I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 378 ? Bu Xiaofan's Eight Diagrams Power

Chapter 378 Bu Xiaofan's power of gossip
"It will take ten days and half a month to get rid of all the poison!"

Ye Qing looked at Bu Xiaofan suspiciously.

I always feel that the girl is lying, but there is no proof.

After all, this mind method requires physical contact.

It can't be said that people covet their own beauty, want to have more physical contact, and enjoy the skin-to-skin kiss!

Bu Xiaofan explained: "The poison you are poisoned has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. It will take time to get rid of it completely. Don't you want to leave a hidden danger!"

Ye Qing shook his head.

Bu Xiaofan said again: "Besides, this poison is overbearing. Although my Qishan Pavilion's mental method can dispel poison and drive away poison, it is of a gentle style. In addition, it is not you who practice it yourself, but me to pass it on. Naturally, it is slow. There is no way to clear it all at once.”

Well explained.

More true than real!
Ye Qing said: "This will trouble Miss Bu, I believe in you, let's do it!"

After speaking, Ye Qing began to undress.

Even Bu Xiaofan was a little surprised at the speed of that undressing. Seeing that Ye Qing wanted to take off the last one, Bu Xiaofan hurriedly turned around, half blushed and said coquettishly, "What are you doing? Who made you take it all off!"

"Hey, didn't you say you were going to take it all off last time? I thought you wouldn't mind a man being naked..." Ye Qing pretended to be stupid and flirted.

Bu Xiaofan shouted angrily, "Did I say that?"

"do not have it?"

"No!" Bu Xiaofan thought about it seriously, then shook his head resolutely.

Gritting the silver teeth lightly.

She knew it was Ye Qing's intention.

This little thief is not honest at all.

Let's see how I deal with you later.

"Then let's forget it!" Miss Bu can do her work now, and I'm ready.

Bu Xiaofan first turned half of his head, and squinted at Ye Qing with one eye.

Seeing that he was wearing clothes, and didn't show any bullshit chest muscles, abdominal muscles, back muscles, etc., he turned his body around with confidence.

Pointing to the spacious wooden floor, she said: "Sit on it, with your back facing me, and your hands stretched forward.

Relax your whole body, don't resist, and don't make a fuss no matter what happens. "

Ye Qing sat up according to his instructions, and then made a standard posture and said: "Come on, Miss Bu, just come, I won't resist you, even if you give me to that now, I won't say a word of!"

"Shameless!" Bu Xiaofan was teased by Ye Qing, his eyebrows touched, and his heart became more playful.

No stress and no guilt.

Ye Qing blushed and replied without shame: "Miss Bu, what are you thinking? I mean, even if you kill me, I won't make a sound now. Sigh, how can you think wrong at such a young age!"


When did Bu Xiaofan suffer this loss, his eyes were bulging with anger, and the frost hung slightly on his face.

He even snorted coldly in his heart: "Little thief, I hope you can still talk nonsense later, I will let you die, otherwise you don't know how powerful this girl is, and I will let you taste the consequences of molesting women."

Shi Potian, who watched Ye Qing bicker with Bu Xiaofan, was secretly worried for Ye Qing.

The lord really doesn't know how to restrain himself!

Although this Bu girl looks gentle and kind, she is really capable of being ruthless.

Now my lord, you have something to ask from others, how dare you molested them.

The bravery of the lord is really...

Say it's too late, it's too soon.

Bu Xiaofan jumped onto the couch and sat cross-legged.

Stretch your arms, and then use your luck to move your arms, pinch out two orchids with your ten fingers, and then keep changing your hands and lifting them.

Transform more than a dozen gestures.

There are words in his mouth, but they are so low that human ears can't hear them at all.

Even if you listen quietly, you can't detect it.

But Shi Potian, who was staring at him, remembered everything in his heart.

As long as it is not written, he has a photographic memory, and he can clearly engrave it even with fast techniques.

And there is no need for him to remember it by himself.

That's how he learned his tadpole prose back then.

