I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 380 The Injured Lu Bu

Chapter 380 The Injured Lu Bu
The system explained: "Kong Jian is the first of the four great monks of Shaolin Temple in "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" "Information and Wisdom".

Famous skills are 'Dragon Claw Hand' and 'King Kong Immortal Body'.

This is the master of "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand".

In order to influence Xie Xun, one of the four great protectors of Mingjiao, the "Golden Lion King", Kong Jian went to Luoyang to find Xie Xun, and voluntarily was beaten by him thirteen times without any damage. "

This time Ye Qing finally got a little bit of this empty image.

He was beaten so hard that he didn't fight back, he received Xie Xun's Seven Injury Fist hard, relying on the Vajra Indestructible Body, he was unscathed.

Few people in the world can beat him by practicing martial arts all over the body.

Although at that time Xie Xun was still in the rising period of martial arts, it was not the peak time.

However, it can also be seen that there is nothing to see.

This is a standard sandbag.

Best suited as a sparring partner.

"Not bad! Wait... Xiaolongmen seems to be famous for its physical fists and feet. I don't know how long it can last under Xiaolongmen's hands with the strength of the second rank!" Ye Qing suddenly showed a wicked smile.

'King Kong is not bad' Tsk tsk, will it make people desperate!

Without thinking too much, Ye Qing said directly: "Where are Lu Buwei, Li Yuanfang, Lu Bu, Kongjian?"

After the words fell, there was the sound of guards blocking the door, followed by the sound of drawing a sword.

Then there were four voices.

"Lu Buwei came to see His Highness, everyone please do me a favor! We will be my family from now on, don't hurt your peace!"

"Li Yuanfang was ordered by Master Di to come to assist His Highness, please let me in first!"

"Get out, I am Jiuyuan Lu Bu, the number one general under my lord, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

"O Methaufo, all benefactors, stop fighting and show mercy..."

Four people brushed outside.

As soon as Ye Qing heard these four sentences, he knew who said it.

So Hong Sheng shouted: "Stand back, let the four of them come in."

Hearing this, the soldiers on duty put away their weapons and let out the door.

Lv Bu snorted coldly, walked in front, pushed open the door, then bowed his fists and said, "Lv Bu pays homage to the lord!"

The other three people followed afterward, and also bowed: "Lv Buwei pays homage to the lord!"

"Li Yuanfang greets the lord!"

"Kong Jian has met the lord!" Kong Jian clasped his palms together and nodded in greeting, using Buddhist rituals.

Ye Qing said: "Let's all be free!"

"Thank you, my lord!" The crowd replied.

Ye Qing stared at Lv Bu and said, "Lv Bu just heard you say that you are the number one general under my command, let me ask you, can you beat Li Cunxiao of the third rank!"

Rank three, there is even a general of higher rank than himself!
Lu Bu's aura was no longer as strong as before, and he replied, "We can fight!"

Ye Qing said again: "Zhao Yun can beat the fourth rank!"

Four grades!

Mai Maipi!
Why is Zhao Yun so strong?

"It's okay to fight!" Lu Bu's momentum weakened, and he didn't dare to speak big words, but he still spoke stubbornly.

Ye Qing smiled, waved his hand and said: "Then wait aside, remember to restrain yourself in the future, otherwise...you will be beaten!"

"It's my lord, Bu wrote it down!" Lu Bu hurriedly suppressed his murderous aura and stood aside.

Kong Jian saw this scene, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and nodded slightly.

Convince people with virtue, and subdue the violent general Lu Bu.

The lord is very close to Buddhism!
Only then did Ye Qing look at Li Yuanfang.

Li Yuanfang is not tall, about 1.6 meters.

The figure is also lean and lean, and he is wearing a black dress embroidered with red borders.

A small satchel was hung on the clothes, and the satchel was embroidered with pale gold passwords.

There are two semi-circular weapons pinned to his waist.

When the two blades are combined, they can form a circle.

With a handsome appearance, she looks to be only eleven or twelve years old, with protruding ears and piercing eyes.

Feeling like a king, Ye Qing felt good about him and asked, "Your brother Li Bai is being chased by Lantian Valley, what do you think Yuan Fang?"

All are kings.

It is also reasonable to learn from the same school.

Li Yuanfang said: "My lord, don't worry, I will go after the enemy, take his life and come back!"

With eyesight, Ye Qing nodded slightly: "Go, pay attention to safety."

1.6 meters, [-] or [-] years old, does it count as child labor?

Li Yuanfang clasped his fists to accept the order, turned around, disappeared from the spot in a flash, reached the tree in the yard outside the door, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in a flash.

When Lu Bu and Kong saw each other, their eyes flashed strangely, and their hairs stood on end slightly.

Then it was discovered that there was a thin cut mark on the ground, almost undetectable, but it still gave people a dangerous feeling.

Ye Qing didn't expect Li Yuanfang to flash so fast.

Played skills directly.

Seeing Lu Bu's still blank expression, a smile appeared on Ye Qing's face instantly.

Opening his mouth, he reminded: "Yuanfang is in the fourth grade, and her disposition is still like that of a playboy, she likes to be cool!"

He was just a child.

Wait... Fourth Rank!
Lu Bu clenched his fists suddenly.

He thought he was a genius.

He is a prodigy in martial arts.

Unexpectedly, both Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun were above him.

Now even Li Yuanfang, who is a child, is also a fourth rank.

The lord has a lot of monsters under his command!

Hang on!

Li Yuanfang's deterrent power is still very strong.

All of a sudden, Lu Bu became more honest.

Kong Jian withdrew his gaze, clasped his hands together, and then faced Ye Qing and said, "My lord, I want to promote Buddhism and save the common people. I want to ask my lord to build a small temple so that I can teach disciples the essence!"

"Bodhi doesn't have a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, so where does the dust come from?" Ye Qingxiao looked at the sky and said:
"There is a Buddha in your heart, and wine and meat pass through your intestines. If you have a Buddha in your heart, why spread it to the outside world? You keep your way, and you are your person. You don't need to spread it, and someone will pass it on for you."

It was a rather tactful refusal.

It is regrettable to see nothing.

However, there is no tree for Bodhi, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where is the dust? These four sentences are like a treasure.

"I'll just stay by my side for the time being, and you will have a chance to establish Wuzong in the future!" Ye Qing has no preference for Buddhism, and has no likes or dislikes.

Existence is justified.

As long as it doesn't affect his great career, it doesn't matter.

So I still gave Kongjian a little hope.


Establish sects, not sects.

If you respect martial arts, if you can't defend the mountain, let alone preach!

"Thank you, my lord, for your mercy!" Kong Jian clasped his hands again, and replied extremely gratefully.

Being able to stay by the lord's side is the best benefit. One day, I will completely introduce the lord to my Buddha, which is much better than going outside for alms and preaching.

My lord has Buddha-nature, so I should be my Buddha in this world.

Lu Buwei is a businessman, and his eyesight is quite strong.

So after Ye Qing finished dealing with the three bosses' problems, he wisely stood up.

"Lu Buwei is willing to use his remaining body to be driven by the lord."

Ye Qing looked at Lu Buwei, who was pretending to be a grandson, with a wider smile on his face, and said lightly: "You came at a good time, you are in charge of the iron ore and coal affairs, and at the same time, you are in charge of the overall planning of the business in the northeastern part of the river.

In the end...you set up a Beishi trading company, responsible for the monopoly of Beishi country's business, I want you to step in and infiltrate in all aspects.

In terms of funds, I will ask Hedong Investment to provide you with a loan and capital injection, and you can act boldly. "

(End of this chapter)

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