I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 395 Am I Familiar With You?

Chapter 395 Am I Familiar With You?
Rate your son.

It's not easy to talk nonsense.

Say okay, it's not easy to make a move later when Xingshi asks the teacher.

You can never punch yourself in the face.

It's hard to say, you are so generous and polite to welcome yourself in.

It will appear that I am deliberately finding fault.

Fall back down.

It is said that Xiaolongmen's identity as a victim is easier to win the sympathy of the world.

Ye Qing glanced at Bu Xiaofan.

Obviously, the girl who came here in advance should have revealed to Xiaolongmen and Lan Dong that she would not attack Xiaolongmen and forge a murderous hatred.

Lan Dong has prepared and understood himself by the scriptures.

Therefore, we have a draft and countermeasures in advance.

Seeing Ye Qing's gaze, Bu Xiaofan pretended not to see it, turned away as if it had nothing to do with me.

"Young sect master of the noble family, at first glance, his bones are clear, his talent is extraordinary, he is a natural martial arts genius, take a closer look..." Ye Qing paused deliberately when he said this, and Lan Dong and others focused their attention on it. Lan Fei was also secretly happy when he heard the words, waiting for Ye Qing to continue to help him pretend.

"Look carefully... By the way, how old is Lan Shaomen this year, but he is still a child?"

Bu Xiaofan was the first to burst out laughing uncontrollably.

She knew that Ye Qing would not be serious.

Sure enough.

Lan Dong and the group of Xiaolongmen were also shocked.

One by one is dumbfounded.

It's a good compliment, why did you ask about your age and whether you are a boy or not, such an embarrassing topic.

Can we answer directly?
If so, Lan Fei is too useless, he is still a boy at such an age, and the majestic young sect master has never even touched a woman.

No, it feels weird anyway.

Although I can't tell where there is a problem.

But it felt like there was a hole.

Spread out indecent.

It's not good for Lan Fei's reputation.

However, Lan Dong is also a black-bellied master.

He asked directly: "I don't know why Your Highness asked such a question?"

Either way the answer is not the best way.

It is the best policy to directly solve the problem and divert attention.

Cover up and fall to the next level.

This made Ye Qing look at Lan Dong again.

Sure enough, he is a person who can bend and stretch.

He, Ye Qing, was not afraid of that kind of shouting and killing, and he was straightforward.

Like Lan Dong, the smiling tiger is the scariest one, and the one that needs to be guarded most.

This kind of talent is the most dangerous.

"There is a man in my mansion, named Kong Jian, who possesses extraordinary kung fu, if a boy practices it, he can become a vajra indestructible body, if he trains his body horizontally, he will be invincible in the world.

I also saw that the young sect master's bones are so strange, which is just suitable for this skill, so I asked this question.

If you are not a boy, you will not be able to perform such magical skills. "Ye Qing explained with such a serious expression.

Lan Dong and the people from Xiaolongmen were all taken aback when they heard the words.

Then he looked suspicious.

Seeing that Ye Qing didn't seem to be telling a lie, he felt a little excited in his heart.

The indestructible body of the vajra, there is such a magic skill in the world.

Practicing invincible?

You must know that their Xiaolongmen is good at practicing agility and boxing.

This horizontal practice of eighteen moves is a unique skill, and there is no one in the whole Zhou Dynasty who is better at this than them.


Bu Xiaofan in the back couldn't help laughing again after listening to it.

Ye Qing is very bad.

They are digging holes for Xiaolongmen again.

Who is Kongjian? Others don't know, but he does.

So his eyes turned to Sora at the front of the team.

That big bald head is too eye-catching.

People who are not in Longmen are puzzled.

I thought to myself that this Bu girl is stupid!
Laugh for a while.

What's going on here.

Until everyone followed her gaze and looked at Kongjian, they suddenly realized something.

This guy has such a strange shape.

There is not a hair on the head, it is shaved bald.

Parents who teach their body, hair and skin.

How could it be so ruined.

Still burn nine scars on the head.

It is even more sinful.

Da Zhou had never seen that strange outfit.

Could it be outsiders.

But this looks wrong, they are the people of the Central Plains nation.

"Little Fanfan, what are you laughing at? I'm talking serious business with Sect Leader Lan, can you show some respect!" Ye Qing said to Bu Xiaofan angrily, in the tone of an elder admonishing a junior.

Little Fanfan, he called so kindly.

Good call dear!
Lan Fei was heartbroken when he heard it.

When can I call Bu Xiaofan like that.

The others were also taken aback!
This... Could it be that something indescribable happened to the two of them.

This name is a bit charming.

Looking at our little sect master, his expression seemed wrong, and he felt like he was holding back.

Bu Xiaofan was also taken aback.


How dare you call yourself Little Fanfan in front of everyone.

Who are you not yours?
Immediately, Bu Xiaofan's face turned cold, darkened, and he hugged his chest and snorted coldly: "Is this girl familiar with you? Does this girl know you? His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang is a bit loose. I came to visit Xiaolongmen, but It’s not here to cater to someone!”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked directly to the gazebo beside him.

"..." Everyone in Xiaolongmen!

what's going on.

It was fine just now, what's the matter, the young couple bickered and quarreled in front of everyone in our Xiaolongmen.

It completely treats us as air.

"Ahem!" Ye Qing coughed, touched his nose, and said mysteriously to everyone:

"Women are like this. Like summer weather, it's unpredictable. Don't be surprised."

"Don't dare!" The people from Xiaolongmen responded one after another.

Women, young women, and unmarried women are more lively and mischievous.

"Hey! You don't know that women are the most annoying thing in this marching and fighting. If you tell me not to follow, if you insist on following, you can't drive away. In the end, you will be forced to die. She has no choice but to agree. Let's go on the road together." Ye Qing shook his head and complained:

"My damn charm, when can I restrain myself a little bit!"


Everyone in Xiaolongmen was shocked by this high-speed turn.

One by one couldn't hold back and spit out.

Ma Dan, people are more popular than people.

It was Bu Xiaofan from Qishan Pavilion who caught up with Ye Qing.

She posted it on her own initiative.

But after thinking about it, everyone was relieved.

It is estimated that it is healing and detoxification, and the feelings are released.

At this step, Xiaofan not only envied Ye Qing's status, but also envied his talent and body.

Otherwise, why would they come to their Xiaolongmen alone for Ye Qing.

Mediation for Ye Qing, silently paying.

well!Having a good-looking face means you can do whatever you want.

The people in Xiaolongmen made up their minds.

Lan Fei's jealous eyes were about to burst into flames.

Ten fingers dig into the flesh of the palm.

Xian'er, who dismissed me, didn't even look straight at me, and loved to answer me, actually took the initiative to post it to Ye Qing.

This gap made him envious and jealous.

It's like hiding a volcano in my heart that is about to erupt.

There is a possibility of explosion at any time.

Lan Dong is well-informed and experienced.

He just half-closed his eyes and stroked his beard.

Then he took Ye Qing forward, and asked calmly: "Just now, His Highness talked about the magical skill of practicing horizontally to the indestructible body of a vajra. I don't know what stories and hidden secrets there are in it!"

Yo, you're still thinking about this.

For the sake of his son, he is really willing to give up this old face, he really dares to ask, he really dares to think about it.

I have studied the thick black scriptures a lot.

Who gave you the courage, are we familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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