I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 377? Cao Zhen's Plan

Chapter 377 Cao Zhen's Plan

As the general Han Zhan, the cavalry general Deng Tao and others were also briefly confused.

Regardless of what everyone said, Cao Zhen analyzed bluntly: "As we all know, King Xiaoyao has the closest relationship with the Marquis of Hedong, and they often drink, talk, sing and recite poems in the Yingxiong Building.

And the prince of Nanzheng County also sits with him every time to talk about the world's major affairs.

Xiaoyao Mansion, Hedong Hou Mansion and Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion also jointly invest in business matters such as rice, fine wine, shopping malls, and auction houses.

Three government can be described as huge profits. "

Speaking of this, everyone nodded.

As long as someone with a heart checks it, they can always find out.

This is the truth.

Then Cao Zhen said: "Even the Marquis of Hedong often mentions in private that the person he admires most is King Xiaoyao, so it is very suitable for King Xiaoyao to go to Hanzhong, and he will definitely succeed!"

Seems to make sense ha.

Either Ye Yu or Ye Qing can go.

In other words, everyone hoped that Ye Qing would go to Hanzhong to be humiliated, preferably killed in Hanzhong.

Ye Yu's threat is in the future, while Ye Qing's threat is in the present.

If Ye Qing didn't get rid of him, and talked about stumbling and kicking Ye Yu, he would go out first.

Uncharacteristically, Ye Cai shook his head worriedly and said, "It's a pity that my sixth brother is poisoned and cannot leave Hedong. Moreover, the military and government affairs in Hedong, as well as the negligent judgment with the Beishi people also need the sixth brother, and he cannot get away."

Isn't Ye Qing poisoned?

Now that he holds the power of Hedong and has the power to negotiate with Beishi country, why should he come back.

Do you think he is a fool?

"It's still Ben..." Ye Yu finally couldn't bear his temper and wanted to reply, at this moment Cao Zhen rushed to laugh and said:

"No, no, the poison of King Xiaoyao was cured by the scriptures. Qishan Pavilion went to Baibo Valley, and the proud disciple of Qishan Pavilion took the initiative to go to King Xiaoyao to help him detoxify. King Xiaoyao can move around with the scriptures, and he can go back to Chang'an."

"Moreover, I heard that the negotiations with Beishi Country have also ended, and Beishi Country agreed to all the conditions of Da Zhou.

At the same time...Hedong Yijing was properly arranged by Xiaoyao Wang, a general of civil and military affairs, who completely stabilized Hedong, let him start to recover, and began to become more... stronger! "

Having said that, Cao Zhen's words came to an abrupt end.

More powerful!
The three words are like a lightning strike.

That's right, Ye Qingyi Jing has become stronger.

No matter it is against the family of civil servants, the Chuyue clan, the Wei clan, the Korean clan, or the eldest prince clan, they are already strong enough.

Not only is he a strong competitor of Ye Tao and Ye Cai, but also a competitor of Ye Yu.

It is more likely to be the threat of Emperor Ye Zhen.

The army in Hedong is strong, and the money and food are abundant.

The power of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Isn't it a threat to the emperor?

The emperor has just entered middle age, less than 40 years old.

It is the time of peak.

Is it appropriate for such a top-notch and powerful prince to emerge?

But anyone who has the desire to control will not like this feeling.

Ten years later, Ye Qing took the lead, which is understandable.

Now... a little early!
So hear the three words more powerful.

Even Ye Zhen's heart shook violently.

Ye Cai was overjoyed and said, "In this case, Cao Shangshu is more reasonable, I take back what I just said!"

Ye Tao also took the opportunity to say: "Since Cao Shangshu said that the most suitable candidate is the sixth brother, then let the sixth brother go!"

"The Ministry of War has recommended its own people, and we can't be shy and hypocritical, so follow what Cao Shangshu said!"

"Your Majesty, I will second the performance of Cao Shangshu."

