Chapter 385

Liu Bowen said: "My lord, since Your Majesty has agreed with the scriptures, we will disobey the order and not return, which will give people an excuse, but we can receive the order first, and then drag the word to make a decision."

Ye Qing signaled him to continue talking.

Go back, of course he doesn't want to go back so soon.

Hedong has not been consolidated yet.

Everything is waiting to be done, and all the soldiers and horses have not been well trained.

Liu Bowen continued: "Miss Bu likes to play, doesn't she? My lord, let's play with her for a while longer, so as to delay the detoxification process, I don't think His Majesty has anything to say.

Even though Baibo Valley is gone, it is not surprising that one or two masters appear from time to time.

Hedong still needs the lord to sit in the town in person to be stable. "

"My lord, I can sum it up in nine words. Build high walls, enter Beijing slowly, and really train soldiers." Liu Bowen stroked his beard and squinted his eyes half-closed and said:

"My lord, I have a hunch that something will happen to the capital, and the Marquis of Hedong is so vigilant that if he can't kill Hanzhong, there must be something wrong;
And now that the secret of Lantian Valley has been discovered by us, I'm afraid...they will do it in advance, trying to make a dangerous strategy, Chang'an is easy to get in and hard to get out! "

The word Gongbian came to mind.

Ye Qing was also worried about this.

Did the Chu Yue Congress rely on [-] elite soldiers, and then launch a palace coup to seize power?

It's not very feasible.

Although there are no heavy troops in Chang'an, it is not something that [-] troops can break through.

And the royal family has its own heritage.

How many masters did Ye Zhen recruit secretly, and what did he arrange?Who knows.

You must know that Qianniuwei is not an ordinary team.

There are at least second-rate fighters inside, and if all of them are dispatched, it is enough to break an army.

Once the official change occurred, Xiong Yue and the entire Chuyue faction would have no names and became the number one enemy of the sects.

If it wasn't Xiong Yue who made the move, who would it be?

Who is Ye Jin afraid of?

"Okay, let's delay the decision temporarily, we will wait for the situation to change."

In a few days, the imperial decree arrived.

Clearly asked Ye Qing to return to Beijing.

At the same time, the military power was handed over to the chariot general.

Ye Qing accepted the imperial edict, but had no intention of leaving.

He just looked at Zhang Rang leisurely.

Then slowly sip the tea.

Zhang Rang didn't dare to urge him, and Hou stood aside.

Ye Qing finished drinking the tea in his cup and said, "Zhang Rang, did His Majesty send you someone to let me go back to Beijing?"

"Returning to Your Highness, there is no such thing. The General Che Qi who came to take over the power of His Highness will not arrive in Bingcheng in three days." Zhang Rang said: "So His Highness can return to Beijing in three days, and there is no need to fight for these few days!"

"Tell me, if I can't return to Beijing in three days!" Ye Qing looked at Zhang Rang with a half-smile.

The smile on Zhang Rang's face froze instantly, and then he knelt on the ground: "Your Highness can't do it, this is His Majesty's imperial decree, not an order from all the officials, but His Majesty misses you too and wants you to go back.

Going against His Majesty's will, I'm afraid it would be very inappropriate. "

Could it be that Ye Qing wants to support his own self-respect, and then fight against the emperor with the imperial court in Hedong?

This obviously doesn't work.

The good situation is gone.

Ye Qing didn't answer, but looked at Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen said nonsense: "My Highness's poison has not been completely cured. Although the people from Qishan Pavilion have come, but according to their method, it will take one to two months to completely remove the poison. Now go back to Beijing , Your Highness will die at any time, my Highness can't even go down the mountain, why go back to Beijing?"


Zhang Rang couldn't laugh or cry.

A look of bitterness.

There is no such thing.

This reason is a bit too far-fetched.

The poison is not over yet.

If you say it, you won't believe it.

"What's the situation? Go back and report to His Majesty. By the way, in the end, three days later, you can just say hello to General Cheqi and testify to each other, so that no one will say that you are talking nonsense." Ye Qing waved his hand. , and don't want to say too much.

