I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 393 Bu Xiaofan Goes to Xiaolongmen

Chapter 393 Bu Xiaofan Goes to Xiaolongmen

"All the assassins were killed, the ambush failed, Ye Qing and others crossed the river, no one was injured or injured."

The reporter replied truthfully.

There were no casualties.

The opponent is a group of water ghosts.

There are also four masters.

Even in the water, Ye Qing couldn't be killed.

The people in Xiaoyao Mansion are really a bunch of perverts.

How could Ye Qing's fate be so high?

Just when everyone was disappointed, someone came up to the mountain to report suddenly: "Master, the people from Xiaoyao Mansion sent me the mountain gate, and they have gone to Longmen Mountain!"


This time the whole hall was completely fried.

What does Ye Qing want to do?
What are they doing on Longmen Mountain?
It wasn't our Xiaolongmen who ambushed and attacked him.

"He doesn't want to blame us for this!"

"Huh, he dares, what does this have to do with us, the blame has the head, the debt has the owner, insisting on putting this blame on our heads, it is too arrogant and too much!"

"Let's order the head to fight. Ye Qing's coming here is definitely not a good thing. Don't be like Taihuamen and Baibogu, who were beheaded one by one by him and weakened step by step."

"That's right, Sect Leader. We need to concentrate all our strength. If Ye Qing wants to fight, then we should fight together. We must not disperse our people."

Look at the crowd below.

The leader, Lan Dong, hesitated a little, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Report! Sect Leader, there is a woman who claims to be a disciple of Qishan Pavilion, Bu Xiaofan, who wants to visit our sect. Do you want to open the gate and let her in?"

Suddenly someone ran over to report.

At this moment, the whole hall fell silent.

People from Qishan Pavilion?
What are the people from Qishan Pavilion doing here?
What a coincidence.

"Bu Xiaofan, isn't he the Qishan Pavilion disciple who detoxified Ye Qing from the sword poison?"

"It seems to be true, she...wouldn't be helping Ye Qing to attack our Xiaolongmen!"

"It shouldn't be like that. If they are helping Ye Qing, we should go up the mountain with them. Could it be that they want to use the identity of Qishan Pavilion to awe-inspiring us, so that we can succumb to Ye Qing?"

"She dares, I..."

The man couldn't continue talking at this point, because there was no agreement in the hall, and there was no unanimous anger expressed.

Qishan Pavilion is very special, so don't talk nonsense in the end.

The headmaster Lan Dong raised his eyebrows, and said to his son Lan Fei: "Fei'er, you go to meet Bu Xiaofan in Qishan Pavilion. It is a formal reception, so don't neglect it."

Lan Fei, the young master, came out and said, "It's the master."

Lan Fei immediately led the people out of the hall, and then came to the mountain gate, and asked people to open the gate to welcome Bu Xiaofan into Xiaolongmen.

No matter what, Bu Xiaofan is also a member of Qishan Pavilion.

Qishan Pavilion is very different from the other five sects.

There are not many disciples under the sect.

If you can use your identity to travel around the world.

They must all be proud disciples of the sect.

Not only is the status important, but also the strength is high.

Another point is that Qishan Pavilion seldom competes with others for power, and it has the characteristics of its own practice.

On the contrary, most of the people in the rivers and lakes ask for them.

It is also the status of Jianghu is higher than other factions, and is highly respected.

The moment he opened the door, Lan Fei saw Bu Xiaofan outside the door.

Immediately attracted by her pair of purple eyes.

Such beautiful eyes.

Then he looked at the woman's appearance.

With snow-white skin, smooth face, exquisite facial features, and slender figure, she is like a fairy standing there.

Like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, it is so beautiful.

All of a sudden, Lan Fei fell in love with him.

"What a nice view!"

Lan Fei couldn't help but praise him.

The expression on his face was a little exaggerated.

Seeing his appearance, Bu Xiaofan frowned slightly.

Holding a sword and clasping his fists, he said, "Qishan Pavilion disciple Bu Xiaofan has taken the liberty to visit your sect, please forgive me for being so abrupt!"

