I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 402? Ye Zhen Wields a Big Stick

Chapter 402: Ye Zhen Wields a Big Stick
"Hmph! I just came back, and the officials and His Majesty have come to give me a lesson!"

Baiguan is hateful, but Ye Zhen is not good.

Although he is not cutting his military power, Yijing is deliberately suppressing it.

And it was through the hands of hundreds of officials.

This one is flat and horizontal, and it is sneaky.

In the past, he was used to suppress officials.

Now use the family of civil servants to suppress yourself.

This is telling himself that he is the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He is the one who dominates the Great Zhou.

What can be given to you can also be taken back.

If you don't obey, spank your ass.

Ye Qing raised his head, glanced at the east main gate, and said, "Get on the horse, let's go to the south gate!"

If you don't let me in, then I won't go in.

Laozi went to Nancheng and placed five thousand riders in Nancheng County.

Originally, he planned to put all the cavalry on the side of the racecourse, but now he changed his mind.

He wants to put it in Nancheng.

He wants Bingfeng to go south.

Booming, five thousand armored cavalry, rolling like earth dragons, turned southward and circled to Nancheng.

Soon everything that happened in front of the city gate spread into the city and reached the ears of all those who followed Ye Qing.


Tai Chi Palace!
Imperial study room!
Ye Zhen slapped the dragon case heavily after listening.

His voice was angry: "What does he want to do? I won't let his cavalry enter the city, so he sent the cavalry to Nancheng for me. It's not like his horse farm can't accommodate so many people, so what are you doing in Nancheng?"

The person who reported here naturally couldn't answer.

I can only bow my head.

Another person from the other side came to report: "Your Majesty, the shadow guards have reported!"

Seeing Liu Buren approaching, Ye Zhen waved away the person who had just reported.

After this person went down, Liu Buren continued: "Xiaolongmen expresses its support for the Sixth Highness with scriptures, and sent disciples to follow him. During the return to the south, the Sixth Highness killed a group of assassins and killed all the opponents."

"Hmm! Xiaolongmen made a statement?" Ye Zhen's expression suddenly became serious, showing deep thought.

That's good news, and it's not good news.

The good news is that Xiaolongmen has succumbed and can be used by the court, or the royal family.

The bad news is.

Ye Qing's strength has increased again.

The chips got heavier.

The layout of the princes is further tilted.

It is getting more and more uneven, and the scriptures are seriously one-sided.

Eight people added up to equalize with Ye Qing.

The key is that the eight people are not of one mind.

Ye Zhen felt that he was playing off.

He is losing control of Ye Qing step by step.

Although the scriptures imposed many restrictions on Ye Qing.

But his development is still barbaric growth.

"Come here, I am passing an order, ordering King Xiaoyao to go to Hanzhong within three days, otherwise he will be punished as disobeying the order and violating the order, the prince will be reduced to a marquis, the food will be reduced, the government will be reduced, and the right to control the east of the river will be removed." Ye Zhen knocked. The dragon-knocking case returned another order:

"From now on, Dong Bai will be the magistrate of Nancheng County, and Shang Yang will be appointed as Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of Punishment, and will be granted the order of the Ministry of Punishment."

This arrangement...

Even Liu Buren, the head of intelligence, knew that Ye Zhen deliberately manipulated Ye Qing.

Go down with a big stick and give a small green jujube.

I have given you some benefits, and I have to poach you some people.

If you don't work hard, you won't even have a small green jujube.

Obediently obey me and do as I am told.

If you blow your hair, you will be cut to death.

This time it was Zhang Rang who delivered the decree.

Holding this decree, he wanted to cry.

This decree is not a good decree.

I don't know if Ye Qing will go crazy.

Then K gave him a meal.

Soon Zhang Rang went to Xiaoyao Mansion, but the people in the mansion told him that Ye Qing did not live in the mansion.

Haven't entered the palace yet.

Together with the soldiers outside the city.

Zhang Rang had no choice but to leave the city overnight and rush to the station.

However, when he arrived at the station, he heard the soldiers replying: "Please move to the reservoir, my highness went to the reservoir for inspection, and he is not in the camp!"


Zhang Rang was really about to cry.

What the hell, rushing to get beaten, you have to put on a desperate posture.

My life is really bitter!

He really wanted to rest, but the decree had a deadline, in case it was delayed.

If Ye Qing is delayed, he will probably be beaten.

So Zhang Rang had no choice but to ask the generals of Xiaoyao Mansion to pick twenty guards for him, and then rushed to the reservoir overnight.

Nancheng County Reservoir!
Ye Qing knew that Ye Zhen would definitely urge him to go to Hanzhong.

So I didn't go into the city at all, but came directly to inspect and check the reservoir.

Seeing that spring is here, the humid air will blow from the south soon.

When the rainy season is coming, the rain will be smaller and bigger.

The progress of the project is what he cares most about now.

This is related to the future development and prosperity of the entire Nancheng County.

At the same time, it is also the starting point of Dazhou's reform.

There are people rushing to work day and night on the side of the reservoir, and there will be people working at night. There are three shifts a day, of which there are two shifts at night, a total of seven hours, and one shift every three to three and a half hours.

So when Ye Qing and others arrived, the construction site was still buzzing with people.

The common people and the supervisors are all working in full swing.

The soldiers who patrolled and guarded them also patrolled back and forth to check the safety around them.

"His Highness is coming!"

"What? Your Highness has come to the construction site?"

"Your Highness has returned to Beijing?"

The construction site where they were working immediately became more noisy.

The soldiers also flocked to maintain law and order.

Ye Qing faced the cold wind, looked at the working people and stretched out his hands: "Everyone has worked hard, do you have ginger soup tonight?"

All the people excitedly replied: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness, whether it's night or day, we have ginger soup to drink. Not only do we drink it, but we also add ginseng!"

"Your Highness, we are here to eat well, dress warmly, and sleep well!"

"Your Highness, I have gained weight after working for several months!"

"Your Highness, I have been working for a few months. According to Lord Shang, I have [-] acres of land. This reservoir has accumulated the spring flood. Then my land will not have to be dry!"

Ye Qing almost didn't need to ask more.

The people themselves reported everything he wanted to know.

Without it, because working here is really profitable.

Not to mention saving rations, but also raising myself stronger.

Working for Xiaoyao Mansion, the treatment is really good.

After a few months, there is still land.

At first they didn't care about this place, and they didn't think the reservoir could be built.

I don't think there is any use for this reservoir.

But after practicing and practicing, I found that this project is really huge.

This reservoir is too big for them to imagine.

Moreover, after the constant brainwashing by the propagandists of Xiaoyao Mansion, they also hope that the reservoir will work, so that the land outside Nancheng will be fertile land.

All the land they get can grow good dealers.

What gives people the most motivation is undoubtedly hope.

"The people here...have a different spirit!" Bu Xiaofan sincerely admired seeing Ye Qing and others being so enthusiastic about working in the middle of the night.

The appearance of the people in Hedong is different from other places in Dazhou.

Unexpectedly, this Nancheng County is even worse.

Even the Xiaolongmen who followed were shocked and moved by this scene.

Originally sent to follow Ye Qing, they also obeyed the order of the head, somewhat reluctantly.

However, after the last counter-ambush, I gained satisfaction, achievement and self-worth.

They have let go of their prejudice against Ye Qing.

Now seeing these bitter hahas like them back then, they all support Ye Qing so much.

Ye Qing was also so friendly to them, and his affection also increased greatly.

"It's no wonder that the leader expressed his support for Ye Qing. This Xiaoyao King is different from one of the other dignitaries!"

(End of this chapter)

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