I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 370 ? Hua Tuo's Method

Chapter 370 Hua Tuo's Method

With Tianxiang cardamom, do you want to continue to discuss?

My Highness Xiaoyao Wang, shouldn't you go down and swab the medicine immediately?
Three people have already proposed a good plan.

And they are more direct and effective.

Seeing that Ye Qing gave the opportunity to everyone.

Everyone did not miss the opportunity.

Some people stood up one after another, expressing their opinions and diagnosis ideas.

Mr. Ye Qingye invited them to come up for pulse diagnosis.

Also treat each other with courtesy.

In the end, fewer and fewer spoke.

After all, there are only so many ideas. After others have mentioned it, the people behind will have less time to walk and run.

Finally, Ye Qing looked at Hua Tuo.

This is my own.

As one of the four famous doctors, Ye Qing can have great expectations.

Hua Tuo saw that no one spoke.

Then he stood up and said: "Your Highness, the various detoxification ideas mentioned by you just now belong to internal medicine from the inside out, and the method I want to diagnose and treat is surgical."


This is a novelty.

Everyone looked at Hua Tuo curiously.

Ye Qing had an ominous premonition.

Only said: "Old Hua, but it's okay to say!"

Hua Tuo said: "There are two methods of surgery, one is simple and once and for all; the other is a little troublesome and requires great perseverance."

Ye Qingyiran knew what Hua Tuo was going to say.

His face twitched slightly.

The other doctors didn't know, so they urged: "Tell me quickly, old man, don't be fooled, you are a bone-beating doctor, so don't be sloppy, what kind of peak is hiding."

"Okay, since everyone is interested, I'll just say it." Hua Tuo said with a serious face:

"The first method is to cut off the arm directly, so that such a poisonous arm will not affect the body of His Royal Highness!"


All the doctors who were sitting well tilted their buttocks and fell down.

Madan, it really is a simple method.

You are violent detoxification!

Cut off the arm.

You are really not afraid of death, dare to say that.

The officers and soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion who didn't see the surroundings were all red-eyed, and they were about to draw their swords.

"Ahem!" Ye Qing coughed lightly.

I knew Hua Tuo would mention this method.

There are only a few tricks back and forth in surgery.

If the legs are bad, the legs are sawed off, and the hands are badly chopped off.

Simple violence.

Liu Bowen is also about to suffer from internal injuries. This is the doctor His Highness is optimistic about, the future talent of my Xiaoyao Mansion.

What a talent.

Liu Bowen said: "Mr. Hua is still talking about your second method. This method is not worth the candle."

One-armed prince, if he hadn't known that you were himself, he would have arrested you by scriptures.

Without an arm, Ye Qing would never even think about being an emperor in his life.

The emperor of no country would be a person with a physical illness.

Hua Tuo kept his voice down and continued: "The second method is to remove the flesh and blood. If the toxin reaches the bone of the hand, then scrape the bone to heal the wound. As long as the focus of the disease is removed, it will naturally heal."


This move is more ruthless than the previous one.

Cutting flesh and scraping bones, you want to cut His Highness alive.

The buttocks of the doctors who had just sat down tilted down again.

This Hua Tuo is really worrying.

How does the brain grow for decades.

Do all this outrageous stuff.

Everyone's breathing became heavier.

This Hua Tuo can't be the enemy who came here to disgust Xiaoyao Wang.

Will Xiaoyao Wang kill him in a fit of anger?

People around took the initiative to distance themselves from Hua Tuo, as if to say, we don't know this old man.

We have nothing to do with him.

There was always a smile on Ye Qing's face, which never weakened.

On the contrary, it is thicker.

I just heard him say: "Mr. Hua's great opinion is not really a good method. This is another category of medicine that needs to be studied carefully; at present, I don't need such a method. After all, this method is a bit risky, but I I think if it is another person in the future, an ordinary person, in an emergency, a strong man cuts off his wrist and survives from death, which is also great luck."

King Xiaoyao even praised Hua Tuo.

Appreciate his surgery.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.

Ye Qing walked down slowly and said: "Everyone may not know that this battlefield is extremely dangerous.

Casualties are unavoidable, many times the hands and feet of the soldiers will be injured and infected, if not treated in time, the condition of the legs and feet will also worsen.

Sometimes Mr. Hua Tuo's method is needed. Although it is cruel, it can at least save his life.

Medicine is a profound and complicated knowledge, which is worth spending a lifetime studying. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing bowed deeply to the doctors.

Everyone was flattered.

He hurriedly attended and replied: "Your Highness can't do it, you can't do it!"

Physicians are professionals, and their social status is not high.

Prince Ye Qing, how many would dare to accept such a great gift to them.

"Doctors are benevolent. You are all doctors from all over the world. You have practiced medicine in various countries to save lives and heal the wounded. Your kind deeds are worthy of respect and will be remembered by future generations. On behalf of the people of the world, I thank you for your well-being to the people of the world." Ye Qing bowed again and saluted, and everyone followed suit.

Then Ye Qing straightened his body and said: "Now I still want to represent the people of the world, I hope you can continue to work for the well-being of the people, I want to establish a medical school, specializing in research, teaching, learning, and broadcasting medicine.

I hope that on the basis of you, we will carry forward and strengthen medical ethics. "

"What...Your Highness, you want to build a medical...medical school!"

Everyone was shocked.

Academies, only those famous Confucians and sages are qualified to run an academies.

And the teachings are all about how to govern the country and the world.

Now Ye Qing wants to set up a college for medicine.

Specializes in teaching medicine.

Aims at promoting medicine.

What a boldness this is.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to doctors.

"That's right, the well-being of the world is related to the way of medicine. People can't escape birth, old age, sickness and death. These are inseparably related to medicine. Only when the way of medicine prospers can the world prosper, and the people's bodies will suffer less pain." Ye Qingyu said in surprise. :
"Medical school, with an initial investment of 100 million taels of silver, you can rest assured that our medical school is definitely not just three days of fishing, two days of posting on the net, just fooling around and it's over.

Instead, we must do things in a down-to-earth manner, be serious and upright, and run a school in a down-to-earth manner. "



Must be crazy!

Really want to start a medical school.

And it's still 100 million taels of silver as the base.

Such financial resources, such momentum.

100 million taels, how much does it cost!

Xiaoyao Wang is a big hand.

For another person, all 100 million taels will go to develop armaments and build up armed forces.

But Xiaoyao Wang is willing to use it to develop medicine.

The doctors were so moved that the double frames turned red.

The whole body trembled with excitement.

Hua Tuo was the first to bow down and said: "Your Highness, Hua Tuo is willing to stay and contribute to the development of the medical school."

A lot of excited people, especially the doctors of Da Zhou, also shouted: "Your Highness, we are also willing to help His Highness organize a medical school."

Doctors from other countries also swallowed their throats.

This is a great event in medicine!

Ye Qingxi said: "Okay, okay, with everyone's help, our Hedong Medical College will definitely be able to run well, Hua Tuo, now I appoint you as the first head of the medical school, I hope you can lead everyone to organize the medical school well, And carry forward the spirit of medicine and study medicine carefully.”

(End of this chapter)

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