Chapter 390
The compass also stopped turning.

Then the pointer starts to rotate at a constant speed inside.

And it descended slowly, hanging at the height visible to Bu Xiaofan's eyes.

"The boat left the shore and moved slowly towards the center of the river!"


Bu Xiaofan's purple eyes lit up.

His face froze!
The vermilion lips parted slightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Huoli, Bingwei, doubt, first-rank warrior!"

Sure enough, there are killers underwater.

Let the lord judge rightly.

There are enemies lurking.

Everyone was at a loss, where is Huo Li?

Ye Qing frowned and said, "South by southeast!"

The south belongs to Fire, Li Gua.

I really don't understand without any relevant knowledge.

Bu Xiaofan was slightly surprised.

Ye Qing also knows the way of gossip.

Learned from their Qishan Pavilion?

Taught by Empress Dowager Dong?
Ye Qing smiled slightly, and said modestly: "I know a little about everything except not being able to practice exercises, the Book of Changes, gossip, and the points of Jinding, so let's talk with each other when I have time."

Ghosts communicate with you.

big liar!
Bu Xiaofan casts a look that doesn't play with you.

Then stare at her compass!

As a result, the pointer stopped at a certain place again, and said: "Shuikan, Ziwei, Yi, two first-class warriors!"

"True north!" Ye Qing immediately explained.

Then on Bu Xiaofan's compass, the pointer kept turning and stopping.

Some points on the disk flashed white light from time to time.

Bu Xiaofan, reported the data one by one.

Ye Qing explained it to everyone.

The more people listened, the more shocked they became.

Good guy, there are sixteen people here.

There are strong and weak.

Most of the powerhouses are second-rank and third-rank, and there is even a fourth-rank.

The underdogs are first class.

Not a single second rate.

And all of them approached their ship.

"Everyone is here." Tears welled up on Bu Xiaofan's forehead.

Using the power of gossip for a long time also consumes the mind and energy.

This is a technical job.

And keep going.

Hard work can be imagined.

Ye Qing took out a handkerchief, wiped her forehead lightly, and said softly and affectionately, "Thank you, Miss Bu!"


Bu Xiaofan wanted to escape, or come by himself.

But her hands are inconvenient.

I am also afraid that the body will move, which will affect the stability of the compass.

He could only turn his face.

But Ye Qing is domineering, it doesn't matter if she likes it or not.

Wipe the sweat, wipe the sweat.

Forcible action.

This made Bu Xiaofan annoyed and ashamed.

Why is this person like this.

Didn't you see that this girl is not happy?

It wasn't obvious enough on my face.

Ye Qingcai ignored him, and said after wiping, "Get ready!"

Everyone nodded.

Ye Qing directed the other boats to move closer to the side, and then stretched their bows.

Only then did he gesture to Bu Xiaofan.

The latter understood it, and pointed to the point that indicated the nearest position with his eyes.

Ye Qing held the bow and shot the arrow.

After the arrow entered the water, it continued to penetrate deeply, and the speed did not decrease, and it plunged down.

The assassin in the water was also surprised when he heard the movement, and was about to leave his original position, but it was really not easy to move in the water.

The body was still stabbed by the arrow.

Dunsheng let out a muffled groan in the middle of the water, and countless blisters popped up.

At the same time, there is also dark red blood.

Xiaoyaofu and the others knew that they had hit the enemy, so the arrows in their hands also shot towards there one after another.

Lu Bu also shot in the past.

The next moment the river was surging, and a water ghost with three arrows and a gun appeared out of his body.

"It's moving, Huo Li..."

This kill doesn't matter, it immediately alerted the underwater assassins.

So began to approach quickly.

Bu Xiaofan watched the rotation of the compass, the eight hexagrams under the water, and the movement from the perception network woven by the power of the eight hexagrams, and immediately raised it.

Ye Qing opened his bow and stretched his strings, and shot out another arrow.

The southern fire is away from the third position.

A trace of blood also came up, but no blisters gushed out.

Lu Bu threw his spear and tried to shoot, but he missed.

After all, the opponent is a first-rank expert, so he immediately avoided it when he sensed the danger.

"Come up!"

Seeing this, Shi Potian slammed out with his right palm, blasting a waterfall from where Ye Qing shot the arrow.

Then his eyes turned slightly to the other side, and his left hand hit the ground again.

"Boom!" Another big waterfall burst out with a bang.

A figure in the water waterfall was thrown out of the hand.

Shi Potian turned his right wrist lightly, and then retracted it.

The figure in the water waterfall was drawn towards him uncontrollably.

The neck was pinched by Shi Potian.

The man's eyes were full of horror.

What kind of monster is this? It forced him out of the water.

How did Ye Qing's people find him?

But he couldn't help thinking about these messy things.

Because Shi Potian lightly increased his strength.

The assassin's neck was cut off by him.

"Be careful to shake B out of the water!"

After Bu Xiaofan finished speaking, he saw two water ghosts rushing out from the east and southeast.

One of them holds a long sword and the other holds a crossbow.

The crossbow is facing Ye Qing.

Shi Potian threw the assassin's body directly at the enemy holding the crossbow!
Ye Qing is not afraid of close combat.

With the strength of a third-rank general, he can fight against a fifth-rank warrior.

So even if the opponent's fourth-rank martial artist comes out, there is no need to worry that Ye Qing will be injured in close combat.

On the contrary, it was this kind of rapid-fire weapon and the hidden weapon that caused the greatest damage to Ye Qing.

"call out!"

As soon as the crossbow bolt in the crossbow machine was shot, it was blocked by the dead body of his accomplice.

And before he fell back into the water, he was knocked together and fell into the water.

Another swing of the sword is a blow.

A round blade protruded from the sword.

With the threat of killing, he rushed towards his face.

The cold-blooded body on the boat turned around and swung his sword to block it.

The Jianren who rushed from the air was caught by him with a sword.

There was a clang.

Leng Xue leaned back slightly.

Obviously, it was a bit difficult to receive the opponent's blow from the air.

It can be seen that the opponent's internal strength is profound.

At least one who has a reputation for strength.

If it's a land battle, Cold Blood is no match.

So Leng-Blood's face darkened, and he cheered up.

Gripping the sword tightly, he bent his feet slightly, and stabilized his feet on the boat.

It can be said that it is not the most dangerous to be on a boat, if it falls into the water.

Definitely a close call.

Water ghosts are strongest on water.

These people have a knack for water.

Being in the water is like a fish in water.

But they are not bad, and there are positioning masters like Bu Xiaofan.

Ye Qing patted coldly and said: "You and Kong Jian should pay attention to the edge of the boat and control the surrounding areas. Leave the rest to Lu Bu, Shi Potian, and me and Ding Chunqiu."

"It's the lord!"

The cold-blooded leader replied.

His strength is the lowest, and he can only close defense.

Empty view is unarmed, and it is only suitable for close defense.

"Heavenly stem, dry position, three people!"

"Di Kun, Kun bit, two people!"

"Feng Xun, one person each for Chen, Xun, and Si!"

"Shan Gen, Chou, two people!"

Suddenly, Xiaofan reminded repeatedly, and the speed of speaking became faster and faster.

Ye Qing hurriedly reported to follow up: "Three people are in the northwest, two people are in the southwest, three people are in the southeast, and two people are in the north-east!"

Falling alive, water and waterfalls gushed out all around.

Ten figures emerged one after another.

Holding various weapons in his hands, he made a killing move towards the center of the ship.

Hidden weapons, crossbow arrows, sword energy, and short spears flew at him.It was as if the entire ship could be blocked.

No matter how you dodge it, you can't escape it.

(End of this chapter)

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