I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 372 ? A visit from Qishan Pavilion

Chapter 372 Visit from Qishan Pavilion

The small black particles emitted black smoke and turned into a thick black liquid, and then were sucked dry by the Shenmu Wangding and disappeared.

Ding Chunqiu's face suddenly darkened.

Exposing a strong murderous intent.

Ye Qing and Liu Bowen also saw something wrong.

The green pea thing is not poisonous.

But it contained a highly poisonous pill.

If this is swallowed, it will kill immediately.

So there is no doubt that Zuo Mu is the murderer sent by the Korean faction.

"Close the yang bean and wipe the yin bean!" Ye Qing ordered.

Ding Chunqiu took out the yang beans, and then pressed lightly with Yungong, the two petal beans were immediately glued together tightly, as if they had never been separated.

Then Ding ChunQiu took out another lesson of Yin Dou.

The result was the same, with the same poisonous pill wrapped inside.

"Put it together and put it back in the box, this thing may be useful in the future!" Ye Qing laughed suddenly.

It must be very exciting for fake beans to play a real show!
"No!" Ding Chunqiu squeezed Yindou back to its original shape.

"Call Qi Le here! Let's have a look at this method, so what?" Ye Qing didn't expect anything, and said it a little teasingly.

Soon the guards brought Qi Le over.

Qi Le came in to meet Li, and glanced at the wooden box on the table beside Ye Qing.

There was a hint of suspicion.

He also heard about Zuo Mu.

Tianxiang cardamom, is this fun?

Someone really dedicated it to Ye Qing?

My brain is broken!
This box will not contain the so-called Tianxiang cardamom!
"Qi Le, tell me about your mentality. If your mentality is useful, you will be rewarded heavily. It won't make you suffer, and will satisfy you." Ye Qing spoke directly.

I didn't want to talk about anything!
Qi Le said: "It's Your Highness!"

So Qi Le took out a piece of gold silk from his bosom, and handed it forward: "Your Highness, this is the first part of the mental method."

"The first part, what do you mean, what about the other parts?" Ye Qing was slightly displeased.

What's the use of incomplete mentality.

Qi Le explained: "Your Highness, there are eight parts in this mental method. Only after you have learned the first part can you continue to practice the following parts. If you can't practice the first part, you can't practice the second part.

At the same time, once the first part has been practiced, His Highness can use the urging method to expel the poison. If it is feasible, it will not be too late for His Highness to continue practicing the second part.

If it doesn't work, His Highness doesn't need to continue to practice hard for the latter part. "

It is very clear and somewhat impeccable.

But... I'm afraid there is something tricky in it!
The most important part of the mental method is complete, and it is easy to go crazy when practicing some parts.

Moreover, it was taken out of context, and it was impossible to understand the content of the full text of Fusion. It was originally a good intention, but in the end it turned into a poisonous skill.

For example, a genius like Ding Chunqiu, relying on the basic knowledge of Beiming Shengong, figured out the evil skill of Hua Gong Dafa.

Turn your body into a human being, a ghost or a ghost.

Ye Qing stared at Qi Le for a long time without making a sound.

The others didn't speak either.

In the entire small hall, the atmosphere was quiet and depressing.

Qi Le was also beating drums in his heart.

When he was almost unable to hold on, Ye Qing suddenly said: "Okay, then I will practice the first part first, and I will accept the things. You can go back first!"

The tormented Qi Le let out a deep breath.

He hurriedly replied: "It's Your Highness, Cao Min went down first, if Your Highness doesn't understand anything while practicing, you can call Qi Le over, Qi Le will definitely tell you everything!"

Qi Le went down, and Ye Qing handed over the exercises to Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Chunqiu took it and read the content carefully, then closed his eyes and thought for a while before saying: "My lord, there is nothing wrong with this method at first glance, but if you continue to practice like this, you can't stop, you need the next seven exercises. , if there is no back part, there will be no difference at first, but after a long time, it will have a backlash on the body."

