I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 391 Not good!Under the ship, 4th grade

Chapter 391 Not good!Under the boat, the fourth product
"The White Head Taixuan Sutra"

Shi Potian's reaction was the quickest. Facing the due northwest, he raised his right hand, stringing hundreds of acupuncture points all over his body into an internal breath. The internal breath surged and surged like a big river.

He has a sword in his hand, but he can hold the empty sword in vain, transforming sword moves with his hands, and swinging them continuously.

Swordsmanship, palm technique, internal power, and light power are all integrated into one.

Wan Dao's inner breath became countless sword blades and swung away.

Catch the hidden weapons, crossbow arrows and sword energy that were shot out from his side.

And reflect back at the first time.

"Puff puff……"

The three opponents who jumped out of the water were instantly hit by their own weapons.

Before falling into the water, the Wan Dao Xu Sword chasing from behind pierced into the bodies of the three of them horizontally and vertically.

Another mist of blood drifted out.

The three fell into the water unwillingly, and then sank to the bottom of the river.

Tai Xuan Jing can attack and defend.

Killing people is even more brutal.

Just one face-to-face and three entry-levels were beheaded.

In other respects, Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd, dancing so airtightly.

Knock away the incoming sword, air and crossbow arrows.

Ding Chunqiu's weapon is a feather fan made of refined steel.

Also quick-witted, waved the feather fan, and at the same time secretly added three Xiaoyaosan, and beat them all together.

With a sound of "咻", the crossbow arrow flew and hit the opponent.

The opponent's arrow fell into the water, and the poison immediately entered his body, and then three large blisters appeared in the water, and then floated up.

On Ye Qing's side, he waved his sword left and right to intercept the attack from the northeast and north.

The first wave of nervous attacks was thus blocked.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the sense of crisis and killing intent filled the surroundings.

Sixteen to six, and ten more!
Bu Xiaofan continued to follow and reminded: "There are six beside the boat, one position, east, west, north, southeast, southwest."


One position, closer.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

Ye Qing stabbed the sword in his hand to the ground, grabbed the erected Overlord Panlong Halberd, took a step to the east, then swung the weapon and roared: "Overlord Slash!"

The assassin who was swimming close in the water, even across the water, was directly stunned and injured by this forced blow.

Cuckoo's blood gushed out.

When Ye Qing made a move on this side, in order to keep the boat stable, Shi Potian also slammed out his palm on the other side, and then turned his hand into a sword, slashing through the void.

All sword techniques and saber techniques turned into air blades and flew into the water.

Instantly tore the exposed assassin into several pieces.

"Bang bang bang... Several figures were forced to jump out of hand.

With a thrust of the long sword in his hand, he flew towards the center of the ship.

Lu Bu intercepted a man, brandished Fang Tian's painted halberd, and hit him hard, the man fell into the water and escaped.

As soon as Ding Chunqiu sprinkled the poison, the poisonous powder all over the sky blocked the opponent's sight.

Then the feather fan caught it, blocked the opponent's long sword, and blasted out with a palm.

The other party fell into the water with a scream, and then surfaced again, swimming towards the distance.

At this time, the guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion on the other boats fired a salvo of bows and crossbows, and shot the assassin who had been subjected to the Hua Gong Dafa to death in the water.

"Qiang Qiang!" Two sounds, an assassin who was approaching jumped down by the hull of the boat, but was blocked by cold blood swinging his sword, and the two briefly fought twice.

The assassin rolled over and jumped back into the water, leaving a splash for Cold Blood.

Another assassin jumped into the boat with his strength. His target was not Ye Qing, but Bu Xiaofan who couldn't move.

They can hear the sound of the water surface when they are in the water.

A woman was serving Ye Qing, and she seemed to be able to accurately judge their location.

So his first goal was to kill Bu Xiaofan.

However, Kong Jian was not used as a display, as he moved his body, his hands became grasping, and with one hand he grabbed the long sword that the opponent attacked.

Then break it lightly.

With a crisp click, Shaolin Dragon grabbed his hand and easily broke the opponent's weapon
The assassin was taken aback.

My sword is broken.

But Broken Sword can still kill. What is a killer is to use all power and tools to kill the opponent.

Holding the broken sword, the assassin stabbed at Kongjian's neck again.

Kong Jian tilted his head, and clasped his hands together to hold the broken sword.

The assassin wanted to take it back, but found that he couldn't take it back at all.

It seems to be frozen in general.

Angry and annoyed, he gave up the broken sword and instead punched Kongjian with his fists.

This punch goes.

Directly hit the empty left atrium.

The assassin was overjoyed.

The dead bald head didn't even hide.

But he regretted it after hitting it, it was like hitting a rock.

This dead bald head is weird and invincible.

He turned to run.

At this time, I saw my hands turn and shake with force.

The broken sword flew over.

Stabbed into the assassin's body from behind.

The assassin turned to take a look at Kongjian, then rolled over and fell into the water backwards.

"Not good! Get off the boat, fourth grade!"

Suddenly Bu Xiaofan's face changed drastically, and as soon as he retracted his hand gesture, the compass fell down on the wooden plank of the boat.

At the same time, a gun poked out from below.

It happened to be the position under Bu Xiaofan's feet.

Ye Qing was also shocked, he stabbed at Bu Xiaochu's feet with a halberd, blocked the tip of the spear, and then jumped over to stop Bu Xiaofan and hug him.

The two left the ground and flew in mid-air.

Then another weapon pierced the original position.

Then with a bang, a big hole was broken in the center of the boat.

The entire ship lost its stability, and countless ship boards flew in all directions.

The figures of two assassins rose high, with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

They swept towards Kong Jian, Leng Xue, Lu Bu, Shi Potian and Ding Chunqiu who were unstable.

Leng Xue was caught off guard, raised his sword to block it, was hit by a spear, flew upside down more than ten meters and fell into the water.

Ding Chunqiu retreated sharply, waved his lupine, threw a packet of powder, then jumped into the water with his feet, stomped on his feet, and flew to another friendly boat with his strength.

Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd and intercepted the opponent's spear. The two of them stepped on the broken hull of the ship and started fighting.

The sound of Jin Ming and sparks splashed all over the place.

And Shi Potian turned upside down and jumped up high, dodging the opponent's knife.

Seeing that the dragon's claw stretched out his hand, Kong saw the opponent's knife.

I wanted to pinch it hard.

However, the other party drew the knife and took it back.

Don't give me a chance at all.

It can be seen that he is also a strong and experienced person.

Let's talk about Ye Qing leading Bu Xiaofan out of the way, seeing that the two of them were about to fall into the water, Ye Qing swung the Overlord Panlong Halberd.

Slashing in the water, aroused countless water waterfalls, and Ye Qing used this to jump to the friendly boat ahead.

But the distance is a bit far.

Shocked, Bu Xiaofan stretched out his hand, and a long ribbon flew out, and then grabbed the wooden board between the ship's deck and the cabin in front.

Shrinking slightly, the two of them flew to the opposite deck like kites.

Only then did the two of them not fall into the water and become drowned chickens, so as to avoid making a fool of themselves in front of the guards.

After falling, Ye Qing turned around and looked at the original boat position. At this time, the five people were fighting fiercely.

"His Royal Highness, you can let go of your hand."

Unlike Ye Qing, Bu Xiaofan's immediate focus was the tightly clasped hands on his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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