Being polite and polite, every move affects Lan Fei's eyes and heart.

"Young sect master! Young sect master!"

Undoubtedly, Bu Xiaofan is very beautiful, but the guardian disciple who was waiting here has been sunk once in the scriptures.

So the first time I didn't dare to look more.

After finding out that Lan Fei had the same result as himself, he secretly chuckled, but he didn't want to remind him.

Only then did Lan Fei react, consciously losing his composure.

A little embarrassed, he hurriedly saluted with both hands: "Lan Fei, the young master of Xiaolongmen, by my father's order, pick up Miss Bu, Miss Bu, please come with me!"

Lan Fei!

Just like this?

Bu Xiaofan remained calm and replied, "Master Lan, please!"

As he spoke, Bu Xiaofan walked towards the mountain gate with scriptures.

Lan Fei turned sideways and did not change his gesture, just said: "We and the six sects are family friends, we depend on each other, and we have a lot of friendship. I am older, so I dare to call Bu Junior Sister, and Bu Junior Sister calls me Lan Senior Brother." , please come inside, Junior Sister Bu!"

Xiaolongmen is the last of the six factions to pretend to be his grandson.

Naturally, those who have practiced one by one have the thickest skin.

Everyone is familiar with each other, and they are also famous.

Facing the plaster he put on on his own initiative, Bu Xiaofan didn't buy it.

With a dry laugh: "Sect Master Lan is being polite, I am the guest and you are the host, so you should invite me first!"


Although Lan Fei was displeased, he didn't show any annoyance, so he had to lead the way.

While walking, they talked about each other, and introduced the pavilions and pavilions along the Xiaolongmen, as well as interesting stories about Xiaolongmen.

Trying to win Bu Xiaofan's favor, and find out her preferences.

Bu Xiaofan Bingxue was smart, his ears felt a little callused, and he said directly: "Master Lan, I am here for something important, you should take me to see your leader as soon as possible! Delaying it is a waste of time. It's not good."

Only then did Lan Fei remember that Ye Qing and the people from Xiaoyao Mansion followed Bu Xiaofan.

Soon we will reach the gate of the mountain.

So Zhiqu shut up and took Bu Xiaofan straight to the main hall of the main hall.

Soon Bu Xiaofan was brought in front of everyone in Xiaolongmen.

Bu Xiaofan's appearance suddenly caught everyone's attention.

What a beautiful woman.

"Qishan Pavilion, Bu Xiaofan, I have met the master of Lanmen, and all seniors!" Bu Xiaofan gestured towards Landong and everyone in Xiaolongmen with courtesy.

Lan Dongdao: "Miss Bu, you don't need to be too polite. I wonder what Miss Bu is here for?"

Lan Dong didn't talk nonsense, straight to the point, and asked directly.

Ye Qing's team is right behind, and they might arrive at the mountain gate in a moment.

Bu Xiaofan replied: "Headmaster Lan, this is because the King of Xiaoyao County was attacked at the ferry, and the King of Xiaoyao County wanted to go up the mountain to ask for an explanation. As a disciple of Qishan Pavilion, Bu has the obligation and responsibility to come to inform Your faction, to avoid greater misunderstandings and conflicts between the two parties!"

This answer came as a surprise to Xiaolongmen.

Someone snorted coldly: "Miss Bu's kindness, I'm afraid we won't be able to accept it. This time Ye Qing came up the mountain with the scriptures, and he is clearly attacking my Xiaolongmen."

"That's right, the girl kept saying that it was to avoid misunderstanding between us, but if she just persuaded us and not Ye Qing, it's because she made us Xiaolongmen be a shrinking turtle!" Someone else chimed in and said.

Lan Dong didn't speak, just watched.

Lan Fei saw that the disciples were running on Bu Xiaofan, so he said to them: "Everyone, let's listen to Miss Bu and express our opinions."

Lan Fei helped Xiaofan, but everyone was chasing and beating him.

The face of the young sect master is still to be given.

Lan Dong also nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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