I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 371? Tianxiang cardamom is poisonous

Chapter 371 Tianxiang cardamom is poisonous
Hua Tuo is the first president of the medical school!
Hua Tuo was lucky.

Everyone was looking at Hua Tuo at this time, and they couldn't help being a little envious.

This is equivalent to Hua Tuo's contribution to the dragon!

The first to support Xiaoyao Wang.

King Xiaoyao immediately reciprocated and gave Hua Tuo the most important position.

Other foreign doctors who were still hesitating finally made up their minds.
One after another also said: "I am also willing to stay and work together to run a medical school for Your Highness."

First agree to come down and see the situation. If it is really as good as what Ye Qing said, where else can I find such a good place to study and learn.

If the situation is not right, it is not too late to go.

It seems that Ye Qing is a good talker.

Giving Ye Qing a chance is giving yourself a chance.

"Okay, okay... I knew that everyone is a person who understands righteousness and is trustworthy!" Ye Qing explained with a smile:
"Hedong Medical College must have a strict reward and punishment mechanism, and it must be fair, open and fair, so that everyone who makes contributions will be rewarded accordingly, so that everyone will not be chilled!"

With this group of doctors, and the follow-up ones, the medical school has a prototype and teachers.

Ye Qing left Hua Tuo behind, and asked everyone to go down the mountain to Bingcheng to rest first, and let them see the preparation of the medical school with their own eyes.

"Hua Tuo, Hedong Medical College will leave it to you. If you have any requests, please ask, and don't be stingy with what you want to buy. I have ordered people to collect and buy medicinal materials from all over the world, and I will send them to the medical school as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Hua Tuo burst into tears, and said with great satisfaction: "My lord, these sutras are enough. I have the manpower and the medicinal materials. I am very satisfied with the sutras. Next, we will fill up the shortage by ourselves."

"Well, then you can figure it out. Medical research should be open-minded, bold, and not rigid in form, especially your surgery, you can be bolder.

The general direction is correct, what you lack is research on the microcosmic aspect, I used to have someone send a batch of instruments from Chang'an, then you will be able to observe the microcosmic world that we cannot distinguish with the naked eye. "Ye Qing explained to Hua Tuo:
"In this regard, I should still have heard about it. Now I can tell you in detail, hoping to inspire you!"

Then Ye Qing told Hua Tuo some common sense things he was familiar with in his previous life.

Although these things are just superficial skins, they are not worth mentioning.

But to Hua Tuo, it was shocking news.

It is a treasure land that he has never set foot in.

Listen to straight eyes straight hair straight, fascinated.

In the end, Ye Qing was still a little bit unsatisfied after finishing his speech.

"Your Majesty, I have never heard of these things. If this is true, it will greatly improve medicine, especially surgery." Hua Tuo bowed to Ye Qing solemnly:

"It is Hua Tuo's fortune to have such a virtuous master as the lord, the great Zhou's fortune, and the world's fortune. Hua Tuo has the courage to thank the lord on behalf of the people of the world."

Ye Qing shook his head slightly, not wanting to hit Hua Tuo.

The way of medicine is like the sea, unfathomable.

I hope that Hua Tuo and others will not complain in the future.

The more you study this thing, the deeper you will sink in.

After dismissing Hua Tuo and making arrangements for the medical school, Ye Qing talked about Zuo Mu with Liu Bowen and Ding Chunqiu.

"My lord, this Zuo Mu is most likely sent by the Korean faction, and he should be the same as that Qi Le. They are all using the identity of other countries as a cover." Liu Bowen said:
"You can see what the Tianxiang cardamom he brought is, as long as it is poisonous, Mr. Ding should be able to see it!"

Ding Chunqiu nodded very helpfully and said: "Master, just use my Shenmu Wangding to test it and you will know whether the so-called Tianxiang cardamom is poison or antidote!"

The Shenmu Wangding is Ding Chunqiu's treasure in practicing poison kung fu and refining poison, it is very miraculous.

Same-sex attracts and opposite-sex repels is one of its characteristics.

Ye Qing said: "Alright! Then wipe it off."

Soon Zuo Mu was brought over.

Zuo Mu also expected Ye Qing's purpose for coming to him.

After coming in, after seeing the gift, he offered the lower box and said: "Your Highness! Please check the Tianxiang cardamom brought by the grass people. This is a pair. Yang beans need to be served with ice and snow; Yin beans need to be swallowed with hot water. You can't make a mistake! "

It sounds like the same thing.

Ye Qing and Liu Bowen looked at each other and smiled.

Ding Chunqiu stepped forward to take the wooden box.

When he took over, he lightly touched Zuo Mu and smiled quite strangely.

Ding Chunqiu's smile made Zuo Mu a little nervous.

There is a coolness attacking the whole body.

But his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he lowered his head slightly.

Ding Chunqiu brought the wooden box to Ye Qing, and opened it carefully.

To prevent the organs inside from hurting Ye Qing and the like.

Fortunately nothing happened.

After opening it, I saw a yin and yang plate inside, and two almost identical cyan pea-shaped objects were placed in each of the yin and yang plates.

With his inner eyes, it doesn't seem to be poisonous, Ding Chunqiu opened his mouth towards Ye Qing.

Ye Qing stared at it for a few times, but didn't find anything special about the cyan pea-shaped object.

If it was Tianxiang cardamom, it would be too common.

There is not even any fluctuation in the energy of the basic pill, let alone the smell of the medicine.

Liu Bowen also stepped forward to take a few glances.

Also did not see any way.

Ye Qing winked at Ding Chunqiu, Ding Chun said that he covered the wooden box and put it on the table beside Ye Qing.

Ye Qing then said: "It looks normal, but there is an energy in it that ordinary people can't detect. I just accept the things. You stay in the mountains for now. I will call you at any time if there is anything!"

Zuo Mu said: "Your Highness won't take it now?"

After asking Zuo Mu, he felt a little regretful.

Because I was too anxious.

Ye Qing didn't seem to notice it, just smiled and said: "No hurry, no hurry! This thing is so precious, how can it be used easily, when used at a critical moment, I heard that it can bring the dead back to life, life and death, flesh and bones.

Now that I have Qi Le's mental method, I need to practice the mental method first, if the mental method doesn't work, it won't be too late to use it, you say yes! "


This is not a question.

How dare Zuo Mu think that he is a senior but a high-ranking person, he humbly replied: "Your Highness is wise, His Highness is more thoughtful than grassroots people."

Ye Qing waved his hand, indicating that he could go down.

Zuo Mu himself said that he was just a delivery man, not the person who delivered the medicine.

Then he is of little value.

At this moment, Zuo Mu regretted a little, why did he make up such a story in a big circle.

If it is said to be treasured by his own family, Ye Qing might treat it differently and swallow it directly.

Also, it's all to blame that Qi Le, what idea did he offer.

What a bad thing!

Not to mention what Zuo Mu thought after he left.

After the people left, Ding Chunqiu opened the wooden box again, and then took out his divine wood king tripod.

Then he moved his hands, and then took out a green pea from the Yang plate.

It has not been placed into the Shenmu Wangding, it is only on the periphery.

The green pea was sucked in immediately.

Then turn around at the bottom and top of the Jinshenmu Wangding Ding.

After touching the inner wall a few times, it immediately fell into two pieces.

Then reveal a black particle sandwiched inside.

(End of this chapter)

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