Chapter 392

"Uh! Good!"

Ye Qing quickly let go of his hand.

He could swear he didn't mean it.

I really forgot just now.

The battle is fierce, how can I take care of these things.

Seeing Ye Qing's calm face, Bu Xiaofan really wanted to punch him.

What kind of person is this? Such a simple word can be dealt with.

Men are big hooves.

"Your Highness, why don't you go and help!" Bu Xiaofan looked away at the five people who were fighting at the wreck, and then looked up at Ye Qing's handsome cheek.

Ye Qing saw that although the battle over there was fierce, there were only three people on his side and two people on the other side, and Shi Potian was at the fifth rank.

Even if the opponent has a fourth-grade master, it is impossible to compete with it.

The opponent's advantage is hiding in the dark place in the water.

Once exposed, there is no advantage.

It's only a matter of time before defeat ends.

So Ye Qing wasn't worried anymore, he looked away and looked down at Bu Xiaofan.

Interlacing eyes with him, he didn't rush to answer, but stared deeply.

Bu Xiaofan couldn't stand this.

Turning his face away, he avoided Ye Qing's aggressive gaze.

The ear hammer is slightly red.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "I believe that my subordinates will not be a problem in dealing with these enemies that appear, and the most important thing for me now is to protect you and prevent your baby from being hurt!"

protect me.

"Hmph, please be careful, Your Highness, I am not your baby."

Bu Xiao Fanqiong's nose twitched slightly, and he snorted coldly pretending to be dissatisfied.

Seeing the little girl, Ye Qing was obviously a little pleased, so he said again: "You can help our army locate and track down the enemy. If you are so capable, what is it if it's not a treasure? Am I wrong, or Miss Bu, are you thinking wrong?"

"You..." Bu Xiaofan was so angry.

This bastard turned out to be this baby.

I just have this role.

Bu Xiaofan stomped his feet angrily, stepped heavily on Ye Qing's left foot, and then walked towards the center of the boat.

The guards on the ship gave way to her one after another.

It was the first time for Ye Qing to be stepped on by someone, and he gritted his teeth in pain.

This woman is too...

Forget it, Ye Qing turned his gaze back to the battlefield.

At this time, Shi Potian seized the opportunity and hit the fourth rank assassin with his palm.

This person knew that hitting like this was meaningless, so he retreated into the water after taking advantage of the palm.

But this time he wanted to escape, but Shi Potian didn't want to let him go.

He jumped into the water and chased after him.

On the other side, Ding ChunQiu saw him, he also performed Turtle Breathing Kung Fu and jumped into the river.


Not to mention a third-rank assassin, under Lu Bu's still Kong Jian's pinching skills, he finally couldn't hold back, and was grabbed by the arm by Kong Jian's dragon grasper, and the whole arm was untied.

"Ah! Courting death!"

The assassin screamed, wanting to kill Kongjian.

At this time Lu Bu was overjoyed, and stabbed with a halberd.

Kill this person on the spot.

At the same time, there were explosions in the water.

Water waterfalls gushed out from bottom to top.

Then go away.

A murky river was constantly churning back and forth.
Then the figure of an assassin leaped out of the water.

Then two short dragon chants rang out.

Two water jets formed a dragon shape and circled down.

In the end, it turned into a knife and a sword, hitting the assassin who was about to fall from above.

The assassin's body was cut into countless pieces, and then blood and flesh scattered all over the sky.

"That's... a metamorphosis that can only be used by a supreme commander with the strength of the seventh rank!"

Bu Xiaofan muttered in surprise.

The eyes shot out.

Looking at Ye Qing, his expression was complicated.

"Seventh rank, could it be that Shi Potian has been promoted?"

Ye Qing was also a little surprised when he heard this.

But soon Bu Xiaofan saw Shi Potian falling into the water in an indecent posture, and said: "No, I can only say that this person in your mansion is a pervert, and he should be expected to break through to the sixth rank. It should have been an accident."

