Chapter 384
"The third one!"

The Great Elder glanced hastily, his heart skipped a beat, and Clutch yelled: "Be careful, there are still experts on the other side."

Only then did the others notice the small figure that had joined the battle group.

But this small figure flashed behind everyone.

Then he flicked his hands sharply.

The two arcs flew towards another fourth-rank elder who was fighting Li Bai.

This person was also clever, he jumped away from the original with his head down, and then attacked Li Bai's rear flank.

Not wanting to find out that there is danger approaching from behind again, he hastily lifted the blade to catch it.


It was caught, but a full moon wheel was spinning in place at high speed in front of my eyes.

Constantly cutting his neck.

He never dreamed that the hidden weapon could come back, and he combined it in mid-air, killing a return carbine.

He is a majestic fourth-rank master, but he lost to the same kind.

As soon as this person died, Li Bai felt much more relaxed. He swung his sword and chased the other third-rank fiercely, and that person couldn't stop him.

After three moves, he was beheaded from the back by Li Bai with a flash.

At this time, the three teammates died, and the two who were fighting with Shi Potian were confused.

Shi Potian took the opportunity to injure the fourth-rank elder first, and then grabbed the third-rank deacon with his backhand, crushing the neck of the third-rank deacon.

This person also died instantly.

The injured Fourth Elder wanted to escape, Shi Potian threw his accomplice's corpse towards him, and then chased after him, one palm and another blow, crushing the man's heart.


The man vomited two mouthfuls of blood, then fell to the ground.

The Great Elder and another third-rank deacon were besieged by Zhao Yun and Yang Guo.

One person has to deal with three people.

It was also powerless to fight back.

With a sound of "Puff!", the Great Elder was stabbed by Zhao Yun.

The Great Elder regarded himself as a high-strength martial artist, so he jumped out.

Then he stepped on the shield in the hands of the shield soldier and leaped behind the army.

"Fire arrows!"

Xu Huang shouted loudly, and the bows shot out the arrows in his hands one after another.

Arrows flew all over the sky.

The Great Elder, who was in mid-air, swung his short blade to keep blocking.

However, it still couldn't stand the dense arrow rain.

He was shot with dozens of arrows and landed heavily.

The soldiers of Hedong were also eager to dodge one after another, and then stabbed them in all directions with spears in their hands.

The great elder who was still trying to struggle was stabbed with countless blood holes.

There are not only arrows but also spears stuck in his body.

Another third-rank deacon was sent flying by Yang Guo's heavy sword, and then Jing Wuming killed him with a flash of his quick sword.

All seven people in Lantian Valley were besieged and died.

Three third grades, four fourth grades.

No one survived.

But I'm looking at the people in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Lost dozens of soldiers.

Leng Lingqi, Jing Wuming, Yang Guo, Guan Yu, Tai Shici and others were also injured.

"Hahaha, I finally killed these guys, so what if I have been chasing me for so long?" Li Bai retracted his sword and glanced at the people in Lantian Valley on the ground.

Looking up and laughing.

"Brother Bai, if it wasn't for Brother Leng's medicine, it would not be so easy to kill the seven of them! Next time, it's better not to be brave." The little Li Yuanfang reminded with a smile.

I didn't think about it, if it wasn't for the medicine given to the people in Lantian Valley in advance, it would not have been so easy to kill the seven of them easily just now.

However, the soldiers are tricky.

There is no need to be polite when dealing with these people.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.

Li Bai glanced at Li Yuanfang immediately, and patted him on the head with his hand: "You're the only one who talks a lot, and you're called Senior Brother Li, no big or small!"

"Slightly slightly...Little White Pigeon! Little White Pigeon, you can't hit me, you can't hit me!" Li Yuanfang made a grimace, his figure flashed, leaving a groove on the ground, and then came behind Shi Potian .

Shi Potian is a fifth grade, Li Bai wants to bully him, he has to weigh it.

