I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 383 I Want To See Who Dies First

Chapter 383 I Want To See Who Dies First
"Li Bai, stop pretending, I don't believe you dare to stop and kill the seven of us alone!"

The elder of Lantian Valley looked at Li Bai with disdain.

The reason why seven people form a three-sided formation.

It is to prevent the enemy from attacking their backside.

"Hahaha, why don't you dare, why do I, Li Bai, want to kill someone?" Li Bai laughed wildly and said:

"However, if someone insists on helping me, I won't refuse. After all... there are really many of them!"

Word down!

I saw countless soldiers rushing out from all around.

The sound of shouting and killing was loud.

Surround this place tightly.

The army stands in formation, with the shield in front, the spear in the middle, and the sword and ax in the back.

There are also crossbowmen on the outermost periphery. Once someone flies into the air and escapes, they will shoot a volley at a 45-degree elevation angle, which can shoot people into a sieve.

In front of the army, stood several generals, and a group of martial arts masters dressed in Jianghu.

Suddenly he drew his sword and roared, "Surrender without killing!"

All the soldiers around shouted in unison: "Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

Each sound is louder than the sound, and the sound is more chilling than the sound.

The seven people in Lantian Valley all changed their colors.

His face was gloomy.

The Hedong army came out, and Li Bai got in touch with Ye Qing early.

There is a huge army in ambush.

This is a surefire thing.

Even if they are masters, they are all in the state of entry.

But the probability of getting out alive is not very high.

Even if he could break out, he would still be seriously injured.

"Surrender, my Highness had expected that you would pursue Li Bai, and Li Bai would definitely desert and come to Hedong, so he ordered me to set up a net to prevent you from flying. Surrender will save you from death. My Xiaoyao Mansion is not a mansion to kill everyone.

Your Highness has always cherished talents, what the Chu Palace can give you, my Xiaoyao Mansion can also give it to you.

After all, you, Lantian Valley, have made a lot of contributions to the Great Zhou. We really don't want to fight with you and kill each other. "

The leading general Zhao Yun took a step forward and said with a horizontal gun.

Li Bai's face twitched when he heard that.

The lord is the lord, and he even knew that he had come to Hedong on an errand.

It really is unpredictable.

"Hahaha, what a joke, Ye Qinghui is so good, is it still rare for him to kill people from my six sects? I won't mention Baibogu. The Taihua Mountain was destroyed, and a group of disciples were killed. It's not true. Killed?" The Great Elder sneered and said:

"Don't be hypocritical. If you want to take us down, with real skills, I'll see who dies first!"

The seven people in Lantian Valley are all holding a short blade in their left hand, and their right hand is stretched into the left cuff.

The body is lowered into a posture of five heads, and pairs of eyes are vigilant about the surroundings.

"Zilong, I just said don't be polite to them, rely on the old to sell the old." Tai Shici was on the other side, stretching his bow and stringing three arrows, aiming at the three elders.

Li Bai also said: "That's right, I am still so crazy when I am about to die, I, Li Bai, am not so arrogant, kill!"

After speaking, Li Bai rushed forward first, and swung his sword.

This is a gesture from the top up.

"Well done, I'll see you off first!"

The three elders raised their eyebrows, and one of them flicked his right hand, and shot a small knife from his sleeve.

One blow hit Li Bai's sword.

At the same time, a smaller knife followed.

Mother-in-law swordsman.

It is impossible to guard against, and it is most suitable for people who cannot deal with themselves.

But Li Bai is also a fourth-rank realm after all.

Shifting his body, he immediately arrived in front of the formation of seven people in Lantian Valley, and then swung his sword across to kill them.


Those two people from Lantian Valley didn't expect Li Bai to be so fast, almost in a flash.

There was no rush to use the concealed weapon, and the instinctive left hand swung the short blade to block it at the same time.

The elders of Lantian Valley and the others wanted to kill Li Bai with all their strength, but Li Bai disappeared in a flash and had to give up their original plan.

Because when they were moving, Tai Shici's three arrows shot at the same time.

These three arrows were not shot up the road, but down the road.

Shoot the teammate on the side who is easy to accidentally injure and rush to cut people.

Therefore, Tai Shici was determined.

Three arrows were shot, and the three elders were forced to disperse.

The formation of seven also dispersed tacitly.

At this time, Yang Guo, Jing Wuming, and Leng Lingqi rushed up one after another.

Shi Potian also jumped in from the other side, fighting with two Lantiangu warriors with one against two.

These two people have a third rank and a fourth rank.

But Shi Potian of the fifth rank beat him with all his strength.

Li Bai is also a warrior who fights two Lantian Valleys by himself. His swordsmanship is elegant and fierce, and his figure is dodging. He fought with a third-rank and fourth-rank opponent with a fourth-rank level, which was extremely fierce.

Tai Shici also took the bow and went to help Yang Guo and the others with the gun.

The four of them fought against the other three, but it was a bit difficult.

Because there are three great elders here, two of them are of the fourth rank, and one is of the third rank.

Although the number of people is small, it is not something that Yang Guo and others can easily shake.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent flew out a hidden weapon from time to time, it made the four of them a little dangerous.

So Zhao Yun and Guan Yu looked at each other, rushed over and joined the battle group.

Only Xu Huang was left to command the army.

With the addition of Zhao Yun and Guan Yu, six people fight against three people, and Zhao Yun is also a fourth-rank general, so he can deal with the elder of Lantian Valley by himself.

This won the opportunity for the other five people and the opportunity to attack and kill the other two.

Master tricks, tricks fatal.

The sound of weapons colliding rang non-stop.

A melee of 15 masters made the entire battle group dusty.

From time to time, there was a sharp sound, and then the soldiers crowding around were hit by the flying hidden weapons.

The people who fought also slightly injured each other.

He was either kicked or wounded by a weapon.

Xu Huang didn't lift the axe, but held the sword to command.

A pair of eyes stared at the battlefield, and once someone from Lantian Valley tried to escape and kill them, he immediately commanded the army to block them, and used the method the army was best at to kill the opponent.


Suddenly there were hidden weapons being thrown out from the east, Yang Guo and the others who were fighting with Lan Tiangu and the others avoided one after another.

Four darts flew past.

Then knock down the four soldiers holding shields in the south.

These four people happened to be lined up in a row, and they were neighbors to each other.

As soon as the four of them fell down, a gap appeared in an instant. At this time, an elder with fourth-rank strength in Lantian Valley jumped forward and rolled to this side on the ground.

Then he shot five flying needles from his hand, killing the first soldier.

Then he rushed forward, and then swung the short blade in his left hand to attack a soldier.

Just as he was about to get into the crowd of Hedong soldiers, a small figure suddenly emerged from under the crowd.

Faster than this little figure was a throwing knife shot from the east.

The elder of Lantian Valley dodged sideways.

At the same time, I was surprised and horrified.

The opponent also has people who use hidden weapons.

But as soon as this thought came to him, he instinctively wanted to withdraw and retreat to the open space in the middle.

But this small figure flew past him in a flash.

Then a cold light flashed.

He felt the heels of his legs being cut open with a short knife.

Then the whole person fell backwards.

Then, a throwing knife flew from the west and stuck straight into his neck.


Even if he is a fourth-rank strength, he is powerless at this time.

What's more, the swordsman and axeman of the Hedong Army stepped forward and swung their blades and chopped them down.

In an instant, he was cut to a bloody mess.

(End of this chapter)

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