I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 405? Ye Tao, who was scared to death

Chapter 405 Ye Tao, who was scared to death

After entering the South City Gate, Ye Qing looked as usual.

Like a workaholic, he successively went to the cement factory, Nancheng County Government and other places for inspection.

The last is the civil affairs workshop.

In front of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Huanhuan and Wu Linglong both waited.

Seeing Ye Qing's one, her eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't restrain her inner emotions anymore.

Swoop over.

Ye Qing also missed it for a long time, holding one in one hand: "Don't cry, don't cry, won't I be back soon?
Come on baby, sweet one! "

Watching Ye Qing's painting style change, one right and one right, he walked back to the mansion with the two girls in his arms.

Bu Xiaofan who followed was stunned.

"Miss Bu, please come into the mansion, the wing room is ready!" Gu Yangyang approached and made a gesture of invitation.

As the steward of the house.

Take care of everything.

Secretly praised: "This Bu girl must also be the master's woman, and her appearance is worthy of it."

"Your highness always looks like this at home!" Bu Xiaofan pointed to Ye Qing who entered.

Gu Yangyang replied sincerely: "Occasionally! Occasionally! My Highness usually pays attention to his words and deeds! This time it may be because he has been out for too long!"

Believe in you!

Occasionally, she didn't understand Ye Qing's virtues.

So he turned around and said, "Forget it, Your Highness has just returned home and is in high spirits, I'll just go to the Hero Tower!"

Bu Xiaofan left after speaking.

She is not Ye Qing's woman, so she doesn't want to live in the mansion.

Bu Xiaofan left, and the ten people sent by Xiaolongmen were confused.

What's wrong with these girls?
Don't live in a good mansion, go to an inn.

Isn't she Ye Qing's woman?
Are you jealous?
Gu Yangyang was also a little surprised, but Bu Xiaofan had an extraordinary background, he was from Qishan Pavilion, and he couldn't say anything about it.

So they sent someone to inform the hero building.

Only then did he say to the people in Xiaolongmen: "Everyone, please follow me into the mansion. The mansion thought that you had prepared a resting place. There is something special about the mansion, whether it's food, drink, or use. Let's talk while walking." !"

Tired with Ye Qing for a while, and waited for Ye Qing after eating and drinking.

Huanhuan left with interest and reluctance.

The three don't know the taste of meat, Wu Linglong has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Immediately, they took Ye Qing to the mandarin duck bath first, and then they had a dragon-tiger fight in the bedroom.

The battle was fierce, and I sang loudly, so I don't need to repeat it.

Late at night!

In the study, Li Ru, Shang Yang, Guo Jia, and Zhang Yi all gathered here.

Outside the house, two yards away are guarded by Li Bai, Li Yuanfang, Shi Potian, Lu Bu, Kong Jian, Ding Chunqiu and others.

Heaven and earth, to put an end to all snoopers.

All four of them knew Ye Qing's purpose for calling them here.

Ye Qingdao: "Feng Xiao has a bold guess, and now he is stating it to you, and we will still plan for the worst.

Make all the more careful arrangements and plans.

This is related to the survival of our Xiaoyao Mansion, the time has come for you all to challenge us! "

This night, the study room was brightly lit.

Does anyone know what Ye Qing and the five were talking about inside?
And why have we talked for so long.

Everyone only knew that Ye Qing visited Xiliang Palace and Fufeng Palace early the next morning!
"What do you mean? Ye Qing wants to visit me?"

Ye Tao was surprised when he heard the report from his subordinates.

Also a little ridiculous.

"Your Highness, King Xiaoyao is just outside the gate, please come in or..." the subordinate asked.

People are really coming.

Not kidding.

Ye Tao covered his face and gently rubbed his temples.

It's weird.

Ye Qing came to visit him.

The weasel greets the chicken for the New Year.

Bah, bah, bah, he's the chicken.

No, I'm not a weasel either.

Ye Tao couldn't figure it out, but in the end he waved his hand and said, "Let him in, bring him to the living room, I want to see what he wants to do?"

I went to Hanzhong in a few days, and I went to be knifed.

What does it mean to come here by yourself?

Ye Tao couldn't figure it out.

There are only two words to describe it.

I have a grudge against him.

Soon Ye Qing was brought to the living room.

After he sat down for a while, Ye Tao came with Shi Shi, his retainers, confidantes and advisers from the mansion.

"Rare guest! Rare guest! Sixth brother is full of opportunities every day, so he is busy with affairs, so he has time to come and sit with your second brother!" After entering, Ye Tao cupped his hands, and then walked to the main seat.

The other people in Fufeng Palace just smiled politely, and then took their seats.

They all looked like they were watching a good show.

Ye Qing came here because he didn't want to go to Hanzhong and wanted to ask for help, so please help him here!
That wouldn't help him.

"Isn't it because I haven't seen my second brother for several months, so let's see if my second brother is doing well?"

Ye Qing waved his hand, and Lu Bu behind him handed over a brocade box.

No wonder it is really asking for me.

Ye Tao also murmured in his heart.

However, he still motioned for his hand to go down and take the brocade box.

But Lu Bu's stare frightened the man.

He walked straight to Ye Tao.

Ye Tao's disciples were nervous for a while, and they drew their swords one after another.
And shouted: "What are you going to do?"

"Protect Your Highness!"

Ye Tao was also frightened by being bluffed by his subordinates.

Get up and back away.

Lu Bu was stunned for a moment.

What the hell?
I just pass a box, what are you shaking?
What's there to be nervous about?
Is it strange?
Ye Qing also shook his head and laughed loudly when he saw him: "Second brother, don't be nervous, this is your mansion, I will really harm you."

Ye Tao and his subordinates also did too many bad things.


Hearing what Ye Qing said, it seems to be right after thinking about it.

This is his own mansion, how dare Ye Qing kill himself blatantly?

It's impossible for me.

Do I need to be so nervous?
People came to beg me, to give gifts.

Ye Tao's face darkened, and he slapped his subordinates several times.

A group of subordinates had no choice but to put away the sword in embarrassment.

They all retreated to their positions.

Ye Tao also silenced his voice, but he didn't return to his place.

Still a little jealous of Lu Bu.

After all, this year looks mighty.

Unlike ordinary people.

Be a master. .

If he makes trouble, there is still a risk if he gets close.

Lu Bu put down the brocade box and gave Ye Tao a contemptuous look.

Only then did he turn around and go back behind Ye Qing.

Only then did Ye Tao sit back in peace.

But as soon as I sat down, I couldn't wait to open it and have a look.

But it was found that the brocade box had built-in locks, and there were more than one.

There are three locks that require three different keys to open.

He had no choice but to retract his gaze resentfully, and pushed the brocade box forward.

Seeing that the box was extremely light, he pushed it easily, his face turned colder, and he looked at Ye Qing and said, "Sixth Brother, what do you mean by this?"

Portions are not.

That's definitely not worth the money.

"Second brother, don't be in a hurry to open it. This is a gadget for you. It contains things that are very important to second brother. At the critical moment, it can make second brother..." Ye Qing took out three keys from his body and said:
"This is the key to the brocade box. It's best for the second brother to open it in a place where no one is around. I believe there will be surprises!"

After speaking, he tossed the key lightly.

Then the keychain landed firmly on the top of the brocade box with three keys.

(End of this chapter)

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