"Heaven and earth, left and right, one dies and the other dies, those who enter my way... Qi!" Bu Xiaofan suddenly opened his mouth and read a sentence, and then crossed his hands and hit Ye Qing on the back.

A wave of energy blasted outwards, Shi Potian's eyes converged, and he saw a circular white light flash and disappear, followed by a gossip symbol with eight runes engraved on it.

It also disappeared in a flash before he could see it clearly, followed by a larger I Ching 64 hexagram disk that was even more ridiculously complicated, and the cloudy white color slowly appeared.

Seeing that the lines on it became more and more clear.

But all of a sudden, it turned into a phantom in a flash.

As for the person involved, Ye Qing was hit violently, his whole body seemed to have been hit by a ten-level impact, and his butt was almost off the ground and he was about to fall forward.

A muffled hum, but fortunately he held on.

If Bu Xiaofan pushes this out, the rumors will make people laugh.

The corners of Bu Xiaofan's mouth floated up slightly.

Then he shouted: "Steady, this is just the beginning, and the next step is the key point!"

Let you tease me.

Look at my Eight Diagrams God Palm.

The little girl wanted to avenge her private revenge publicly and took the opportunity to retaliate.

However, how can you, Young Master Ye Qing, be so easily retaliated against?

come on!

Look at my overlord body.

Ye Qing was also lucky to mobilize his whole body's energy.

The body is more upright.

Bu Xiaofan could clearly feel a wave of energy repelling and resisting her.

She used her internal strength to give Ye Qing a little pain.

But he found that the power of gossip, which has always been invincible, seemed to have encountered a mountain, and he couldn't get over it no matter what.

Instead, he stepped back step by step.

"Relax, don't mess around!" Bu Xiaofan knew that Ye Qing was playing tricks, but his inner strength couldn't fight against the opponent, and he was gradually losing the wind in Ye Qing's home court, so he couldn't help feeling annoyed.

So he closed his hands and made another seal, and then slapped out his right palm, followed by his left palm.

Call one after the other.

It was like bumping into stone and steel.

On the contrary, the little hands felt numb and painful.

"Miss Bu, my injury is on my right arm. You should focus on this side instead of exploring other parts of my body." Ye Qing reminded.

It's just telling Bu Xiaofan that I guessed your little thoughts based on the scriptures.

There is no one who wants to take the opportunity to avenge his personal revenge and torture them.

Bu Xiaofan lost in the first round.

But she didn't stop there, but said coldly: "You still know that you are injured, then listen to me, otherwise..."

While speaking, Bu Xiaofan stalked all the power of gossip along Ye Qing's back and climbed up to his right shoulder, and then poured it into the wound, which was blocked by the inner power of the Taixuan Jing, and rushed in.

The power of gossip is completely invisible and silent.

Come from the nature of heaven and earth, follow the power of heaven and earth.

It coincides with all avenues.

Therefore, it is as warm as drizzle and as moist as a spring breeze.

Like a thin needle, it pierced through the energy balls formed by the inner strength of the Taixuan Jing.

Then caught the sword poison.

The sword poison began to pounce on it like a demon with teeth and claws.

As a result, once exposed to the power of gossip, there is no rush to avoid it.

But it wanted to run, but it was turned into a hand by Bu Xiaofan's power of gossip, and grabbed it.

The black sword poison was instantly evaporated a little.

However, when Bu Xiaofan pulled out the energy balls formed by the inner strength of the Taixuan Jing from inside, it seemed to be nourished by the nectar after a long drought, and suddenly became excited and active.

Started to spread the encroachment all around.

Ye Qing knows best about his own body.

I have dealt with Sword Poison for so long, and I know its situation too well.

Feeling the strength and madness of the sword poison, his face changed instantly.

I wanted to mobilize my strength to fight, but I found it was wrong.

My own internal strength can't suppress the other party, as long as I touch it, it will be the nourishment of the other party.

Unless there is the strength of Shi Potian.

Otherwise, if you take the initiative to go up to it, you will be giving away the head.

(End of this chapter)

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