The reason is said, believe it or not.

I am comforting myself.

He didn't have time to give way to Zhang.

If it weren't for this guy, it would still be useful.

Find a reason to kill.

In the afternoon, after detoxification, Bu Xiaofan did not leave in a hurry, but asked, "Ye Qing, I heard that the imperial court ordered you to return to Beijing?"

"Nothing, nothing, don't worry, Miss Bu, I'm not in a hurry, you don't need to be burdened, this sword poison, we will slowly remove it, we must completely remove it, leaving no hidden dangers, even if it takes a year and a half It can be loaded!" Ye Qing shook his head in denial.

Seeing his nervous appearance, Bu Xiaofan suddenly smiled, but it was just mocking.

"Tsk tsk, Ye Qing, what are you worrying about? It's only been a year and a half, do you think I have so much time to accompany you here to pretend to be crazy? I will work hard, and I will clear it all up for you within three days!" Bu Xiaofan Said deliberately gloating.

Sure enough, Ye Qing's color turned half black.

When Ye Qing was deflated, she was happy.

The only fun on this mountain is to run on Ye Qing.

The greatest joy is playing with Ye Qing.

"Come on, Miss Bu is merciful, can I be a beautiful fairy?" Ye Qing surrendered, clasping his fists at Bu Xiaofan with a cowardly expression:

"Miss Bu doesn't want the fruits of her labor to be wiped out, she can't just rescue me from one fire pit and push me into another fire pit!

If that's the case, then how can I pay back the favors I owe! "

Bu Xiaofan didn't know much about the dirty things about Da Zhou Chaotian.

Asked curiously: "What do you mean, am I helping you? Why are you being pushed into a fire pit? Of course you have to live, otherwise what is this girl doing all the way to Baibo Valley?"

"Hey, Miss Bu doesn't know something, Lantian Valley... Lantian Valley... hey!" Ye Qing hesitated to speak, and finally sighed heavily.

But Ye Qing didn't say anything, Bu Xiaofan wanted to know more like a cat scratching his itch.

And it's about Lantian Valley.

So I asked: "You are so decisive when you are fighting, why are you so ink-stained when you chat, what happened to Lantian Valley, did you offend them?"

Lan Tiangu and Ye Qing couldn't match each other.

Hedong is also far away from Lantian Valley.

It is impossible for Ye Qing to provoke the other party from thousands of miles away.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Ye Qing explained: "It's almost the same. It can be said that we have formed a big enmity with Lan Tiangu. This matter has to start from last year..."

So Ye Qing explained the relationship with Lantian Valley in detail.

The two families who were originally living in peace and harmony came to the point of fighting each other because of the Chu Yue kingdom.

"Four elders, three deacons, eleven disciples, all killed, are you a devil or a show?" After Bu Xiaofan heard this, his scalp went numb.

Xiaoyao Mansion is too ruthless.

He started killing and directly wiped out the team that was chasing him.

This feud is settled.

There is no room for relaxation at all.

Ye Qing shrugged his shoulders, with a helpless look on his face: "It's not my fault, it's their guilty conscience, they made trouble first, colluded with Chuyue Kingdom, and the signs of betraying me are becoming more and more obvious.

If I don't kill their people, they have to kill people in my house.

So now if I go back to Beijing, Lantian Valley will definitely make trouble. Now that you know it from the scriptures, you Qishan Pavilion must also be investigating this matter.

Now that the evidence is there, it depends on how you deal with it? "

In the end, Ye Qing threw the question to Qishan Pavilion instead.

Only hook up with them.

Bu Xiaofan will follow his plan.

Sure enough, Ye Qing asked him such a rhetorical question.

Bu Xiaofan really fell into deep thought all of a sudden.

This problem is not something she can handle.

She alone cannot represent the entire Qishan Pavilion.

It is useless for Ye Qing to complain about killing the people in Lantian Valley by the scriptures.

She needs to return to Qishan Pavilion and report to the head.

(End of this chapter)

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