I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 369? I Brought Tianxiang Cardamom

Chapter 369 I Brought Tianxiang Cardamom

After listening to Ye Qing's introduction to his condition, everyone began to think and analyze.

It was this simple round that quickly brought down countless people.

People who have no real housekeeping skills can't even touch the wind.

Not to mention seeing the essence inside through the performance.

"Your Highness, the poison you are poisoned by is not owned by me in the Central Plains, but is refined by exotic flowers and poisons from outside the region. I have heard about it a few times. It just so happened that I came here this time and brought something to restrain it. Although I dare not say It can cure the poison, but it is still feasible to remove the part that counteracts the poison.”

Suddenly someone stood up and said with confidence.

Ye Qing and others were overjoyed upon hearing this.

"Then please come forward, sir, no matter whether you can get rid of the poison or not, I will thank you very much!" Ye Qing said politely.

The man got up and walked towards Ye Qing.

Soon this person helped Ye Qing check his pulse, learned about the changes in Ye Qing's breath, and checked the location of the sword wound, and then calmly stepped back two steps:

"Your Highness, just now I was [-]% sure, now I'm [-]% sure!"

Ye Qing said: "Okay, okay, then I invite you to stay on the mountain for a while."

"Your Highness, you are being polite. This is what grass people should do." The man lowered his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared quickly, no one noticed the strangeness.

"Take Mr. to the guest room, don't neglect it." Ye Qing ordered his subordinates.

There are personal guards to lead this person down.

Then another person stood up and said, "Your Highness, I am Qi Le from the Bohai Kingdom. I happened to travel to Hanoi County in the Wei Kingdom. After hearing about His Highness, I traveled from west to north. Just now, that brother concluded that the poison His Highness suffered was from outside the territory. I think ordinary drugs are hard to do. It just so happens that I have an incomplete mental method here, which is also specialized in countering poison. I have practiced it for more than ten years. The talent is not high, and I have small successes. I am willing to dedicate it To Your Highness, I hope to help His Highness."

The state of Bohai intersects with the state of Wei. It is to the east of the state of Wei and gets its name because it occupies the coast of the Bohai Sea.

The national power is stronger than that of Wei.

There are countless talented people.

Qi Le just finished speaking.

Immediately, it aroused constant discussion among the people.

Good guy, directly use the warrior's mind and internal strength to detoxify from the inside out.

As long as it is useful, it is better than taking any antidote.

After all, this is a mental method, which is precious and difficult to obtain.

Even Ye Qing exchanged glances with Liu Bowen and the others after hearing this.

There is no need to run away, the killer sent by the Wei Guo faction.

So willing to spend the capital, dare to use the mind as bait.

I just don't know if it works.

If it works, then Xiaoyaofu definitely made money.

"It's so precious, I'm afraid...it's not suitable!" Ye Qing stood up, his body was very honest.

Of course this is superficial.

Monkeys who don't behave should be anxious, how can they act like it?

You can't say, I see through you, stop acting.

"Your Highness has a kind heart, and the grassroots are willing to offer it to you, so that you can serve as a small soldier in Xiaoyao Mansion and follow His Highness around." Qi Le bowed and said.

Meaning, I want to follow you and fuck you.

Then what's mine is yours, as long as you don't let me down.

Nor is it hopeless.

Everyone was also relieved.

This is a stepping stone, so be optimistic about Ye Qing.

He wanted to enter Xiaoyao Mansion and enjoy the glory and wealth with Ye Qing from now on.

Ye Qing nodded and said: "Come here, take Mr. Qi down to have a rest, good hospitality!"

"No!" A guard said at the moment: "Mr. Qi, come with me!"

Qi Le puffed out his chest, and went down with a proud face.

After he left, another person stood up and said, "Your Highness, Cao Min Zuo Mu is from Nanyang County of Chuyue Kingdom. He happened to meet friends in Luoyang. He heard about His Highness, so he came here specially. How about the poison?
But Cao Min asked for something from a friend, and it should be able to directly dissolve the poison in His Highness's body! "

"Oh! I don't know what Mr. has brought." Ye Qing asked curiously.

The same goes for other people, it's not that doctors come to join in the fun.

Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha is quite nonsense.

This Zuo Mu is not a liar.

There is something that directly detoxifies and detoxifies.

You don't even know what poison is, but you dare to recommend detoxification to Ye Qing.

I'm afraid he wants to poison King Xiaoyao to death.

Tianxiang cardamom replied with a smile: "Your Highness, what the grass people brought is... a pair of Tianxiang cardamom!"

Heavenly Cardamom!

Ye Qing lifted his butt that had just sat down.

This time even Liu Bowen, who was always calm, was stunned.

The others were even more taken aback for a moment, and then their faces showed horror.

"Tianxiang cardamom, how is this possible, how can there be such a thing in the world?"

"Tianxiang cardamom, oh my god, it's still a pair, it's impossible, impossible."

Except for Hua Tuo, all the doctors started talking, and they were all excited while talking.

Hua Tuo looked bewildered, and asked a person beside him, "My little brother, what is Tianxiang Cardamom?"

The man looked at Hua Tuo with a surprised face, seeing that he was about fifty years old, and he was getting old. Yan Ran looked like a well-known doctor, but he was dressed in extremely shabby clothes, so he reluctantly explained:
"Brother, I didn't mean you. You are in your fifties and sixties. You have practiced medicine for half a year, but you don't even know Tianxiang cardamom. How did you get here all these years?"

Hua Tuo blushed and said: "Old man... Keke has been traveling overseas all year round, and rarely set foot in the mainland, so he knows very little, please tell me!"

Seeing that Hua Tuo was quite polite, the man explained Tianxiang Cardamom to Hua Tuo.

After listening to Hua Tuo muttering to himself: "In this world, there are such strange things. It is really amazing. I am so old and ignorant."

Ye Qing looked at Zuo Mu's excited face, but he was somewhat suspicious in his heart.

The heavenly fragrant cardamom actually exists.

And there are people willing to bring it.

It's just... Is this Zuo Mu from the Korean school or Ye Cai.

Ye Cai probably didn't just ask someone to use the identity of the Chuyue kingdom.

If this Zuo Mu came to kill him with poison, he was probably from the Korean family.

"Sir... I heard that fragrant cardamom is extremely difficult to obtain this day. It takes 60 years to get a pair. Even my royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not have one. I don't know if it was sir who gave it to me. It is impossible to celebrate." Thank you for this great gift." Ye Qing asked modestly.

Zuo Mu took out a square box from his bosom and said: "Your Highness, you don't need to ask such details. My old friend is from your Great Zhou. He respects His Highness very much. He also said that he will meet His Highness in the future. Things can help His Highness, so it is also a blessing for the Great Zhou, I hope His Highness can recreate the glory of Hedong and lead the Great Zhou to prosperity!"

Hehe, no one has seen Tianxiang cardamom, I just pick two poisonous beans for you.

Why do you need to know where it came from before you were alive? After death, you will sleep forever.

"If that's the case, then I'll be disrespectful." Ye Qing is not hypocritical, if he pushes it, he is a hypocrite.

And it's not normal, it's suspicious.

"Come on, take the gentleman down to rest!"

Another guard led Zuo Mu down.

This Zuo Mu's walking posture is more arrogant than the previous ones.

It makes people jealous and disgusting.

After Zuo Mu left, Ye Qing continued: "Gentlemen, let's continue. If you have any other insights or detoxification methods, feel free to tell us."

(End of this chapter)

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