I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 379 Lu Buwei and Li Yuanfang

Chapter 379 Lu Buwei and Li Yuanfang

Ye Qing raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes.

Shi Potian also saw some problems.

The same expression changed, wanting to make a move.

At this time, Bu Xiaofan slightly retreated Ye Qing, and said coldly: "Don't panic, lure the enemy to go deep, it's the same reason to fight with you, don't mess up the small scene!"

God damn lures the enemy deep, you are obviously sending the enemy in like a master to feast on you, okay?

Still a small scene.

Sister who will die!

But after Bu Xiaofan finished speaking, with a thought, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The power of gossip was like the blade of thunder, it immediately wrapped the black cloud that had been pulled out of Taixuan into a ball, and then shook it lightly like a bubble.

The smoke disappeared.

Only then did Ye Qing feel that the sword poison that had just swept away was gone.

However, under the package of Taixuan energy, although the sword poison was a little weaker, it did not completely disappear.

"Okay! That's all for today. I'm a little tired. After a big battle, I need a good rest!"

As soon as Bu Xiaofan collected his luck, he slightly retracted his hand, and made a gesture of returning luck to his dantian.

All the gossip power in Ye Qing's body also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Bu Xiaofan got down and said without turning his head, "You're welcome, we'll continue tomorrow!"

Ye Qing's cheeks twitched slightly.

Looking at Bu Xiaofan's leaving back, his eyes became a little complicated.

"My lord, she did it on purpose just now!" Shi Potian reminded.

Ye Qingdao: "It was intentional from the beginning. She can remove all sword poisons at once. She doesn't use it on purpose. If you want to play, just play with her. We just happen to be bored on the mountain!"


In the next few days, Bu Xiaofan continued to operate like this, taking out the sword poison every day to threaten Ye Qing.

Let him taste the taste of life being swallowed up, and it may end at any moment in her thought.

Every time, it was like a big rooster winning, proudly leaving a sentence to continue tomorrow, and then left without looking back.

After clearing the poison of the sword that day, he also threw Ye Qing a back view, and the system's voice rang in Ye Qing's mind immediately.

"Ding! Master, Ye Zhu, the head of Lantian Valley, wants to know whether the person who broke into the wind valley of his sect and pryed into his secrets is Li Bai from Xiaoyao Mansion, and his destination to the east, so that the disciples of Lantian Valley can continue to pursue him." Killing, willing to spend 800 taels of silver as a reward, do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Ye Cai, King of Chu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, would like to know the specific route for you to return to the capital. I am willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward. Will you sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Great Zhou Fufeng King Ye Tao wants to know the specific route for you to return to the capital, so that you can be ambushed on the way, and you are willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward. Will you sell it?"

"Ding, Master, the Prince of Nanzheng County of Great Zhou wants to know if you will really come to Hedong to capture Ye Jin so that you can make a complete defense plan, and you are willing to spend 200 taels of silver as a reward. Will you sell it?"

Li Bai forced his way into Lantian Valley.

Finally found the evidence and discovered the secret between Lantian Valley and the Chuyue Kingdom?

But... Li Bai came to the east and didn't return to Beijing, which also surprised Ye Qing quite a bit.

But after thinking about it, I also felt that Li Bai was right to do so.

This guy must have come to find himself.

Want to hunt down Li Bai!

Come on then!See how I deal with you!

Slightly pondering, Ye Qing said: "Shi Potian, you go to Yang Guo and Jing Wuming, I am giving you a command to dispatch troops, you go south to meet Li Bai.

Someone is chasing him from behind, you are so and so..."

After Shi Potian listened, he clasped his fists and replied, "It's my lord, I understand!"

After talking about the stone world, go to handle the matter.

Then Ye Qing continued to check the intelligence information.

Ye Cai and Ye Tao want to kill me halfway?
Back to Beijing?

When did I say I was going back to Beijing?

But seeing the first piece of information, Ye Qing was relieved.

It turned out that it was because of Ye Jin, the fat man.

Ye Jin suddenly ran to Hanzhong, he was also a little interested.

But faintly made him aware of the strange atmosphere in Chang'an.

Don't look at the fat man like an air all day long, without any sense of existence.

But he is smart, and he is pretending to be stupid.

Actually very cunning.

When he left Beijing, he must have felt that Chang'an was not safe, threatening his life and future.

Moreover, the king of Nanzheng County in Hanzhong dared to refuse his order to hand over people, which shows that the Zhang family's wings are also hardened.

Get ready!
Let's go back and analyze.

Couldn't it be a bad idea from the officials in the court to let him go back to Beijing, and then take orders to go to Hanzhong to catch Ye Jin and go back!

Ye Qing felt that his guess should be close to ten.

"No matter how many, the system, sell all four pieces of information!"

Go back to Beijing when you return to Beijing, so what's the harm in going to Hanzhong?

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 146800 taels of silver, and 4 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing said directly: "System, draw!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a merchant card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a game card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding, congratulations master for drawing a martial arts character card!"

Four different cards!

It is rare to see merchant cards and game cards.

I don't know who can get out of these two cards.

Ye Qing was still a little excited.

Immediately said: "System, use the card!"

"Good host!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the Merchant Card and getting Lu Buwei of the Warring States Period!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the game card and getting Li Yuanfang (fourth grade) of "Glory of the King"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining Lu Bu of the Three Kingdoms (second rank)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and obtaining the Kong Jian (Tier [-]) of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji"!"

Lu Buwei!
Strange goods can be sourced.

Invest in the proton of the Qin State, and support him to become the queen of Qin Zhuangxiang, who is worshiped as the prime minister and named Wenxinhou.

Become one of the most successful businessmen in history.

There is even more unofficial history, and it is said that he is the biological father of the first emperor Yingzheng.

Shen Wansan was in charge of Chang'an's affairs, and after he left Hedong, he was relieved to let Lu Buwei take care of the business affairs here.

Then came Li Yuanfang.

The strength of the fourth rank.

It's the same level as Li Bai!
It belongs to the role of jungle rush harvesting.

And with a dark-grade throwing knife in one hand, it is not in vain.

Secret spy at night, surveillance and tracking, only Di Renjie can give orders.

One word is as strong as a horse!
"Three Kingdoms Lu Bu! The strength of the second rank is definitely a little stronger than the original Guan Yu and Huang Zhong."

Ye Qing had nothing to say about this aspect.

Although Lu Bu is the number one military general in the Three Kingdoms, but in the star-studded Longteng Continent, he cannot dominate alone.

"See you! This character has no memory, like the title of Shaolin!" Ye Qing couldn't remember who it was, so he asked the system:

"System! Who is Kong Jian? What skills do you have?"

The strength of the second rank, could it be that he is a well-rounded eminent monk?
(End of this chapter)

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