I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 403 Water Conservancy Technical Vocational College

Chapter 403 Water Conservancy Technical Vocational College

"Li Bing greets the lord!"

Li Bing didn't know that Ye Qing was returning to Beijing, let alone that Ye Qing was here.

But in the first half of the night, he was still the supervisor, thinking about water conservancy matters in his free time.

So no sleep.

He came over to greet Ye Qing immediately.

Ye Qing pointed to the red brick building opposite and said, "Go to your office and tell me about the project in detail!"

There are red brick houses built behind on the construction site. These buildings will not be demolished in the future, and they will be used to care for the reservoir.

Not far away are densely packed rows of wooden houses.

It was originally built for the army and working people to live in.

Ye Qing still understood this point.

Li Bing loosened his coat, facing Ye Qing's arrival, not only did he not feel that the night wind was cold, but it became warm.

Entering the red brick house, a gust of hot air rushed out from inside.

Makes the whole body more comfortable.

But it gets too hot soon.

There is a coal stove inside for heating.

After entering, you need to take off your outer robe and armor.

Otherwise, people will be steamed and roasted very quickly.

"I've checked the embankment, and it's been repaired. The spring floods won't break the embankment and flood the flat land in Nancheng!" Ye Qing was also thirsty after sitting down, and began to drink tea by himself.

Li Bing said: "That's right, my lord, the river embankment has been finished, and the river bed has been dug deep to remove the silt, so we can calmly deal with floods.

Here in the reservoir, a smaller reservoir has been repaired in the upstream, and this one will be capped and completed in a few days. The other underground works of the reservoir have also been completed, and they can also be completed before the spring flood! "

With the experience of the first reservoir, and the completion of the embankment.

No matter the construction of other reservoirs is more experienced, there are more people on hand.

The engineering time is naturally faster.

Ye Qing nodded slightly and asked, "Are there any other difficulties and difficulties?"

Li Bing thought for a while and replied: "My lord, the next thing we need to do is to build guide canals and flood reservoirs to connect the water from the north and south rivers and the reservoirs on both sides. This requires a lot of skilled workers, surveying and mapping skills , I can’t complete it in a short time alone.”

"Understood, this is not urgent. I don't believe that we will encounter such a century or millennium flood just after the completion of our reservoir and embankment." Ye Qing said:

"Later, we will establish a Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College to train talents in this field. You can also discover those outstanding and talented people in this project, train them, and pass on the knowledge I taught you to them.

Establish a water conservancy and civil engineering team centered on you, which will be helpful for the construction of other water conservancy projects in the future. "

The big week is in the northwest of Yuanyuan.

It belongs to dry and arid environment.

There will be no frequent floods like the great rivers in the south of the Yangtze River.

So Ye Qing is not worried that the water conservancy projects he built will not be able to bear the role of water storage and flood control.

The function may not be comprehensive, but it works.

That's it.

There is no need to be so harsh.

The following functions can be gradually improved.

The School of Water Conservancy was established.

Li Bing was short of breath.

The lord actually wants to set up such an academy for him.

Excited and touched, Li Bing got up immediately, then knelt down and said: "My lord is so kind and virtuous, and Li Bing can't repay you. I only wish to follow my lord forever in this life, and be on the saddle before and after my lord."

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly supported Li Bing and said: "Lu Hai, don't do this, you have to know that what you do is for the present and for the future. Water conservancy is the most important weapon of the country, and it is worth paying attention to." and vigorously developed.”

"Although it is so, there is no one like you, my lord, in the world!" Li Bing felt a little tearful.

Everyone knows the importance of water conservancy, but there are a few who really value it and are willing to spend money and energy on it.

Not to mention building a special college.

Ye Qing smiled after supporting Li Bing.

Because I am the only traverser in Longteng Continent.

Next, Ye Qing and Li Bing chatted about other things.

Only then did I take a nap before dawn.

It was still completely bright.

He was awakened by the guards who passed on.

Because Zhang Rang ran all night, he finally came to the reservoir construction site.

When handing over the imperial decree, Zhang Rang could clearly feel the murderous intent.

This is not from Ye Qing, but from Ye Qing's subordinates.

Your Highness stayed up all night.

Not long after falling asleep, Zhang Rang came.

Deliberately not letting His Highness rest.


After reading the edict, Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "I know, you go back!"

"It's Your Highness!"

Zhang Rang took one last look at Ye Qing, saw that he was not in any mood swings, and then slowly backed away.

"Don't give me any time, are you just urging me to die in such a hurry?" Ye Qing put the edict aside, closed his eyes and muttered:

"Or, you are so confident in me, you think I will be able to bring Ye Jin back from Hanzhong alive, I don't even have this confidence myself!"

Hanzhong County!
That was the virgin land of the Zhang family.

A place full of magic.

Not to mention him, even the imperial court is a place where water cannot be splashed, salt cannot penetrate, water cannot be boiled, or deep-fried is not cooked.

Why does Ye Zhen believe that he can get out of there safely.

So far, Jinyiwei and Jinyiwei have spies in all states of the Han Dynasty.

There are situations where feedback is collected.

Only those sent to Hanzhong had no news.

As if dead.

This is clearly a trap set by the Chuyue Kingdom.

One can divide and disintegrate the relationship between oneself and the Ministry of War.

To separate himself from Ye Yu, pull Ye Yu into the water and show up.

Second, he can send himself into the Jedi, and use the hands of Nanzheng Zhang's family to get rid of him.

Once he died, the matter of Fenggu would be over.

Even if you can't, you can take the opportunity to delay some more time.

Then facilitate the next plan.

Play a good abacus.

But Ye Zhenming knew that the Chuyue Kingdom was planning something bad, but he turned a blind eye.

He insisted on letting himself go to Hanzhong.

I don't know if he also used the Zhang family's hand to kill himself, or used himself to test the Zhang family.

Ye Zhen's intentions became more and more difficult to guess.

Ye Qing couldn't understand it.

"However, one thing is for sure, I am just a knife in his hand, and a knife that needs to be sharpened."


Ye Qing opened his eyes and smiled!
"Go, then let's go. I will go to Longtan and Tiger's Den. If I don't go now, I will have no chance in the future."

Going to Hanzhong is very risky.

But it is also inevitable.

Leaving aside the fact that Ye Zhen Yijing was persecuting him.

The whole court agreed unanimously.

Unless he raised his troops to rebel, he had no excuse to refuse.

The present said that he would always go to Hanzhong in the future.

The Zhang family is a major force that must be eliminated.

In the future, if no one can understand Hanzhong in the future.

If there is no layout in Hanzhong, no amount of troops may be able to enter.

After all, the difficulty of the road to Shu is more difficult than going to the blue sky.

The road to Hanzhong County is not easy.

It is full of plank roads and river valleys.

It is winding, long and narrow.

One man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Therefore, Hanzhong must be visited, and the situation in Hanzhong must be understood personally.

(End of this chapter)

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