Chapter 401


What the hell?

But Bu Xiaofan reacted quickly.

You are the nurse, and your whole family are nurses.

"You are now my... offense!"

Suddenly, Ye Qing changed the subject, gave an order, and jumped off the horse.

Lu Bu, Ding Chunqiu, Shi Potian and others leaped, and flew out of their horses one after another, heading towards the mountain on the right.

The guards also got off their horses one after another and formed a formation, with one third remaining to protect Bu Xiaofan.

The rest quickly followed the pace of Ye Qing and others.

Then there was the sound of screams in the woods, and the sound of fierce collisions from fighting.

"Retreat quickly, we were!"

Then the sound of enemies being beheaded and weapons colliding continued to be heard in the forest.

Bu Xiaofan was stunned by the fast-paced attack by Ye Qing and the others.

Such a fast speed, such a fierce attacking method.

Is this someone ambushing us, or are we ambushing others.

No, no, how can I use us.

I have nothing to do with Ye Qing.

I am me, he is him!
However, Kongjian, who was mainly empty-handed and sharp-edged, did not leave.

Still blocking on his right side, that is, the side close to the mountain.

"Oh Mituofo, Bu benefactor, my lord has said that I will stay and take care of you!" Kong Jianjian Bu Xiaofan looked over.

He put his palms together and read a sentence.

If Ye Qing said this here, Bu Xiaofan would have snorted coldly and said, I have martial arts myself, so I don't need your protection.

However, seeing such a kind-hearted person is inherently hard to get annoyed.

Instead, he clasped his hands together and said, "Thank you!"

Not to mention Bu Xiaofan, Kong Jian and others on the road.

Let's see Ye Qing and others rush over suddenly.

This surprised the killers who were ambushing here.

They never expected that Ye Qing and the others would launch an ambush and directly counter-kill Shangshan.

Caught off guard, I didn't know what to do.

Haste to fight.

We had to change the sneak attack to an open attack.

Ye Qing only has a few people, and he can fly to the sky.

There are four NO.50 people on my side.

Half of the entry level, I'm afraid I won't grind you to death.

But after a fight they regretted it.

Because a few fierce men suddenly jumped out from behind.

Three of them hold swords, and one of them is a single-armed epee.

Isn't this Yang Guo of the Huashan School?
How could they appear behind him.

In an instant, the gang of assassins knew they had been exposed.

Ye Qing came prepared.

If you lose this battle, it is the right way to escape.

Sure enough, another thin figure jumped out from the left.

Move this room, and take someone's throat as soon as he makes a move.

The speed is as fast as lightning and thunder.

At the same time, he swung a hidden weapon in his hand, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to escape, and he was hit one after another.

Appearing at the same time as him, there is also Li Bai in white, killing people invisible in a blink of an eye, with fast swords and fast shadows, relaxed and freehand.

"Damn it, break out to the right!"

That's right, the assassins were terrified.

The people in Xiaoyao Mansion are all werewolves, and they attack fiercely and decisively.

There is no mercy between killing and cutting.

Even though there are still a lot of high scores on our side, they are also beaten at this moment.

No courage to fight to the death.

"Where are you going?"

Just as the assassins broke through to the right, ten people suddenly appeared here.

Although only two of these ten people held weapons in their hands, the assassins were like a bolt from the blue when they saw it.

Because they dress uniformly.

"Little Dragon guys!"


Although I don't know why Xiaolongmen helped Ye Qing.

But at this time Yijing had no choice.

Only to rush over.

In an instant, the two sides fought together.

Don't look at the people in Xiaolongmen who don't have weapons.

But the figure was very ethereal, and the fists and palms struck like thunder.

Raising your legs to sweep the hall is like cutting with a sword.

It breaks when hit, and hurts when hit.

Ordinary warriors are really not their opponents.

Ten people with Xiaolongmen blocked the way of the assassin.

Ye Qing and others quickly chased him down.

Then find your own goals.

Soon, all the assassins were beheaded.

The pie is still clean and neat, and the technique is capable.

Ye Qing's lineup for this battle is not small.

The fifth-grade stone breaks the sky.

The fourth rank is Li Bai and Li Yuanfang.

The third rank is Jing Wuming, Yang Guo, and Feng Qingyang.

Second grade Lu Bu and Ding Chunqiu.

A first-class cold-blooded cold weapon.

On Xiaolongmen's side, a fourth-rank master.

Two third grades, two second grades, five first grades.

Looking at this level of strength, it is considered strong in the entire Great Zhou.

Killing dozens of assassins is not a problem.

So it's not too tiring.

After beheading the assassin, he went down the mountain.

Bu Xiaofan confirmed his original guess when he saw a group of experts suddenly appearing.

Ye Qing really came to ambush the enemy.

"Let's go, let's go. After dark, go camping and rest!" Ye Qing got on the horse as if nothing had happened, with his legs lightly clamping the black hair.

The whole team sang a promise and continued on their way.

I was not surprised by this episode on the road, and there was not much discussion about it.

It seems commonplace.


Ye Qing and the others traveled all the way, and there were no obstacles in the future, but they still walked extremely slowly, and they still had some embankments.

After passing Xiayang and Heyang all the way to Linjin, they finally joined Zhao Yun's troops.

Then turn west and head towards Chang'an.

Outside Chang'an City!

Officials from the Ministry of Etiquette are responsible for the reception.

After all, Ye Qing went to Hedong at that time, put down the rebellion, defeated the enemy bandits, and made great contributions to regaining Hedong.

Although it has been so long, it still belongs to victory.

More than 1000 rode out of Xiaoyaofu, and [-] came back.

The team is ready, the armor is bright and majestic.

"King Xiaoyao accepts the order!"

This time, the Ministry of Rites delivered the decree, and the doctor of the Ministry of Rites came forward.

Ye Qing and others dismounted and lined up.

Only then did the official of the Ministry of Rites read the imperial decree.

There are two main points.

One is that you have made great achievements in Hedong and worked very hard. Originally, I wanted you to rest and recuperate, but if you find a bastard like Ye Jin and an unfilial son, go to Hanzhong and catch me.

The second is that your cavalry cannot all enter the city.Only [-] riders were allowed to enter Xiaoyao Mansion, and the rest were all placed outside the city.

After receiving the imperial edict, the people from Xiaoyao Mansion stepped forward.


Guo Jia, as the representative, came out with the guards from Xiaoyao Mansion to pick Ye Qing up.

Holding the imperial decree in his hand, Ye Qing asked puzzledly, "Fengxiao, what does this mean?"

What does the emperor mean by not allowing all his cavalry to enter the city.

Only two hundred rides are allowed.

Didn't he give himself a quota of 1 guards?

According to the rules, he can garrison 1 troops in the mansion.

Isn't it funny to let only 200 people into the city now?

Guo Jia pulled Ye Qing aside and explained in a low voice:
"My lord, since you returned to Beijing, the officials of the court have impeached you several times based on scriptures, saying that our Xiaoyao Mansion has usurped and is suspected of rebellion. The number of soldiers in the mansion has already exceeded [-]. I suggest that you be punished severely and dismissed for investigation." , Remove all titles and official positions."

It turned out to be like this, Ye Qing sneered and said: "Your Majesty did not listen to the impeachment of the officials, so he ordered my troops not to enter the city!"

"The lord is wise, you can guess right!" Guo Jia praised.

(End of this chapter)

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