At the end, Bu Xiaofan added another sentence: "You people in Xiaoyao Mansion are all perverts."

"Ahem!" Ye Qing's eyes were full of black lines.

It sounds like a curse.

Slightly disappointed.

He thought that Shi Potian directly broke through two realms.

I didn't expect that it just activated the potential, and it was because of the talent of becoming a sixth-rank.

If it's really the seventh rank, you can probably kill the Lantian Valley directly.

The fifth and sixth ranks are the strongest masters of each faction.

I have never heard of any faction that has a seventh-rank master.As for Da Zhou, I haven't heard clearly yet.

Ye Qing didn't know whether he was hiding secretly or not.

That's what intelligence is available for.

If there was a seventh rank, he probably would have come out earlier to intimidate himself and Ye Zhen.

After solving the water ghost in the river, everyone can finally cross the river with peace of mind.

Coming ashore soon!

The disciples of Xiaolongmen who watched Ye Qing's movement on the shore watched all this from afar.

Immediately scared back to the mountain to report.

"Everyone take a break, and then we... go to Xiaolongmen for tea!"

Ye Qing wiped his Overlord Panlong Halberd, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and turned around to glance at the Yellow River Ferry.

There is a reason.

This is not a fault finding!

"Ye Qing, this is not a member of Xiaolongmen. It is wrong for you to ask the teacher for punishment like this."

As a disciple of the six sects, Bu Xiaofan naturally wanted to persuade him.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "That's right, it's true that Xiaolongmen didn't do this, but this is the territory of Xiaolongmen, right? If they let the assassins commit crimes, they are their accomplices. It should be okay for me to ask questions!"

"The Great Zhou is the Great Zhou of the Great Zhou. The imperial court has laws, and everyone should respect them. As one of the six sects, Xiaolongmen's inaction is a crime. As the prince of the Great Zhou, I have the obligation to remind Let them go, you should fulfill your responsibilities well, otherwise... I don't mind losing one of the six sects." Ye Qing emphasized forcefully:
"We don't ask all factions to come out to support Da Zhou like Qishan Pavilion, but we can't play tricks in secret. Do you know what Xiaolongmen did during the Battle of Hedong?"

Battle of Hedong.

Xiaolongmen sealed the ferry.

And it was not hostile to the Beishi army who captured Pi's on the opposite side.

No hostility is attitude.

It is another kind of betrayal of Da Zhou.

"You... you have a reason for everything you say."

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Bu Xiaofan turned and left the team in anger.

Ye Qing doesn't think he did something wrong?
If it wasn't because of disallowance, he really wanted to level Xiaolongmen.

Solve this stubborn disease.

"My lord, Miss Bu has gone north, it seems... to Xiaolongmen!"

Come here in cold blood to report.

"I see you go first... Forget it, let's all set off." Ye Qing waved his hand, woke up the people who had just sat down and rested, and then got on the horse.

Everyone urged their horses to walk up to Xiaolongmen.

Longmen Mountain!
Xiaolongmen main hall hall!
"Report! Something is wrong with the head of the sect. Someone ambushed Xiaoyao Wang Ye Qing at the ferry of the Yellow River!"

The leader, Lan Dong, was a middle-aged man in his forties, and his face was covered with wind and frost. He asked, "How is the situation?"

Everyone in the hall is also waiting for the result.

In fact, they really knew about the water ghost's ambush, but they didn't stop it and didn't notify the court.

Not to mention Ye Qing.

Ye Qing is the enemy of the six factions, and destroyed Taihua Mountain and Baibo Valley.

Xiaolongmen naturally couldn't take a liking to him.

Instead, there is hope.

Ye Qing's death is also good news.

So those assassins lurked in the Shanmen site for fifty days, and Xiaolongmen didn't try to dismantle and drive them away.

It's like opening one eye, closing one eye, and not seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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