I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 388 Bu Xiaofan Returns, Ye Qingzhangjing

Chapter 388 Bu Xiaofan Returns, Ye Qing Returns to Beijing
"My lord, if you hold something that doesn't belong to us, it's not yours after all!" Liu Bowen persuaded:

"Hedong is where we stand now, and it is our political capital and trump card in the future. We must not lose the big because of small things. With our current strength, we still cannot control Da Zhou, and we cannot replace it!"

What Xiaoyao Mansion lacks now is time.

With all the calculations, Xiaoyao Mansion has not been established for a year.

Within a year, he can achieve such a great achievement, command an army of tens of thousands, and own a county.

To destroy two sects and defeat a country, Yijing is very remarkable.

Looking at the East, no one can do what Ye Qing does.

"Time, okay, we're just buying some time, don't be in a hurry, I'm only 14 years old." Ye Qing comforted himself in this way.

He has time and energy.

He is still young.

After a few years, he is still not twenty.

In a few years, how big will his Xiaoyao Mansion grow.

He didn't dare to think about it himself.

The power of his Xiaoyao Mansion has not exploded yet.

Still going on, expanding rapidly.

needs time.

Deng Tao originally wanted to investigate in Hedong.

After receiving the imperial decree from Ye Zhen and the order from the Ministry of War, I had no choice but to bid farewell to Ye Qing.

After taking over the seal of the coach, he returned to Chang'an with the main force who had been ruined by Ye Tong to only more than 3 people.

The main force returned to Chang'an and garrisoned there. Ye Zhen also went to the camp to inspect the main force that had returned from the bloodbath.

Especially when he met Li Cunxiao and rewarded him to win him over.

And also went to Nancheng County to check Ye Qing's water conservancy projects.


The years are like songs, time flies, time flies, and more than 40 days have passed.

Qishan Pavilion received Bu Xiaofan's report, but did not take any action, as if nothing had happened.

Only on the 45th, Bu Xiaofan appeared in Baibo Valley again.

"Miss Bu, you are finally here. I really miss you. If you don't come, I will go to Qishan Pavilion to find you. I thought you were imprisoned!" Seeing Bu Xiaofan, Ye Qing was very happy .

When people come, it means that there are results.

Bu Xiaofan gave a cold look: "Your Highness, please respect yourself, I am not familiar with you, and I want to correct you, our Qishan Pavilion is a reasonable place, and there will never be such low-level things as locking people in a small dark room." move."

"Understand, understand, your Qishan Pavilion is bright and upright, different from other sects!" Ye Qing saw that the little girl had such a strong smell of fire and turned towards her with a cold face, so she complimented her wisely.

Only then did Bu Xiaofan's face turn better, and he said: "The matter of Lantian Valley has been confirmed, but it is related to the safety of the Zhou Dynasty and the rise and fall of the six factions, so it is not up to us to control it, and the head and elders will handle it!

I'm here to get rid of the lies you told, and to completely remove the poison in your body along the way! "

That's right, when Bu Xiaofan left, he still saved a hand, and didn't completely help Ye Qing get rid of the sword poison.

This caused her a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, he would have come to Hedong long ago.

"This will trouble Miss Bu." Ye Qing cupped his fists in thanks.

Then the two went to the room tacitly.

Then each seat.

This time Bu Xiaofan didn't play around like before.

With a light palm, he directly and decisively helped Ye Qing get rid of all the poison.

Once the sword poison was removed, the outer wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not even a scar was left.

Ye Qing felt the unscrupulous movement of his right arm and right arm, and after he exercised his strength and adjusted his strength, he couldn't help but like it.

"Miss Bu, your Qishan Pavilion's mind method is really wonderful, it actually has the effect of healing and nourishing the body, no wonder your skin is so good, like a fairy!"

Anyway, it was Bu Xiaofan who cured himself of the poison.

Ye Qing was still very grateful to him.

Especially when there were no injuries left.

The power of this gossip mental method is comparable to his beauty card.

If Huanhuan also learns, the little girl will be more beautiful, and she will be as refined as Bu Xiaofan.

Bu Xiaofan was overjoyed to be praised,
This bastard can also be regarded as a person who will be grateful.

It was not in vain to save a game.

However, her face was still calm and a bit cold, she settled down and said noncommittally, waving her hands:
"It's good to know how powerful our Qishan Pavilion is, remember that you owe a favor to our Qishan Pavilion, and you owe me a favor at the same time!"

Bu Xiaofan left after speaking.

Say you are fat and panting.

Ye Qing looked at Bu Xiaofan who was leaving, and became more and more curious about Qishan Pavilion in his heart.

What exactly does Qishan Pavilion want to do?

It's hard to see through!

The poison is completely resolved.

The time has come.

There is no excuse for staying in Hedong.

Moreover, Ye Qing also completely controlled Hedong by virtue of the scriptures.

The rectification of Hedong has developed unprecedentedly.

Roads were widened everywhere, and cities were newly built.

Business and trade develop freely, and business travelers from all over the world come in droves.

The beef cattle provided by Murong Negative alone amounted to [-], and they were distributed by Ye Qing to various places. They only need to wait for the rain and spring plowing to wipe out their power.

The military, government and military, as well as the cities and counties were also consolidated by him, and he arranged many confidantes.

He also recruited many poor disciples.

The real prototype of the ice city has also been completed, and it only needs to continue to be heightened and reinforced.

The two major industries in Ice City, steelmaking and coal, have also been put into production.

In this winter and spring season throughout Hedong, most counties and townships have used coal and coal stoves for heating and heating.

Let the entire Hedong safely through the most severe cold season.

Tens of thousands of people died less.

With everything ready, Ye Qing led his people out of the ice city and headed south.

The Xiaoyaofu riders will also return to Beijing with the army, and the newly expanded five thousand riders are full of energy and majestic.

But when they arrived in Jiangyi, Ye Qing separated from Zhao Yun and the others after inspecting the situation here.

Zhao Yun took Xiaoyao Mansion and rode Wenxi, Anyi, and Puban across the river into Guanzhong.

Ye Qing crossed the river from Pishi to Xiaolongmen with a small group of elites, and returned to Beijing in the south.
Why is this, because he can't break the contract.

The established route of the system cannot be changed, otherwise the rewards will be refunded, and the previously issued rewards will also be confiscated.

So even after fifty days, he cannot change the itinerary.

You have to press this to return to Beijing.

This made all the people who were monitoring his every move and peeking at the situation in Hedong, like sharks, smell the smell of blood, and immediately became excited.

After lying dormant for a long time and waiting for fifty days, the killers like Wangfushi finally shed tears of emotion.

"King Xiaoyao is finally here. Why is he so punctual this time? He said 49 days a week, but 49 days a week. He didn't leave almost every day!"

"However, if you dare to return to Beijing, then wait for your subordinates to collect the corpses! It's not good to choose where to return to Beijing. If you want to choose Pi's family to cross the river, are you ignoring Xiaolongmen or...hehe!"

Xiaolongmen also paid attention to the situation in Hedong. Ye Qing left, and then came to Pi's, walking blatantly, for fear that others would not know.

This made Xiao Longmen suddenly nervous.

Why did Ye Zai come here? Did he want to come to my Xiaolongmen to find fault, or to destroy my Xiaolongmen.

Or just passing by?
(End of this chapter)

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