It can be said that except for the Ministry of War, everyone changed their tone and unanimously agreed with Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen glanced coldly at the other generals, and everyone clasped their fists at Ye Zhen, some reluctantly.

Ye Yu looked at Cao Zhen, their eyes flashed in the air, Cao Zhen shook his head slightly.

Ye Yu then swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"Since all the ministers agree, let King Xiaoyao go back to Beijing." Ye Zhen thought for a while and then said:

"Chariot General Deng Tao, go to Hedong to take over the army of Hedong. Everything will be arranged according to King Xiaoyao, and you must not change it."

"It's Your Majesty, I will keep this in mind!"


Down to the rear!
Ye Yu followed Cao Zhen's pace and went directly to the Yamen of the Ministry of War.

When he was in a deserted place, he finally asked, "Uncle, why are you involving the sixth brother? Aren't you pushing the sixth brother into the pit of fire? You know, how many people in Chang'an now want the sixth brother to die?" , want to cut off his power in Hedong and the military power in his hand!"

"Heh, if I don't push him, you will be pushed into the pit of fire. Haven't you seen King Chu's sinister intentions?" Cao Zhen said without hesitation:

"It is enough for my nephew that you can live well, and I am worthy of my third sister. What is Ye Qing? He has never been a member of our military department, let alone my Cao Zhen's subordinate, and similarly, he is not your subordinate either. "

"I know what you're thinking, give up your absurd thoughts, he is a genius who will not be outdone by others, your charm is not enough to attract him, on the contrary, you are easily bewitched by him when you see him." Cao Zhen turned to look To Ye Yu:

"Go back to Liangzhou as soon as possible, Chang'an is a place of right and wrong, you shouldn't be stuck in this swampy mud, you are an eagle, you should soar nine days, and you should look down on the world.

This is not only my intention, but also His Majesty's intention, don't follow me to the Ministry of War, go back, go out of the west of the city today, the sooner the better! "

After finishing speaking, Cao Zhen turned his head and went to the Yamen of the Ministry of War. He was also a general, and he walked like a tiger, very fast.

"Uncle!" Ye Yu looked at Cao Zhen's back, and only sighed heavily when his news was around the corner:

In the afternoon of that year, Ye Yu still listened to his uncle Cao Zhen, bid farewell to Ye Zhen, and then hurriedly left Beijing and returned to Liangzhou.

In the queen's palace!

Xiong Yue received the letter, and said with a sneer: "See, how straightforward you left, this time you know what your father thinks, right? He is always the eldest son!"

Ye Cai suddenly admired his mother's vision and judgment.

"It's a pity that he walked too fast, otherwise we would be dragged into the water together." Ye Cai sighed, Ye Yu is different from Ye Qing.

Ye Qing had no one to support him, no one to raise his point.

Ye Yu has the Minister of the Ministry of War, has the support of more than half of the Ministry of War, and also has a backer.

It is impossible to drag him into the water casually like calculating Ye Qing.

Xiong Yue said: "It will be a long time in the future, if Ye Qing is dealt with, it won't be too late to get rid of him!"

"Queen, are we going to attack Ye Qing halfway?" Ye Cai asked a little uncertainly.

Two strikes failed to kill Ye Qing.

Can Ye Qing kill him when he comes back?

More peace of mind if you can.

Xiong Yue didn't reply, but just vomited lightly: "It's up to people to do it, if you don't do it, you have to do it?"

If you don't do it, do it!

If you don't kill, you have to kill!

at the same time!

After nightfall, a mysterious visitor also came to Xiaoyao Mansion.

The person who received the interview was Li Ru, except him, no one knew who the visitor was?Why come.

After waiting for the people to leave, Li Ru called Yuhuatian and handed over a bamboo pipe:
"Send this thing to the lord. People are alive and things are there, and things can't be kept when people die!"

"Yes, this subordinate is leaving now!" Yu Huatian took the things and disappeared from Xiaoyao Mansion in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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