I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 376? Ye Cai Recommends the King of Xiliang

Chapter 376 Ye Cai Recommends Xiliang King

"What should the empress do now? We can't let him continue to grow like this, let alone wait passively for him to do everything well and return to Chang'an to bury us all." Ye Cai asked worriedly.

Assassination, assassination, and poisoning are all used.

Ye Qing still couldn't be killed.

This is annoying.

Ye Qing now holds an army of about [-].

And it's not just the Dong family's support.

Now even Qishan Pavilion supports him.

Ye Qing's power is so huge that it is bigger than their Chuyue kingdom.

As it continues to develop, I don't know what other forces will support him.

Every day is a torment.

In particular, the two sides have thoroughly exposed each other's murderous intentions towards each other.

Empress Xiongyue sneered and said, "Now there must be few people who want him to stay in Hedong. Hasn't Lao Wu never returned to Beijing from Hanzhong? Since Ye Qing recovered from his illness, it happens that those who can do more work, let him go back to Beijing." Please come back to Hanzhong!"


Ye Jin suddenly ran to Hanzhong, but Ye Zhen never came back no matter how he called.

Regardless of whether it is soft or hard, this dead fat man is as if he does not exist, and he will not reply to Chang'an.

Yijing made Ye Zhen very angry.

If it wasn't for the Zhang family's reasons, Ye Zhen would have sent troops to capture him back.

What's even more exasperating is that the Zhang family also claimed that Ye Jin was not in Hanzhong.

The border between the two counties smells like fire.

Using this reason to trick Ye Qing back to the capital, Ye Qing was naturally transferred away from Hedong.

It will be easy to operate after returning to Beijing.

"Although the Queen Mother's idea is good, if we deliberately bring it up, will it scare Ye Qing and let him use the scriptures to deliberately harm him, and he may not be willing to leave Hedong." Ye Cai reminded with some concern.

That fat man Ye Jin dared to suddenly disobey Ye Zhen's order not to return to Beijing.

No wonder Ye Qing, who has soldiers and horses, will come back willingly?

Empress Xiongyue smiled and said, "Isn't your eldest brother still returning to Liangzhou? You can let him do the calling back to Ye Jin first, and drag him into the water first. You brothers have been fighting for so long, so you can't let him idle anymore." Get it, otherwise how would you be a big brother!"

Let Ye Yu do it?
Ye Yu will definitely shirk it, and finally pass it on to Ye Qing.

Everything will be a matter of course.

It turned out that because of the good situation in Liangzhou this year, Ye Zhen recruited Ye Yu back during the Chinese New Year.

Originally, he wanted to gather all nine sons under his name for a reunion dinner.

As a result, Ye Jin sneaked into Hanzhong and did not come back.

Ye Qing was poisoned first, so it was inconvenient to leave Hedong.

So Ye Zhen gave up the idea of ​​a reunion, and then the fourth prince, Ye Mao, continued to be locked up in Dali Temple without moving.

Now the Lantern Festival is over.

Ye Yu is also preparing to return to Liangzhou.

Empress Xiongyue was unwilling to let go of the opportunity, and was about to drag the eldest prince Ye Yu into the water.

The next day!

Chaohui begins!
The officials of the Chuyue Kingdom proposed to the emperor to punish Ye Jin severely, continue to cut his title in the name of unfilial piety, and finally broke into Dali Temple to be with Ye Mao.

When mentioning Ye Jin, a low-key fat man, all the officials gloated a little in their hearts.

This fat man didn't know that he suddenly created a ghost hall.

He even hid in Hanzhong and couldn't come back.

What's the matter, is there going to be a disaster in Chang'an, or a plague.

So when Ye Jin was mentioned, Ye Zhen's face was so dark that it became the bottom of the pot.

Yi Pai Long's case said: "It is time to capture this rebellious son, all the lovers who are willing to go!"

When we went to Hanzhong, no one said anything.

Just booing, the Zhang family is not vegetarian.

With a heavy army in hand, he dared to touch the nephew of King Nanzheng because he didn't want to leave Hanzhong alive.

