I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 375? Analysis of Ye Zhangmen

Chapter 375 Analysis of Ye Zhangmen
"Okay! Then divide half of the people to search in the valley, and half to intercept and guard the south gate of Chang'an City."

The Great Elder agreed, and everyone else nodded.

express no objection.

So is it Li Bai who broke into Lantian Valley?

The answer is of course yes.

Even if it is not, it is inseparable from him.

Because they wanted to deal with the Chuyue clan, the ones who dared to take action were Ye Qing and the Dong family.

And Qishan Pavilion, which is being investigated outside.

Although Lantian Valley was full of doubts, Qishan Pavilion did not dare to be too offensive and trespass into other people's territory without authorization.

Once it breaks through, the two families will be torn apart, and it will be embarrassing.

So it can only be Ye Qing's people.

Of course it can only be Li Bai.

Like Zhui Ming, they are not strong enough.

Li Bai was also patient, squatting for a long time, and then took advantage of the slack in Blue Sky Valley to sneak in.

Then he was smashed by others, and finally had to expose his whereabouts and kill with a sword.

With Li Bai's skill, since it has been exposed, it is quite simple to figure it out.

However, he also got Guo Jia's order to take a detour when he came back.

Be sure to shake off the tail at the back so that no one can track it back.

The mistakes that Zhui Ming made, as a dignified fourth-rank master, it is impossible for him to make them again.

But his pride told him that he couldn't give up and be a grandson.

You can't dodge from left to right, and you can't hide from people in Lantian Valley like a cat when you see a mouse.

So he left Lantian Valley and went straight to Lantian County on the official road. He didn't shun people in Lantian Valley at all, and he didn't cover up his whereabouts by taking remote paths.

When he reached Lantian Valley, he turned around and headed northeast.

Did not go north directly to Chang'an City.

Under the leadership of the Great Elder, the chasing Lantian Valley was divided into two groups.

A group followed closely behind Li Bai, and a group went directly to the South City Gate.

"I'll go to Baling first, to make you think I'm going to take a detour through the east gate to enter the city, but in fact I'm still going east, I'm going to Xinfeng, I'm going to Zheng County, I'm going to Huayin." Li Bai glanced behind him, Then he slapped his horse heavily and murmured:
"I can go to the Huashan faction, or I can cross the river to Hedong. Will you still find me when you get there? Do you still dare to come? The lord will teach you how to behave."

That's right, Li Bai wanted to find Ye Qing.

Anyway, this news had to be reported to Ye Qing in the end.

How to deal with Lantian Valley is still up to Ye Qing to decide.

That being the case, why didn't he go directly to Ye Qing.

Why go back to Chang'an.

A brain is a good thing, and I, Li Bai, have it!
In this way, the people of Lantian Valley squatted at the south gate of Chang'an City and the gates of the East City for a few days.

No suspicious person was found entering the city.

They obtained the portrait of Li Bai, but they did not find a shadow of a fourth-rank master.

"Great Elder, that thief didn't enter Chang'an, it seems... seems to have gone east!"

The elite disciples of Baibo Valley and Fog Valley who are in charge of tracking Li Bai came to report.

The Great Elder looked puzzled: "How is this possible? What am I going east for? I'm not going back to Xiaoyao Mansion, or...he is not Li Bai at all, nor is he from Xiaoyao Mansion."

"Damn it, we fell into the head's thinking trap, thinking that the person who came could only be from Xiaoyao Mansion, and even assumed it was Li Bai, but we didn't expect that it was not from Xiaoyao Mansion, but from other forces." The elder had a look of seeing through everything, and at the same time was a little annoyed.

The Great Elder looked suspicious.

"Isn't he really from Xiaoyao Mansion? The head of the house is wrong, so who would... dare to spy on me, Lantian Valley?"

The elder who spoke just now said to the northeast: "Could it be Xiaolongmen, don't look at these guys pretending to be grandsons, maybe there is some bad idea behind it!"

They dare too!

The Great Elder shook his head, but he was not very firm, and finally said: "No matter who it is, chase it down, if you can catch it alive, you can catch it alive, if you can't catch it alive, then kill it!"

Next, the great elder of Lantian Valley led a group of people to chase eastward, and others went back to report to Ye Zhu.

Of course, some people quietly entered the city and went to the Old Chu Palace.

Meet Ye Cai!
"What, someone broke into Lantian Valley and escaped, damn it, when will Lantian Valley be so useless!" Ye Cai was shocked when he heard this.

The secret of Fenggu is the secret of his Chuyue kingdom.

"My lord, fortunately the person who broke in was not from Xiaoyao Mansion, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!" said Ye Cai, who reported the letter.

This matter is too big.

Once it gets out, it will be earth-shattering.

Ye Cai said: "No matter who it is, it is not a good thing. Before you catch and kill that person, it will be a hidden danger after all. You go back first. I will go to the palace and report this to the queen mother!"

Come, bow and step back.

Ye Cai didn't dare to delay, and immediately entered the palace.

After entering the palace, he told the story again.

After listening, Queen Xiongyue's eyebrows were gloomy, her face turned cold, and she said in a cold voice: "A group of idiots, these are the people from Xiaoyao Mansion, disaster is coming!"

"Mother, if he is from Xiaoyao Mansion, why didn't he go to the city? He just went east." Ye Cai was puzzled.

Empress Xiongyue snorted coldly and said, "Why did he enter Chang'an City? Ye Qing is in the east of the river. Can't he go east and go north?"

Ye Qing is in Hedong!
This time Ye Cai finally understood everything.

The body trembled slightly.

"So, that person can only be Li Bai, and it's only Li Bai!" Empress Xiongyue sighed with emotion:

"Then Li Bai is the most poetic person besides Ye Qing in Xiaoyao Mansion. Do you think he is a fool? He will crash into the city and let you catch him.

Everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion is a talent, they should not be underestimated, if they are underestimated, they will regret it. "

"In this way, it's too late for the Great Elder to pursue him, and Ye Qing will definitely get news from Fenggu. He will know everything about the place where we stationed troops." Ye Cai said:

"Once he reveals the news to the father, we will be finished. Now, the mother, should we immediately transfer the soldiers and horses in the Lantian Valley?"

Empress Xiongyue glanced at Ye Cai, and shook her head in great disappointment:
"Where else is safer than Lantian Valley, you think that the only ones staring at us are the Xiaoyao Mansion and the Dong family.

As long as our soldiers and horses leave Lantian Valley, they will be discovered by Dong's family immediately, and then it will be really bad. "

Only then did Ye Cai realize that he had made a mistake in a panic.

It's such a foolish trick.

If the two sides fought against each other, he would have died in battle.

"It doesn't matter now, even if Ye Qing finds out, he won't say anything. After all, he has no evidence, and he will pay a price for casually slandering Lantian Valley!" Xiong Yue said:

"And the main thing he wants to do now is to run the river east well and train the army well. Once the soldiers and horses are ready and the authority is stable, he will have the confidence to speak to your father, and your father will believe it." He, and just had an excuse to eradicate Blue Sky Valley, turning the six factions into three."

"So, he lacks time, he wants to continue to accumulate strength, he wants to hide in the east of the river and develop slowly, once he has strength, he will show his fangs at any time, tear us all to pieces, and swallow us all..."

(End of this chapter)

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