I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 382 Poisoned, Hurry up

Chapter 382 Poisoned, Hurry up
At Fengling Ferry, Li Bai floated to the ground, but he didn't go far. He looked at the sky and waited nearby for a long time.

After dark, a boat came from the opposite side.

Eleven people came down.

After the eleven people landed, someone muttered: "He actually came to Hedong, it seems that he wants to report to Ye Qing!"

"According to the boatman's confession, he should have arrived in the afternoon. If we work harder, we will definitely catch him."

Everyone looked at a white old man.

The old man half-closed his eyes and said: "He definitely didn't expect us to catch up to the east of the river, and thought we would give up. I dare say, he must go to Puban to rest in a good inn. This man is good at wine, so he can't say Let's celebrate with a drink, so we can catch up with him!"

"The Great Elder is wise!" Everyone praised.

The Great Elder was about to nod triumphantly when a white figure jumped out in front of him.

"Bastard Yingming, who said I'm going to rest in Puban, and drinking is even more slanderous, don't you know that I quit drinking with the scriptures?"

After the training was finished with a loud shout, the white figure jumped and the news was in front of everyone's eyes.

"Damn it, it's that guy!"

"It's so courageous to wait for us here, to see if we will come after us. If we don't come after us, he will turn around and return to Chang'an. He almost fell into his trap."


All the people chased after each other with their own words.

Only the Great Elder said to the person beside him: "Give me some money and hire this boatman to wait for us here day and night, and he can't leave for a month."

Lantian Valley, who is good at using hidden weapons, has always considered defeat before winning first.

You must find a way out.

One hit kill is the best.

In case of being chased by the Hedong Army, you won't be at a loss.

The disciples under the door went to do it immediately, and urged them to tell the boatman well.

He also paid ten taels of silver, and threatened to give them 30 taels after driving them back.

The boatman readily agreed.

But wait for someone to go away.

Only then did an old man spit on the ground.

Weighing the money in his hand, he rowed back and murmured: "The Huashan faction said that if you trick you into crossing the river, you can get 100 taels of silver. Hehe, what kind of boat am I going to row in my life..."

"As for you, don't even think about having a boat across the river this month, unless you're all dead, you don't look like good people. That's right, there are no good people who the Huashan faction wants to punish..."

How could the people of Lantian Valley have thought that the way out that the Great Elder had thought about had been cut off long ago.

I don't know what else Li Bai did in Huayin City?
Who else did you meet?

Just after seeing Li Bai's figure, he chased after him fiercely.

Li Bai was not injured, and he was in the fourth rank again.

It is really difficult for the people of Lantian Valley to kill him if he only runs away.

So the two sides ran in the dark night one after the other.

Soon through Leishou Mountain, and then to Puban.

Li Bai is from Xiaoyao Mansion, and when he arrives in Puban, he can use his status to gain the support that Xiaoyao Mansion still has in Hedong Commercial Bank.

Money, food, food and drink are not a problem, and even a guide has found him a guide, and at the same time, he has a good horse for transportation.

So it was smooth sailing.

The people from Lantian Valley also sold their horses when they arrived at Puban, so they continued to chase Anyi!
Because the horses have different times.

The 11 people actually distanced themselves one after another.

Li Bai was riding on his war horse, and he was almost at Yicheng.

Suddenly a person stood motionless in the middle of the road.

Li Bai shouted: "Go away, watch out for my horse!"

The person in the way didn't seem to hear it.

Looking at him, he didn't move.

Li Bai tugged on the rein lightly, trying to go around.

The official road is so wide, there is always room to walk.

But the figure moved and blocked his way again!

At this moment, Li Bai's face became suspicious, and he took the initiative to rein in the rope and stop.

Then he observed the left and right with a vigilant face, and took off the portable saber from the horse's back.

Just when Li Bai thought the other party was about to make a move, the man took something out of his arms and threw it over.

Seeing that it was not a hidden weapon, Li Bai stretched out his hand to catch it.

Only then did I discover that it was a bamboo tube.

Pulling out the bamboo tube, I saw a roll of paper inside.


Pure white as snow.

My own people!
Ye Qing's paper has not been made available to the world, it has not been made public, and it is still in the confidential stage.

Except for the people in Xiaoyao Mansion who are using it, only the emperor has a limited amount of it, and it has not been used on a large scale.

Li Bai took out a white paper, on which there were written words.

After reading it, Li Bai's tense body suddenly relaxed.

Then he nodded slightly towards the man, clasped his fists together, and then urged the horse into the city.

Originally, he wanted to go to the county government, but the letter made him give up his original plan.

As soon as he left the city, people from Lantian Valley chased after him at the south gate.

These people hurried into the city, and then ran directly to the prefect's mansion.

After asking the people along the way, I found out that Li Bai did not come to the prefect's mansion, but went directly out of the city to the north.

"This is cunning, because he is afraid that we will raid the prefect's mansion, so he feels that the prefect's mansion is not safe, so he went straight out of the city!"

"So let this guy run ahead again, chasing, I don't believe how long he can run, his horse is dying, let's change horses!"

The people of Lantian Valley took the opportunity to rest in the city, and then bought good horses, and the first batch of people who entered the city continued to chase them out.

There were a total of seven people in this group, and the seven ran quickly, and one of them found the exhausted horse lying on the ground after an hour.

Everyone rejoices!

"Li Bai's horse, he's on foot now, it won't take long, let's speed up."

"it is good!"

The seven people from Lantian Valley pursued closely all the way again. After an hour, their horses suddenly fell to the ground.

The seven people were shocked and jumped up from the horse. After landing, they found that their stomachs were also uncomfortable.

"what happened?"

"No, I'm poisoned, hurry up and force the poison!"

After all, the Great Elder has more experience, so he immediately reminded him.

Then use the power to force the poison.

Fortunately, among the seven people who followed, four were elders and three were deacons.

Everyone's martial arts are extremely high.

The poison in it was quickly suppressed.

In fact, when they use hidden weapons, they will also quench the poison in the weapons.

So I know something about poison.

Can inadvertently poison them.

Unless the poison is colorless and odorless.

Or it is not highly toxic, or even not poisonous, but just a disgusting thing.

It's not to take their lives, it's just to restrain them.

"Yo! Everyone has a share. I thought there must be one or two smarter ones."

At this time Li Bai came out from the miscellaneous trees in front of him.

He walked slowly with a sword in his hand, with a smug look on his face.

The seven people in Lantian Valley glared at him.

One by one gritted their teeth, wanting to move but had to lower their bodies.

How hideous and uncomfortable the expression must be, how hideous and uncomfortable.

But when their hidden weapons could hurt people, Li Bai suddenly stopped and fell back three steps.

"You must be waiting for me to be overwhelmed by the victory, and then step into your one-hit kill distance. It's a pity that you think too much. Although I, Li Bai, am crazy, I am not stupid. This bit of poison is nothing to you , so don’t pretend anymore, let’s all get up, let’s have a good fight and end this boring chase.” Li Bai slowly drew his sword:
"Heaven did not give birth to me, Li Bai, the way of swordsmanship through the ages is like a long night!"

Lan Tiangu and the seven people felt nauseous, but they all held back, stood up one by one, and acted like nothing happened.

Seven people formed an array, forming three sides, and the three faced Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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