I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 404 Guo Jia's Scary Guess

Chapter 404 Guo Jia's Scary Guess

Since Ye Zhen didn't allow himself to provoke Lan Tiangu.

Chuyue Kingdom also wanted to prolong this flash point.

Then drag it all on.

It's hard to say who will be in the best interest the longer the delay.

The water conservancy project was inspected.

Ye Qing returned to the barracks with his people.

And told the content of the imperial decree to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone was angry.

As soon as he returned to Chang'an, the emperor hurriedly drove the lord to Hanzhong.

So unkind.

And such a dangerous thing, they don't give them time to plan.

In Hanzhong, anyone can get in if they want to, and can get out if they want to go out?

Ye Qing looked at Guo Jia, Guo Jia smiled and said: "This is a good thing, Shang Yang also entered the court, saying that the emperor wanted to promote our Xiaoyao Mansion.

After all, since the lord is a prince, there is no way for him to be promoted.I can only transfer the credit of the lord to everyone. "

After hearing Guo Jia's words, everyone felt calmer and felt a little better.

Zhang Yi entered the Ministry of Rites, and Li Cunxiao was also transferred to the Ministry of War to command the standing cavalry of the Son of Heaven Empire.

Although not the emperor's own ride,
But it was also one of the main cavalry of the empire.

Now that Shang Yang has also joined the Ministry of Punishments, it seems that he is indeed a member of Xiaoyao Mansion, and he is gradually entering the center of imperial power.

Although there are not many people, the positions are not high.

But it's also a good sign.

At least there will be Ye Qing's own people in the court.

Can help him speak.

This is a good start.

"You all go down, I have something to discuss with Feng Xiao." Ye Qing waved his hand to let everyone back down.

Only Guo Jia was left.

After everyone left, Guo Jia put away the relaxed expression just now and became serious instead.

"My lord, this trip is dangerous. Your Majesty has many intentions. I'm afraid it's not because of the wine!"

This is the second time since Ye Qing saw Guo Jia, he straightened his face and showed worry.

Guo Jia has the most flexible mind.

It can best capture those unsearchable information.

Ye Qingdao: "Why did Feng Xiao say that?"

"Master, have you ever thought that His Majesty actually wants to kill many birds with one stone, and that the trip to Hanzhong is really just to grind the Lord?" Guo Jia said:

"If I were Your Majesty, I could play a big game of chess, a big game that would ruin everyone.

After this chess is played, the Great Zhou Kingdom is about to be settled. His Majesty will remove all obstacles for his favorite person, so you can rest assured to let him appear on the stage. "

Speaking of this, Guo Jia raised his mouth slightly, revealing a sense of confidence and shrewdness.

Ye Qing became interested all of a sudden, and said, "What are you talking about, if you were His Majesty, how would you play this big game of chess?"

"First of all, my lord, you have come in, you are the center of this chess game, all eyes are on you, the location is in Hanzhong County, and the target is Ye Jin's family, which is also in the game.

If the lord can't come back alive, His Majesty has found an excuse to attack Hanzhong, become famous as a teacher, and break the long-standing special status of Hanzhong County. "Guo Jia talked eloquently: "If something happens to my lord, His Majesty will take over everything in Xiaoyao Mansion, and take back the control of Hedong in a reasonable way. After all, he is the emperor, and his name is justified.

If His Majesty accepts our Xiaoyao Mansion and has evidence to crusade against Lantian Pavilion, he will also eradicate the Chuyue Kingdom that led the Lord to Hanzhong.

First, it can solve this cancer, and second, it can win the hearts of everyone in Xiaoyao Mansion.

In this way, the Chuyue Kingdom, Lantian Valley, Hanzhong Zhang Family, and Xiaoyao Mansion are all on the chessboard, and can be caught by His Majesty! "

"Your Majesty has resolved all of this, eradicating the forces that hindered him from seizing power, and at the same time deterring the civil and military families.

At the same time, you have Xiaoyao Mansion in your hand, you have money, you need food, you need soldiers, you have soldiers, you have salt and iron, you can distribute armaments, you can control taxes, you have white paper, you can educate, but you can weaken the family, who can stand there? Live Your Majesty.

But people can control His Majesty. "Guo Jia said with emotion:

"At that time, His Majesty was the real Lord of the Great Zhou, and he said what he said.

At that time, he could appoint whoever he wanted to be the prince, and whoever dared to disobey him within the Great Zhou Dynasty. Such a son of heaven conquered Qiqiang and subdued the Turks, so why would he have any scruples about using foreign troops! "

Ye Qing really never thought about it so badly.

There is still a copy in my heart, the tiger's poison is not yet hungry.

For a long time, although Ye Zhen was ruthless, he used him as a knife and used him to find trouble.

But they all sent their subordinates to protect them secretly.

Among the nine sons, no one was really killed.

This allowed Ye Qing to retain this basic ethical trust in Ye Zhen.

After listening to what Guo Jia said.

Involuntarily broke out in a cold sweat.

This... is not alarmist talk.

Just because Ye Zhen didn't kill a single heir doesn't mean he won't.

It is possible that the value of the previous targets is too small to sacrifice a prince.

Enough for now.

Sacrificing Ye Qing alone can destroy the Chuyue kingdom and the Lantian Pavilion.

You can accept Hanzhong County, you can accept the Hedong military administration, and the most important thing is to eat Xiaoyao Mansion with unlimited potential.

Adding all these up, the life of a mere prince is nothing.

Besides, he is not his preferred successor.

"Hehe, if this is the case, then our Majesty's layout is really big, and this layout is really wonderful." Ye Qing let out a breath of foul air slowly:
"Then Fengxiao thinks, how to break this situation!"

The chess pieces want to overturn, how can they be willing to stay in the game.

Guo Jia said: "The master is not dead, he is a living chess."

"How can I not die!" Ye Qing asked again.

"If the Zhang family does not move, the lord will not die; if your majesty cannot kill, the lord will not die." Guo Jia poured tea for himself and Ye Qing, but Ye Qing just looked at him and did not speak.

After pouring the tea, Guo Jia smiled and said, "The Zhang family won't do anything if Ye Jin doesn't leave Hanzhong. Assassins can't kill the lord, the lord won't do anything; if rumors don't spread in Guanzhong, the lord won't die in the rumors."

The Zhang family is not stupid, they also understand Ye Zhen's thoughts, as long as Ye Qing enters Hanzhong and does not take Ye Jin away, they will not murder a prince and cause trouble for themselves.

Let Ye Zhen find an opportunity and have the reputation of being a teacher.

If the Zhang family doesn't do anything, if the plan is to be carried out, then Ye Zhen will take the initiative to frame it.

Anti-assassin is the second.

Even if Ye Qing is not dead, Ye Zhen can spread the word if he does not leave Hanzhong for a long time.

You can also continue planning.

Even if Ye Qing returned to Chang'an alive by then, and Ye Zhen ate Xiaoyao Mansion in his own hands, how could he spit it out again.

So he can achieve the same goal.

"So, these three days are not for me to rest at home, but for me to confess my funeral!" Ye Qing found out that this time is the unfavorable situation for the future of Tiansuo.

Because the person who wanted to press him this time was the emperor.

The person who wants to take everything from him is also the emperor.

This is a special existence.

Unlike previous enemies.

"Let's go back to the city. Since the worst thing will happen, we have to plan for the worst. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and the winner is the one who laughs last!" Ye Qing stood up, not in the mood to drink tea up.

Some things have to be done sooner or later.

After all, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

(End of this chapter)

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