all, Ye Qing was injured and had a noble status, so it can't be said that everyone should go and ask him his pulse, and just prescribe medicine indiscriminately.

Physicians also speak with strength.

(End of this chapter)

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