I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 374? Movements in Lantian Valley

Chapter 374


Ye Qing didn't expect Bu Xiaofan to say that.

The logic makes sense.

Seeing Bu Xiaofan looking down at him with a provocative attitude, Ye Qing said with a smile: "Then I owe you a little favor, if you ask me to do something...indecent things will be troublesome. "

Bu Xiaofan turned around and said coldly: "Then Your Highness should not remove the poison from his body, since no one can die anyway!"

"Wait..." Seeing Bu Xiaofan, Ye Qing immediately turned his face and left, shouting hastily.

But this girl is very obstinate and has more personality.

With a wave of his hand, the door opened automatically, and then closed with a bang.

Then came a voice from the outer door: "I'm a little tired today, and I'm detoxifying Your Highness tomorrow!"

Ye Qing didn't move half a minute from his seat from the beginning to the end.

With his right hand propped on his chin, he looked like a dandy, and muttered to himself:
"It's fun!"

Someone arranged the board and lodging for Bu Xiaofan and the three of them.

Seeing that Bu Xiaofan had left, Zhao Feiyan rushed in.

Didn't even knock on the door.

"Ye Qing...no, it's the young master. I heard that the people in Qishan Pavilion are trying their best to exchange Tianxiang cardamom with you. Have you exchanged it?"

As he spoke, Zhao Fei's eyes lit up when he saw a wooden box on the table next to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing waved his hand and hit the wooden box towards Zhao Feiyan.

Zhao Feiyan is also a strong player at any rate.

Reach out and take it easily.

Only then did Ye Qing say: "This is Tianxiang cardamom, I gave it to you."

After speaking, Ye Qing got up and walked out of the room.

Zhao Feiyan was stunned.

Which wooden box said: "Young master, your Tianxiang cardamom!"

"It's your Tianxiang Cardamom!" Ye Qing turned around and smiled brightly.

Until Ye Qing left, Zhao Feiyan was still at a loss.

What do you mean?
I really gave it to myself.

No matter, open it and have a look.

Zhao Feiyan didn't care about these things, just take a look first to see what Tianxiang Cardamom looks like today.

Open it up and take a look.

Too ordinary to be in an ordinary pair of peas.

Looking left and right, I didn't see a reason.

I wanted to reach out and pinch it.

But when he was about to make contact, he withdrew his hand again.

Then he closed the lid of the box, put it in his arms, and went back to his room.

Walking halfway, I heard a patrolling soldier say: "Your Highness, Qi Le, Zuo Mu, and the guy who said he was [-]% sure were all snapped!"

"Kill it, it's fine for these three guys to cheat for food and drink, but they actually want to murder His Highness, and they deserve to die!"

"The people in Qishan Pavilion are really powerful, they saw through those three evil spirits as soon as they came!"

The person who donated the medicine and mental method was killed?
Then my box of Tianxiang cardamom... fake!
Nasty little thief!
Zhao Feiyan rushed to her door angrily and kicked it open.

He threw the wooden box in his arms into it.

In a certain wing room in the mountain, Bu Xiaofan frowned slightly after hearing the reports from the two women: "What a guy who holds grudges, he brought a hat to Qishan Pavilion for no reason.

Those who didn't know thought that I, Qishan Pavilion, wanted to support him! "

As soon as the people from Qishan Pavilion arrived, they immediately found out the three assassins who were lurking to assassinate Ye Qing.

Invisibly tied Qishan Pavilion under Ye Qing's banner.

Directly making Qishan Pavilion a scapegoat, this allowed Bu Xiaofan to know Ye Qing's cunning and willingness to suffer.

Not just ran a few words.

The big man is so fussy.

"Hmph, I could have cured you in one go. I will entrust you for ten days and a half months, and I will repair you severely." After all, Bu Xiaofan is just a young girl in a battle armor, at an age of playfulness and naughtiness. It also has its own rebellion.

So secretly decided to treat Ye Qing well.

The more talented a genius, the more competitive he is, the more he has the impulse to control and tame the enemy.


The disciples of Qishan Pavilion appeared in Baibo Valley.

The matter of detoxifying Ye Qing quickly spread.

Get everyone's attention.

Have the six factions finally moved?

