Chapter 387

Queen's bedroom!

Ye Cai came in a hurry, his face as white as possible.

Empress Xiongyue still looked like the virtuous queen, not in a hurry, with a relaxed and dignified demeanor, sitting upright and slowly opening the teacup, taking a breath, and sipping ginger ginseng tea.

"Mother and Empress..."

Xiong Yue glanced up and said, "Decent!"

After speaking, he glanced at his confidant maid, who waved to the others.

Then he took all the eunuchs and maids in the palace and went out.

Ye Cai waited for the others to leave, and finally couldn't help but hurriedly said: "The empress mother is in trouble, something is wrong!"

"Slow down, how many times have I taught you, be calm, don't panic when things happen, big things are small things in our hearts, keep a calm mind, and don't be easily influenced by other things." Sigh, Ye Mao is unbearable, and Ye Cai is not much stronger, just less arrogant and idiotic.

But being a person and doing things is still almost meaningless.

Thinking that Xiong Yue is so smart, how could he give birth to such two things.

Ye Cai and Ye Mao are no match for any of Ye Zhen's first six sons.

God is so unfair.

Wen is not successful, military is not successful, even the city is not as good as other people's sons.

Not to mention compared with Ye Qing, who is as cunning as a fox and an all-rounder.

Although she really wanted to kill Ye Qing, sometimes Xiong Yue also thought, how much better Ye Qing would be if her own son would save her so much trouble.

How much heart was broken for these two losers.

"It's the queen mother." Ye Cai actually resisted Queen Xiongyue's preaching every time.

Didn't I encounter an urgent and earth-shattering event?
I'm not stupid, how can I not know how to nourish my energy.

Only then was Xiong Yue slightly satisfied and said: "Tell me, what is it?"

Take it easy and put on airs, even if it is your own son.

"Mother, there are two important matters." Ye Cai adjusted his thinking and said:

"First thing, Eleven disciples, including the great elder of Lantian Valley, chased Li Bai to the east of the river, and all of them were besieged and killed by the people of Xiaoyao Mansion."

With a bang, Empress Xiongyue's right hand suddenly swept towards the teacup to the right.

Then blocked it.

A sound was found.

Empress Xiongyue's complexion changed slightly.

Feeling a little restless.

Is this a war?

Killed eleven disciples of Blue Sky Valley in one go.

Ye Qing...

Ye Cai explained: "Four elders and three deacons were killed this time, and Lan Tiangu's strength has been reduced by at least [-]%!"

Thirty percent, Yijing is a little bit hurt.

"Let's talk about the second thing. This matter is out of our control." Empress Xiong Yue said flatly.

She has no control over the matter of Lantian Valley.

Everyone is cooperating, not their own subordinates.

Ye Cai continued: "Father just issued an order to transfer [-] troops from Hedong to return to the capital, and specially ordered Li Cunxiao from Xiaoyao Mansion to enter the capital."

Empress Xiong Yue frowned slightly.

This is a red flag.
The sudden transfer of the army back was to consolidate Chang'an's guards and worried about accidents in Chang'an.

Still guard against Lantian Valley.

Did Ye Qing tell Ye Zhen the news about Fenggu?
"Well, no, why did you transfer Li Cunxiao back to Beijing, where is Ye Qing?" Empress Xiongyue noticed this keenly.

Isn't Ye Qing going back to Beijing, isn't he going to Hanzhong to catch Ye Jin?

The emperor has changed his mind!

Ye Cai replied: "Ye Qing didn't come back, it is said that it will take seven to seventy-nine days to get rid of the poison, so he stayed in Hedong.

The father was angry because of this, and he transferred 3 people back to Beijing, and even recruited Deng Tao who had just gone! "

Queen Xiongyue snorted coldly when she heard this.

Obviously, he didn't believe Ye Qing's reasons.

Are you poisoned or bewitched?

You need a formation to exorcise demons, and it will take 49 days, why don't you become a fairy.

Ye Cai said worriedly: "I'm afraid that this is him and his father acting in a play, in order to deceive us, so that he can bring back all the elite from Hedong.

At that time, they might suddenly launch an attack on Lantian Valley.

Once the real evidence is found in Lantian Valley, we will be wiped out as well. "

This is why Ye Cai lost his composure.

Because the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

Ye Qing got rid of Taihua Mountain and Baibo Valley, without the emperor's instruction or support.

Ye Cai didn't believe it.

Others didn't believe it either.

Ye Qing is Ye Zhen's knife, and the two joined forces to sing the double reed.

Empress Xiongyue's phoenix eyes twittered: "It's not impossible? If Ye Qing returns to Beijing directly, he must go to Hanzhong according to our intention.

If the army came back first, they could attack Lantian Valley suddenly. "

"That's why the queen mother also thinks that the emperor is going to attack us, so we..." Ye Cai's eyes flashed a hint of determination and murderous intent.

Empress Xiongyue gave him a sideways glance, and snorted coldly: "You don't have to worry about this, you just have to deal with Ye Qing with all your strength, and I will take care of your father."

"It's the queen mother!" Ye Cai lowered his head knowingly when he heard the words.

Matters in the palace can only be resolved in the palace.

Xiong Yue is the queen, and it is not his turn to be the king of Chu to make a decision.

Maybe his mother and queen have been plotting against the father for a long time.

Ye Cai is Ye Cai, he is just the nephew of the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom.

Xiong Yue is Xiong Yue, she is not only the younger sister of the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom, but also the princess of Chuyue Kingdom.

The goals of the two are the same, but different.

"Let your people stay on guard at all times. Ye Qing is not a well-behaved and honest person. He said that he will be detoxified and return to Beijing in 49 days. Is it really after 49 days? What if he comes back in half a month or a month? Now, the location must be closely monitored, and he must not be allowed to sneak back, and we must not be caught off guard." Xiong Yue was more meticulous and thoughtful in her work.

So remind Ye Cai.

Ye Cai is much worse than Ye Qingdou.

Without her directing, I don't know how to die.

Ye Cai heard this and cheered up: "It's the queen mother!"

Ye Qing made a move, Ye Zhen caught it and returned it.

After reading Ye Zhen's new order.

Ye Qing was a little skeptical about Ye Zhen's real actions.

"Berwin, you said he played it really well. Not only did he divide up my [-] elite army, but he also strengthened the security of Chang'an by the way. His wrist is really proficient!" Putting it down, Ye Qing had to sigh with emotion.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Liu Bowen jokingly praised: "How else could he be His Majesty? So my lord, I think it was because we besieged and killed the fourth elder and third deacon of Lantian Valley, and let him discover something.

After all, shadow guards are not just for nothing, and they still have a sense of politics.

He must have been suspicious of the collusion between Lantian Valley and the Chuyue Kingdom.

Now with our hands got a preliminary confirmation. "

"Then do you think I should ask him to transfer the [-] elites back? To be honest, I am very reluctant. They are all veterans. I helped him practice and train for so long, and he took it back before I used it. It's gone." Ye Qing shook his head, with a hint of reluctance on his face.

The [-] army, even if he can bear it, can take care of the power, knows to bear it, he will be unhappy, even more reluctant, and can't send it back without grudges.

(End of this chapter)

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