Li Bai was so angry that he stared straight.

Of course, it also made everyone laugh.

The disciples of King Glory's sect are really strong.

One and two are fourth-rank realm.

And they all have killer tricks.

Although Li Yuanfang is eleven or twelve years old, he is not very old.

However, this method of killing people is also terrifying with hidden weapons, as well as the ability to set traps that come and go like lightning and continue to hurt people.

It's also astounding.

People are as small as demons.

"Everyone, everyone is alright. If you are injured, you need to be treated quickly. The hidden weapon in Lantian Valley may be poisonous!" Zhao Yun grabbed the gun and glanced at everyone.

Everyone checked themselves and checked others.

Said it was okay.

Even if it was injured by a weapon, there was no sign of poisoning.

Not every weapon in Lantian Valley is poisoned.

Otherwise it is called Lantian Poison Valley.

Then their reputation in the Jianghu will not be good.

So unless it was against an enemy that needed to be killed with one blow and was unknown to outsiders, they would use this poisonous weapon.

Generally, it is just an ordinary weapon.

"Strike while the iron is hot, since most of them are fine, there are still four disciples from Lantian Valley behind, let's take them as well!"

"it is good!"

Everyone had no objections, so they dispersed the army, and then turned back to Anyi City.

On the way, people who ran into Lantian Valley were found one after another.

Also take it together.

One of them had just entered Anyi City and felt something was wrong, so he fled south.

Li Yuanfang, Yang Guo and Jing Wuming chased after them.

It wasn't until Feng Lingdu caught up.

Looking at the vast Yellow River, it was turbid.

The sky and the earth are hazy and yellow.

But the boat and the boatman... have long since disappeared.

"Are you waiting for the boat?"

Suddenly, a voice of questioning came from behind this Lantian Valley disciple.

This disciple of Lantian Valley tensed his body, felt his heart thump, his back felt cold, and he turned around.

Seeing the three people Zeng Pin zigzag surrounded them.

"Are you going to kill them all? So many elders and deacons have died in Lantian Valley, and you Xiaoyao Mansion will not let it go."

A disciple named Lantiangu holds the short blade backwards with his left hand, and puts his right hand into the cuff of his left shirt.

Still the same gesture.

The other three are all masters with the strength of the third rank.

With one against three, the probability of winning is extremely small.

But it's not like he didn't have it, because he still has a unique skill with hidden weapons.

However, at the moment he has no confidence.

"If you don't want to give up, you won't give up. Anyway, ten of them died, so you're one of them, isn't it?" Li Yuanfang replied coldly, and then jumped away with a flash.

However, it is not going straight to the square pair, but diagonally to the left.

Then a throwing knife was thrown.

Seeing that Li Yuanfang moved first, the disciple of Lantian Valley also flicked his right hand, and shot out ten flying needles.

But he regretted it after shooting.

Because Li Yuanyuan didn't rush forward, but walked away obliquely.

So the ten flying needles fell through in vain.

Instead, it was Li Yuanfang's flying knife that made him feel cold all over.

back in a hurry.

At this time, Jing Wuming stabbed with his sword.

Flying away like the wind.


Yang Guo, who was halfway through drawing the sword, slowly pushed the sword back to his back.

With a sound of "plop", the body of the disciple of Lantian Valley fell into the river.

The red blood was dyed into one piece...


White Valley!
Open the secret letter sent by Yuhuatian.

After reading it, Ye Qing murmured to the south: "As expected, we are always pawns. The King of Xiliang is the one he really likes. Empress Xiongyue has started to increase her actions."

Soon Liu Bowen came over, sat down and asked: "Master, the court wants to transfer you back to Beijing?"

"That's right, they want me to go to Hanzhong and bring Ye Jin back to Chang'an, what do you think we should do!" Ye Qing put away the secret letter and didn't show it to Liu Bowen.

(End of this chapter)

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