I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 394 Little Dragon Gate Welcomes Ye Qing

Chapter 394 Little Dragon Gate Welcomes Ye Qing
Bu Xiaofan greeted him, and then said: "I persuaded Ye Qing, he said that this happened in your Xiaolongmen's territory, you have an inescapable responsibility, he did not go up the mountain to start a war with Xiaolongmen, but to One statement, I hope Xiaolongmen will give a statement.

Of course, your faction should not be in a hurry to refute. There are some things that everyone knows well. I, Bu Xiaofan and Qishan Pavilion, have never favored anyone. I just came here with good intentions. What you do in the end is a matter for you and Xiaoyao Mansion. I could have ignored it, let alone interfered.

So it's up to you to decide what you think.

I'm just a passerby, an informant who can build a bridge between you two, other than that, it's none of my business! "

After speaking, Bu Xiaofan held his sword and clasped his fists towards Lan Dong again.

Then turn around and go out of the hall.

She's just here to remind you.

It's not about negotiating with Xiaolongmen.

Kindness to justice.

Seeing that Bu Xiaofan was about to leave, the people from Xiaolongmen were in a hurry.

This girl will leave as soon as she says.

Lan Fei was even more anxious, the little beauty left, I haven't seen enough.

Haven't been around enough yet.

So he also turned around to chase after him, when Lan Dong from above shouted in a deep voice:
"Miss Bu, wait a moment!"

A foot is stepping over the threshold of the hall.

Bu Xiaofan took it back again.

But did not turn around.

Lan Dongdao: "Miss Bu, you can be sure that King Xiaoyao is not going to fight my Bulongmen or attack my Xiaolongmen."

Ye Qing deliberately walked Pi's, and Longmen crossed the river.

Didn't he deliberately rush towards their Xiaolongmen, and want to get rid of them together?
Bu Xiaofan said: "Sect Leader Lan can rest assured, King Xiaoyao won't lie to me, he said that he went up the mountain to visit your sect, and hoped that your sect would explain the reason of the matter, and he doesn't intend to start a war with Xiaolongmen."

Don't look at Ye Qing being domineering and ruthless.

Absolutely killing.

But he still meant what he said.

And he is still sincere to himself. In this matter, he will not lie to him.

This man said one is one.

Say two is two.

Dealing with people is about principles and rules.

As long as you don't step on his line, you can say anything.

Lan Dong thought for a while, and then asked: "Miss Bu has stayed in Hedong for a while, what do you think of Xiaoyao Wang!"

Everyone cheered up and stared at Bu Xiaofan.

Bu Xiaofan turned around and said: "Domineering yet gentle, iron-blooded yet tender, clever yet cunning, straightforward yet mysterious, heroic and friendly, principled but unruly, talented and eclectic, It can be outrageous in reality, or it can be so noble that no one can reach it... These should be enough for Lan Zhang!"|"


Very specific.

Almost all good words.

Ye Qing, who was originally extremely hateful, suddenly became taller.

Become like a god.

After all, when these descriptions are combined, there is no one person.

How can there be such a perfect person in the world.

In the past, all they heard was negative information about Ye Qing.

Although Ye Qing is very powerful, he will naturally be demonized.

Put it on the black list.

Ye Qing is so good!

Hearing the goddess in his mind describe the great devil Ye Qing in such a way, Lan Fei next to him was the most heartbroken.

Bu Xiaofan admired Ye Qing so much.

I know Ye Qing so well.

Is there any indescribable relationship between the two.

Brainstorming is a scary thing.

The more he thought about it, Lan Fei's heart felt as if his flesh had been cut by a knife.

Feeling more and more sad.

Full of jealousy and resentment.

Why only!
She is so beautiful that she doesn't even look at me.

But he loves Ye Qing so much.

Is it because he is the king.

This is not everything Bu Xiaofan knows.

There are other things she didn't say.

For example, words such as careful and considerate are easy to make people have charming thoughts.

Bu Xiaofan Bingxue was smart, so he naturally kept his mouth shut.

How could he have thought that Lan Fei beside him would have so many inner dramas.

The people in Xiaolongmen were talking and discussing.

Lan Dong is also caught between thinking and power.

Finally, he raised his eyes and glanced at the elders on the left and right.

All the elders nodded.

Lan Dong then said: "My Xiaolongmen and Xiaoyao Mansion have no worries in the past, and no complaints in the near future. The king of Xiaoyao is here, and the etiquette cannot be dismissed. My school is a big school in the world. You should set an example. You are willing to follow me to kiss your highness." !"

Seeing that the headmaster had spoken, the people of Xiaolongmen said one after another: "I will respect the order of the headmaster."

We compromised with the head, not Ye Qing.

It will be easy to handle if the leader is responsible.

Lan Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

When are these old bastards still playing with these hypocrisy?

Lan Dong secretly sighed.

This is the style of Xiaolongmen.

No one dares to take responsibility for the ethos that has been cultivated over the years.

Quan fucking loves to drill camps, and loves to pretend to be a grandson.

Forget it, who made him the head.

Seeing the changes in Xiaolongmen, Bu Xiaofan was very pleased from the bottom of his heart.

At last, I deserved her to come.

Under Lan Dong's leadership, the people from Xiaolongmen opened the mountain gate and greeted Ye Qing outside.

Ye Qing and the others, who had come here with a murderous intent, were still waiting there when they saw the head of Xiaolongmen open the gate.

It's not easy to make trouble.

"Landong, the No. 20 eighth-generation head of the Xiaolongmen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, brought his second son to meet the Xiaoyao King!" Lan Dong bowed to Xingjianghuzhi.

Everyone behind said in unison: "I have seen His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang!"

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

Even if there was an excuse in the first place, Ye Qing couldn't raise the question at this time.

So Lemen stopped, and Hong Sheng said: "Master Lan doesn't need to be polite, everyone is free!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Lan Dong accepted the gift, and said, "Your Highness, we have received a message from a girl from the Qishan Pavilion, and only then did we know that His Highness is coming to visit our door. There is no misfortune in this door. We havetily prepared to welcome you. The main hall has prepared some drinks, please, Your Highness!"

Ye Qing jumped off the horse, handed it over to the guards behind, and then glanced at Bu Xiaofan who was cocking his mouth proudly at him, and then said to Lan Dong:

"Master Lan is a senior, you, the host and guest, should go first, but to avoid other criticisms, let's go together.

It just so happens that Sect Master Lan can introduce to me the outstanding heroes under his sect, which will open my eyes! "

That's right, there's nothing wrong with it.

Advance and retreat are well-founded, and the score is not bad.

It not only reflects his identity, but also takes care of himself.

If he is really an evildoer, he won a good reputation without losing money.

No wonder Bu Xiaofan described him that way.

After a short contact, Lan Dong really understood how powerful Ye Qing was.

Don't even dare to underestimate it, and play up the spirit of [-] points.

"Please, Your Highness, I am Xiaolong..."

Then Lan and Ye Qing walked in the same row, and then briefly introduced Xiaolong's situation.

He also pointed out several important elders in the door, and finally pointed to the son who was left behind and said: "Your Highness, this is my ineffective son Lan Fei. I heard that His Highness is the best at knowing people and employing them. Has the attitude of talent."

Lan Fei was taken aback, what does dad mean?
Why let Ye Qing judge me?
Ye Qing was also stunned.

This Lan Dong is also a thick black person.

(End of this chapter)

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