Is Qishan Pavilion ready to show love to Ye Qing and fully support Ye Qing?

This time it wasn't the Dong family who came forward.

It's the real Qishan Pavilion.

The meaning is very different!
Lantian Valley is also one of the six major factions!

He is also very concerned about Qishan Pavilion's actions.

Of the six factions, only four remain.

Xiaolongmen has been pretending to be a grandson, closing the mountain gate, and not interfering with the outside world.

Tumenzhen has been entertaining himself in the Northland, and he still has the conservative attitude of a master of the outside world and a small sect.

This made Blue Sky Valley, who wanted to keep a low profile, restless.

"Report! It's not good, Fenggu was forcibly broken into!"

Suddenly someone ran towards the hall.

At this time, everyone in the hall was gathering, and an elder asked, "What happened?"

"Back to the Eighth Elder, someone broke into Fenggu and injured more than a dozen of our disciples, and Chen Guzhu was killed!"

Master Chen was killed?

One must know that Deacon Chen has just been promoted to the third rank.

In the entire Blue Sky Valley, they are already the top group.

He was actually killed in his own territory.

"Come here! Send out the disciples from all valleys to investigate with all your strength. As long as the murderer is still in my Blue Sky Valley, I must find out.

If the murderer leaves Lantian Valley, he must find out where he came from, and the things in Wind Valley must not be leaked. "

Lantian Valley is different from each sect. They are divided into nine valleys of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, fog, and light, and a main hall.

There is a valley owner in each of the nine valleys, who is responsible for the affairs of each valley.

Above the valley owner are the elders and the head, who are responsible for coordinating everything.

In the valley of wind, there is a large open flat land, which is suitable for building a military camp and hoarding soldiers and horses.

This is the important place of Lantian Pavilion, and it is now top secret.

Even the low-level disciples of the sect do not have the right to enter.

Let alone an outsider.

If the situation inside is revealed, Lantian Valley will be quite passive.

Be careful though.

Yijing arranged a group of masters, but people still got in.

At the moment, all the children of Lantian Valley began to shrink the cordon, and all personnel searched.

The surname of the head of Blue Sky Valley is Ye, and he is indeed Ye of the royal family.

Moreover, Lantian Valley is an inheritance system.

The heads are all held by the Ye family.

So the head is not the strongest in Lantian Valley.

The elders are the strongest.

But Lantian Valley is famous for its hidden weapons.

Everyone has a trump card, and this trump card is not very clear even the door.

Those who knew were either dead, or they didn't know it clearly.

So there is no conclusion as to who is strong and who is weak.

Let me talk about the Ye family in Lantian Valley. In fact, the surname is not Ye, but Lei.

Because of his meritorious service to the Great Zhou, he bestowed the country's surname as Ye.

Only then did the Lantian Ye family come into existence.

The current head, Ye Zhu, known as Yumian Xiaolangjun, has a refined appearance and fair complexion.

I just heard him say to the elders: "Those who dare to venture into the Valley of Wind must have come prepared and have a clear goal, so I think people from the Xiaoyao Mansion can kill Guzhu Chen with a single sword, and their strength should be above the third rank , or even fourth grade.

In Xiaoyao Mansion, there is only one person who can do it, and that is the madman Li Bai.

If Gu Zhong couldn't find him, then he must be in a hurry to return to Nancheng County and Xiaoyao Mansion! "

"The head of the sect means..." An elder guessed Ye Zhu's meaning based on scriptures.

He also agreed with Ye Zhu's guess.

A trace of killing intent flashed in Ye Zhu's eyes, and he said coldly:

"If Li Bai goes out of the valley, he will definitely not dare to take the main road, so all the elders can go to the south gate to ambush from the main road, wait for Li Bai to go back, and then kill him with one blow."

Don't doubt, the hidden weapons of the elders of Lantian Valley are all superb.

Incredibly fast.

If you don't take action, you will kill someone if you do.

Although it is said that it is difficult to kill an entry-level warrior, it is even more difficult to kill a fourth-rank or high-rank person like Ben Bai.

But under Lan Tiangu's men, the same situation has a greater advantage.

I don't know how many masters of the rivers and lakes have died in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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