Ye Cai stood up at this moment: "Father, my son has something to say!"

Everyone was shocked, what's the matter, the king of Chu is going to wrestle with the king of Nanzheng.

"What does Cai'er want to say?" Ye Zhen asked.

Ye Caidao: "My son recommended elder brother, elder brother is brave and resourceful, and also our elder brother, if he goes to Hanzhong, he will definitely be able to bring fifth brother back to reunite."

Ye Cai's words surprised everyone.

Unexpectedly, Ye Cai took the initiative to show his favor to Ye Yu and asked the King of Xiliang to catch Ye Cai and bring him back.

Even the king of Xiliang, Ye Yu, was taken aback.

Immediately his face darkened.

Ye Zhen above had a flash of light in his eyes.

Staring at Ye Cai firmly.

Officials from the Chuyue kingdom stood up one after another and said:

"Your Majesty, the minister seconded the proposal, the king of Xiliang is extraordinary in martial arts, and he is the leader of all the princes, so he must do his part!"

Ye Zhen refused: "Yu'er will return to Liangzhou in a few days, and Liangzhou still has military affairs to deal with!"

"Your Majesty, I also agree that Liangzhou is in the north of Hanzhong. The king of Xiliang can persuade him to return to the east of the river and then return to Liangzhou, so it will be easy!" The Chuyue kingdom has received a signal, how can it easily let Ye Yu go.

Seeing Ye Zhen defending Ye Yu so much, Ye Tao finally understood something.

Since Chu Wang Ye Cai wants to pull Ye Yu out to make trouble.

As Ye Yu's opposition, if he doesn't make a move, it will be unreasonable.

He also took the opportunity to say: "Father, my son agrees with the performance of the seventh younger brother, the King of Chu. Only the elder brother can do this. There is no more suitable candidate."

All the other officials saw it and followed up one after another: "Your Majesty, the ministers are waiting for you!"

Usually Ye Yu is not in Chang'an, so it is not easy to hit him, and there is no reason.

Now that I finally have a chance, it seems unreasonable not to mess with him!

This made everyone in the Ministry of War have their noses crooked.

This group of civil servants always dislikes them.

When Ye Qing was around, he hated Ye Qing desperately and tried his best to suppress him.

Now that Ye Qing is not here, he hates Ye Yu and wants to pull Ye Yu into the water.

What a cruel heart!
It's all about it.

"You..." Ye Zhen wanted to say something, but he blocked it in the end.

This time is different.

Ye Cai told Ye Tao the truth.

Ye Yu is the elder brother, there is no one here who is more suitable than him to go to Hanzhong to bring Ye Jin back.

However, this is not what he wants to see.

Seeing that Ye Zhen was in a dilemma, and Ye Yu was also a straightforward person, he wanted to open his mouth to speak. At this time, Cao Zhen, Minister of the Ministry of War, came out and said:
"Your Majesty, I feel that everyone's discussion is wrong. I recommend one person. He is more suitable to go to Hanzhong to persuade the Marquis of Hedong!"

The show is coming!

Ye Cai glanced at the people from the Chuyue clan, and everyone stopped immediately.

Ye Zhen was overjoyed, and asked with a normal face: "Who is more suitable!"

Cao Zhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, is the uncle of the eldest prince Ye Yu, so naturally he would not let people from the Chuyue kingdom and the civil servant family succeed in their treacherous schemes.

So it will be positive.

I saw him say: "Return to Your Majesty, the most suitable person is Xiaoyao Wang!"

"Qing'er!" Ye Zhen was slightly displeased.

What does Cao Zhen mean?
How could Ye Qing, who was thousands of miles away, be involved.

Your Ministry of War also made good friends with Ye Qing.

The others were also taken aback!
What's the matter, the left and right hands are full of meat, because he is his own nephew, he is reluctant to spank his ass.

Throw Ye Qing out as cannon fodder to replace the dead ghost.

Soon the family of civil servants seemed to understand a truth.

The Ministry of War has never intended to support Ye Qing.

It's just used as a shield.

After all, Cao Zhen still bet all on his nephew.

(End of this chapter)

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