Chapter 373

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "Let the people from Qishan Pavilion go up the mountain!"

The guard went down to make arrangements.

Here Zhang Yi said: "My lord, as one of the six major schools, Qishan Pavilion is famous for its mental methods. Could it be that they sent the detoxification mental method, or sent disciples directly to help the lord detoxify!"

"How can there be such a good thing? It's useless to guess too much, and they will know when they go up the mountain." Although Ye Qing had this guess, he didn't dare to expect extravagantly.

These six major sects, don't look at all of them as well-known and decent.

Everyone has high prestige in the world, but it's hard to say how dirty the family is.

Soon Liu Bowen also came over.

Ye Qing took everyone to the main hall of the main hall to meet the people from Qishan Pavilion.

It's a courtesy to them.

Three women came from Qishan Pavilion.

All three were wearing water-green clothes.

Light gold crane emblem embroidered on the arm.

Two of the women's crane emblems are slightly smaller.

Surrounded by another woman.

This woman's crane emblem is slightly larger.

And taller, with a good face, and more delicate facial features.

It has a moth-browed head and a pair of purple pupils, like stars.
It's amazing at first sight, and you will be attracted by its pupils immediately.

And have a good impression.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he was just as lovable as a flower of youth.

"Qishan Pavilion Bu Xiaofan, I have seen Xiaoyao King!"

The girl with purple pupils held a sword in one hand, and greeted Ye Qing with a gift from the rivers and lakes, her voice was as fresh and sweet as an orchid and an empty valley.

The other two Qishan Pavilion disciples also saluted with their swords in hand.

Ye Qing didn't speak immediately, but looked at this woman named Bu Xiaofan carefully.

Seeing Ye Qing not answering for a long time, Bu Xiaofan touched his eyebrows slightly.

The other two women were even more displeased.

What does this Ye Qing mean?

"Miss Bu, your ancestors came from outside the Western Regions."

Ye Qing asked suddenly.

This made everyone stunned for a moment.

what's the situation?
How to ask such a question.

The wind and the horse are irrelevant.

Bu Xiaofan raised his embroidered eyebrows slightly, and replied truthfully: "His Royal Highness, Xiaofan's great-grandmother is from the West, and she fled to the East."

"I'm just saying, how can the people of my Great Zhou have such beautiful and clear eyes." Ye Qing laughed.

For situations like Bu Xiaofan's, there is a special term called Semuren.

In other words, it is a general term for some people in the West from the East.

There is only one explanation for Bu Xiaofan's purple eyes.

She has a dominant gene from the West in her genes.

Bu Xiaofan thanked, "His Royal Highness's praise."

"Actually, I have a strong interest in the Western world. Unfortunately, since the previous dynasty, I have lost contact with the West. The road to the West has been blocked by Qiang people and Turks. I have been unable to communicate with Western countries. It's really a great pity." Ye Qing looked at Bu Xiaofan with a smile and said:

"If there is a chance, I hope I can get along with Miss Bu more deeply, and solve the doubts in my heart."

Learn about the West with me.

Bu Xiaofan smiled wryly in his heart.

But the expression on his face remained the same.

Even a little cold, he replied calmly: "I believe there will be opportunities in the future, but Caomin also knows very little about the Western world, and I'm afraid it will disappoint His Highness."

"Hahaha, it's okay, no matter how little you know, you still know more than me, don't you?" Ye Qing smiled even wider, pointed to the right and said:

"Miss Bu, please sit down? I don't know what advice Miss Bu has here!"

Bu Fan didn't go to the right and sat down. He stood still and didn't move. He just saluted a woman's exclusive gift, and then slowly opened his mouth and said:
"I'm here under the order of the head of the sect, to resolve the poison for His Highness, and at the same time, I want to ask for something from His Highness's heart, just for convenience!"

"Oh! I'm flattered to come here just for the poison I've been poisoned by."

Although I had already guessed it, but listening to Bu Xiaofan tell it with my own eyes, it was a different feeling.

"I don't know what you want?" Ye Qing asked directly.

Since Qishan Pavilion dared to ask for things, he was [-]% sure that he could get rid of the poison he had.

After all, people rule the world with their minds.

Not only the six major sects of the Great Zhou, but also the sects that deserve to be ranked in the entire Eastern Capital.

Bu Xiaofan also replied directly: "Tianxiang Cardamom!"


The whole hall was silent.

Heavenly Cardamom!

Still want to dare to mention it!

If there is no free lunch in my life.

"I heard that someone offered this item to His Highness, so Qishan Pavilion hopes that His Highness can part with it. This item is of great use to my Qishan Pavilion. If Your Highness is willing to exchange it, at the same time, I owe Your Highness a favor from Qishan Pavilion." Bu Xiaofan solemnly After talking about the matter, he looked directly at Ye Qing again.

It seemed that he was not given a chance to argue.

Ye Qing smiled wryly and said, "You are very sincere. I was willing to exchange them at first, but I was afraid that you would be disappointed."

"Have you taken the scriptures, Your Highness?" the woman on Bu Xiaofan's right interrupted and asked.

Ye Qing shook his head, and then said to Bu Xiaofan: "Miss Bu, follow me and you will know why!"

Saying that, Ye Qing got up and walked down.

Then walked out of the hall.

Bu Xiaofan hesitated for a moment, then winked at the other two, and followed alone.

Following Ye Qing, he turned left and right, and finally came to a place that looked like a study room. Ye Qing pushed the door and entered, then turned around and said:

"Miss Bu just follow me, don't be afraid that I will harm you!"

When Ye Qing said this, his tone was a little teasing.

Bu Xiaofan went straight in and said: "Your Highness is not my opponent at the moment, if something happens, it will be His Highness!"

"Who says I'm not your opponent? Don't make a decision if you haven't fought before." Ye Qing closed the door and went directly to the opposite bookshelf to take down the small wooden box.

Put it on the table and said: "The things are here, you can take a look and make a decision!"

Bu Xiaofan approached, stretched out his right hand, and flicked upwards gently.

The wooden box opened slowly and automatically, revealing the two broad beans inside.

Bu Xiaofan raised his right hand again.

The two beans floated up from it.

Until it was at eye level with Bu Xiaofan.

Only then did Bu Xiaofan's eyes flash with disappointment.

The gesture is closed.

The two beans fell back to their original positions with a swipe.

Even the lid slammed shut.

"It's fake, it's not even the right shape, and it's been poisoned!" Bu Xiaofan uttered in frustration.

Ye Qing explained: "The beans were originally wrapped with poison, but we discovered it and took it out first."

"Then congratulations, Your Highness!" Bu Xiaofan replied with a half-smile.

This girl can also run on people!

It's pretty cute.

Ye Qing sat down on his seat, spread out his back and said, "Now there is no more Tianxiang cardamom, Miss Bu can go back and return to life."

I thought Bu Xiaofan would simply go out after turning around.

Bu Xiaofan and Ye Qing looked at each other for a while, but didn't even blink their purple eyes.

"Your Highness, you made a mistake. As I said, we are here to detoxify His Highness, and then we will have Tianxiang Cardamom.

It is not the presence of Tianxiang Cardamom that can detoxify His Highness, whether there is Tianxiang Cardamom or not, His Highness owes Qishan Pavilion a favor. "Bu Xiaofan walked towards Ye Qing step by step, stopped when he was a foot away from Ye Qing, looked down and showed a warm smile like spring breeze:
"Your Highness, you can take off your robe!"

(End of this chapter)

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