I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 396 Kong Jian VS Lan Fei

Chapter 396 Kong Jian VS Lan Fei
"This shit... what I want to say, I can't finish talking for three days and three nights!"

Ye Qing beckoned to Kongjian and said: "Kongjian, you have this magical skill, come and compete with the masters of Xiaolongmen, after all, they are the strongest horizontal practice mountain gate in my Dazhou, whether it is footwork or boxing skills Or the body, they are both amazing.

You have to learn from them! "


When is it time to compete with your subordinates?

Do you want to nod your face, can you stop jumping like this all the time.

Lan Dong was so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

This Ye Qing is really extremely cunning, like a loach, slippery and steadfast.

Kong Jian clasped his hands together and stepped forward, saying: "Oh Mi Tuo Buddha, I heard that your sect's horizontal practice is the best in the world, and I have always been yearning for it, but I just didn't have the fate. I am lucky today, and I hope you will give me your advice!"

What the hell is this way of saying hello and saluting.

Put the two queens together, so unreasonable.

The people of Xiaolongmen were all annoyed when they saw that the head of their family was so neglected.

I want to have met with Kong, and teach him a lesson.

But someone is faster than them.

That was Lan Fei, and he straightened his body forward and said, "I don't know how strong you are, but I want to learn about your body protection skills!"

"Benefactor Lan, you're being polite, old monk Kongjian, now the strength of the second rank." Kongjian replied honestly.

There is nothing to lie about.

Ye Qing also confessed that he must report truthfully.

Lan Fei liked it very much, pointed to the martial arts training ground and said: "Isn't it empty, I happen to be a second rank, and our realm is comparable, so we can have a very good comparison!"

Lan Fei had already suppressed his anger.

Ye Qing couldn't teach him a lesson.

But it's okay to teach Ye Qing's bald man a lesson.

Lan Dong didn't stop him. Within the second rank, his son can be said to be very few people can beat.

His son, he understands.

This is the son who I have tried my best to teach carefully.

All the sons of Shanmen have learned those special exercises.

I also practiced to a great degree.

It was once his little pride.

So I'm not worried that Lan Fei will lose.

The other members of Xiaolongmen also laughed.

Although they are both of the second rank, Baldy is absolutely impossible to be Lan Fei's opponent.

The people in Xiaoyao Mansion wanted to go up the mountain to seek trouble, and it happened that they had to taste the taste of failure first.

If a second-rank person dares to stand out and stand out, that is courting death.

"Benefactor Lan please first!" Kong Jian bowed with one hand.

Buddhist disciples are like this, there are many things in one set.

And don't care what other people think.

Lan Fei was also polite, snorted, and then jumped extremely high and too much, and after landing, after a few flashes, he arrived at the martial arts training ground.

That chic and swift movement immediately won the applause of everyone in Xiaolongmen.

Martial arts competitions are the first to win, and they will help the little sect master stand up in this venue.

Lan Dong smiled and said: "Your Highness, my son is still a bit playful, so show your ugliness!"

Ye Qing couldn't see the complacency behind Lan Dong's smile, but he didn't care, and just replied lightly: "Young people should be lively like young people, unlike our family, who are slow in doing everything." Tun Tun, live on stability, never show off in a hurry!"

You're so proud of yourself, you're so flamboyant, and you'll beat your son to call him dad later.

Lan Dongzai's thick skin also twitched at this moment.

This Ye Qing really scolded you for not uttering dirty words.

It would be less than cheap to fight with him verbally.

Kong Jian is just like what Ye Qing said, his mood is stable.

There is nothing reserved in the heart.

Even though he nodded with a smile.

It seemed to be secretly commenting on Lan Fei.

Like an elder, or a master of the fifth or sixth grade, facing the appreciation of a rookie.

Kong Jian walks towards the martial arts field step by step, each step is the same distance, no more, no less, no less.

Walking slowly, clasped his hands together, and chanted Buddhist scriptures.

Everyone was in a hurry.

This bald man can play tricks.

Don't think that if you walk slowly, you won't be beaten later.

Lan Fei also looked resigned.

Until Kong saw the martial arts training ground, he immediately said: "Kong see if you are ready, I can attack!"

Kongjian raised his head and smiled and said, "Donor Lan just come, Kongjian is always ready!"

"it is good!"

Lan Fei waited for Kong Jian to say this, and the moment Kong Jian finished speaking, Lan Fei couldn't wait to rush over.

His agility was really fast, he arrived in the blink of an eye, and he punched Kong Jian heavily in front of him.

Kong Jian Heshi's right hand moves upwards.

Seeing that their hands were about to touch, Lan Fei suddenly withdrew his hand, then turned his body to Kong Jian's left side, and then kicked Kong Jian's foot.

It can be seen that it is despicable.

He obviously wanted to make a move, but made a fake attack on the third lane.

But Kong Jian didn't dodge it, he just stood firm, retracted his right hand, clasped his palms together, exchanged back and forth, and made three gestures.

Suddenly, a layer of evil spirit appeared under his feet.

Lan Fei kicked over, but he didn't kick Kongjian's thigh, nor could he kick Kongjian.

Anyway, the foot seems to have kicked a rock.

With a huge rebound, the leg was shaken back again.

At the same time, there was a burning pain.

Lan Fei took two steps back in surprise, and then stabilized himself.

Then he shook the leg that he swept over just now.

I think he has been practicing horizontal kung fu for so many years.

A pair of fists and feet are as hard as bricks.

Even if it is hit down, it will be shocked back, and there will still be this kind of pain.

Similarly, this scene surprised everyone in the little dragons.

Lan Fei's attack was ineffective.

Seeing that Ben didn't get injured, he suffered a small injury instead.

The opponent didn't even hide.

Thinking that those legs have been trained to perfection, he can't be a guy who majors in legwork.

Otherwise, he was so confident just now and let Lan Fei beat him.

If the bottom game is not good, then you can only attack three ways.

Lan Fei learned his lesson.

With a low growl, he rushed over again.

This time, it was another bouncing punch that hit Kong Jian's left shoulder.

Seeing that he didn't move, he let it hit.

However, Lan Fei made another feint, and his figure flashed around behind Kongjian, and then the fist hit him hard.


One punch, with the sound of an air explosion, is so powerful that ordinary trees with thick legs will be broken in response.

A hole must be punched in the single wall.

However, this punch was very powerful, but when it hit Kong Jian's back, it was like hitting hard iron.

It was another shock, and Lan Fei was shaken back four or five steps before he stabilized his body.

Then there was a huge pain in the fist of his right hand, and his arm was numb.

And there was a bloody mouth at the mouth of Beihu in his hand.

I was injured and bleeding.

This made Lan Fei a little horrified.

This bald man is weird.

There is a layer of protective qi on the surface of his body.

This energy can help him offset the power of the attack.

Instead, it formed a counter-shock force.

After thinking about it, Lan Fei's face turned ugly.

This bald man seemed kind-hearted and kind-hearted, but he did not expect to have such profound inner strength and his cultivation skills were so heaven-defying.

But this is an external force after all, it is impossible for him to maintain this kind of power for a long time.

And his physical body is very fragile.

Therefore, it is necessary to break the merits first, and then hurt the body.

There are two ways to win him.

(End of this chapter)

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