"And the most important thing is, whether this exercise has the effect of detoxifying and detoxifying is still uncertain. You need to practice it before you know." Ding Chunqiu said:
"So, this person harbors evil intentions."

Ye Qingdao: "This world is very fair, such a precious thing, how could it easily fall into our hands without cost."

Ye Qing dispelled the idea of ​​practicing this skill based on the scriptures.

With Shi Potian around, he would not have any worries about sex, and would have plenty of time to wait.

There is no need to take risks.

"My lord, I want to practice and see what's so special about this exercise!" Ding Chunqiu said.

Ye Qing didn't take it seriously: "If you want to study it, then use it to study it. Remember to be careful, I don't want you to go crazy. Do you still need you to guard this Baibo Valley?"

"Understood my lord, I will be careful." Ding Chunqiu took his things and went down, ready to practice hard.

Seeing that Ding Chunqiu had left, Liu Bowen said: "My lord, is there another one who needs to be wiped?"

At the beginning, there was another person who said he was [-]% sure.

There is an antidote in hand.

This is even more unreliable.

[-]% sure, I just want to fool myself into being fooled.

How can it be so simple.

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "Not for the time being, let him hang out for a while, just say that I am practicing mental skills, and it is not suitable to take medicine for the time being."

in the next days.

Ye Qing received the doctors who came to Hedong one after another.

There is not much to offer in terms of different remedies.

Most of them are willing to stay because of Hedong Medical College.

This made Hedong Medical College grow rapidly, recruiting and reserving a large number of doctors for Xiaoyao Mansion, and laying a solid foundation for the Great Zhou's strong doctors.


Time flies by so fast!
The new year is over.

When the countries in the Central Plains celebrated the New Year, the entire East fell silent.

When winter goes, spring comes.

All Da Zhou's eyes are still focused on Hedong.

Focused on the white wave valley.

Regarding the situation of Ye Qing's condition, apart from the fact that he continued to recruit famous doctors and set up the money-burning Hedong Medical College.

There is nothing else worth mentioning.

Many people are speculating whether Ye Qing really ate Tianxiang Cardamom or if he has cultivated a mental method to cure the poison.

"My lord, Beishi Kingdom has agreed to all our conditions, saying that it can carry out the agreement according to our proposal."

Zhang Yi went on a mission to Beishi Country, and she felt a little embarrassed.

He sighed and said: "My lord, Beishi Kingdom is really poor, not to mention the cities along the way, even Jinyang City is not as good as my capital city on the east side of the river, let alone compare with Chang'an.

So I mentioned mutual business, after Dazhou was willing to purchase iron ore and coal in large quantities, all their defenses were broken, and in the end it wasn't what I said! "

"You've worked hard this trip, take a good rest, and don't rush back to Chang'an!" Ye Qing said, looking at Zhang Yi who had lost a lot of weight.

Next, Ye Qing listened to Zhang Yi's explanation of seeing Beishi with his own eyes.

In short, Beishi is poor from head to toe, from the inside to the outside.

Zhao Wou-ki agreed to the good deal offered by Da Zhou without even thinking about it.

Therefore, we kept silent about the [-] captives.

Tacitly shelved it.

As an emperor, he knew that now was the time to restore national power and revitalize Beishi's economy.

Instead of continuing to tear faces with Da Zhou.

If they froze, the [-] surrendered soldiers might have been killed immediately.

This side was indifferent to Zhang Yi, when a guard knocked on the door came from outside the room.

"My lord, there is news from the foot of the mountain that the disciples of Qishan Pavilion are asking to see you!"

"Qishan Pavilion!"

Both Ye Qing and Zhang Yi were a little surprised.

Qishan Pavilion unexpectedly sent someone to look for him.

Although I have a relationship with the Dong family, I have bound some interests.

But there is still no direct contact with Qishan Pavilion.

Qishan Pavilion came to visit unexpectedly, what do you want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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