I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 406? I am a dog!I'm a dog

Chapter 406 I am a dog!I'm a dog

"Why should the sixth brother be so secretive? It seems that this thing is really expensive. If it is too expensive, then I can't say it." Ye Tao reached out and took the key:
"After all, you don't get paid for nothing, what if I..."

"Second brother, you will regret opening it now!" Ye Qing tilted his head and stared at Ye Tao with a smile.

Ye Tao was about to insert the key into the hole when his hand stopped suddenly.

His face changed slightly.

The atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Everyone didn't make a sound.

Ye Tao hesitated for a moment.

Finally, he threw the key back into the brocade box.

"Sixth brother, let's go back somewhere, I'm afraid I can't afford it!"

Ye Tao said bluntly.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with Ye Qing.

If you can't see something, you won't accept it.

This way the risk is minimal.

God knows what's in there.

Ye Qing stood up, then gave Ye Tao a salute and said, "Since the second brother is in a bad mood, then I won't bother you any more, goodbye!"

After saying that, he turned and walked away.

"You..." Ye Tao didn't expect Ye Qing to be so decisive, he didn't talk about anything, he stood up and was about to leave.

He was so angry that his nose was crooked.

The subordinates also stood up and wanted to chase after him.

At this time Lu Bu turned around and snorted coldly: "Why, you still want to keep my highness for dinner, hahaha you deserve it too!"

After speaking, Lu Bu also left arrogantly.


The one who was most annoyed was Ye Tao.

I saw him slapping his face heavily: "Bastard! How unreasonable!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked the flying brocade box.

Ye Qing was too arrogant.

Send something well.

When you come to ask for help, just be nice to yourself, pretend to be lofty and mysterious.

It's abominable.

When did Ye Tao suffer such anger?

"Your Highness, throw away this brocade box..." one of the subordinates asked.

Ye Tao glared, flicked his sleeves and said, "Send me to my study!"

After speaking, he went straight to the bookstore.

He is not stupid.

Always have to see what's inside?
Since it can't be seen by outsiders, it makes sense.

Although Ye Qing is not against me, but as a superior, there are some secrets that should not be known to outsiders.

Not even the closest confidant.


At the moment, some people followed with brocade boxes, and some picked up keys.

Leave from Fuwang Fengwang Mansion.

Then Ye Qing took Lu Bu to the Old Chu Palace.

When Ye Cai heard that Ye Qing had come to see him, he was equally astonished.

He and Ye Qing are fighting hard.

The hatred between the two is beyond reconciliation.

Don't say that on the surface, in private, they are also regarded as enemies.

"Your Highness, it is reported that Ye Qing has just been to Fufeng Palace, sent a brocade box, and then left!"

Since he has been staring at Xiaoyao Mansion for 24 hours, he naturally knows where Ye Qing has gone.

So it was reported at the same time.

"Have you ever been to the second child? What does he want to do? It's too late to have a relationship with him all of a sudden?"

Ye Cai sneered and said:
"Now he is everyone's enemy, and everyone in the court wants him dead, and now he knows it's too late to beg for mercy.

Let's see what he wants to do, and deliver it to your door, then don't blame me! "

"Your Highness means..."

"Let him in." Ye Cai is not like Ye Tao, his hands are darker, and he is more sinister and ruthless.

They sent killers over and over again to kill Ye Qing.

Nature is more tough in dealing with people.

Outside the Old Chu Palace, after Ye Cai's confidant came out, he stretched out his right hand arrogantly and said, "My lord said you can go in!"

Ye Tao at least tried to cover it up.

But Ye Cai didn't hide anything here.

It can be seen that the treatment of Ye Qing is different.

Not even a word of respect or humility.

"Bold!" Lu Bu shouted immediately.

The little puppy slave, actually neglected his master so lightly.

The so-called master humiliated his ministers to death.

How can Lu Bu tolerate him.

But Ye Cai's people have always been arrogant.

After all, Ye Cai is the king of Chu.

Ye Cai's mother is the current queen.

So contemptuously snorted: "As for dogs, you can't enter!"


Lu Bu was so angry that his eyes were about to burst, he raised his halberd and was about to strike.

At this time Ye Qing said lightly: "Don't be annoyed, this man was bitten by a dog on the street, do you have to bite him back every time!"

Hearing this, Lu Bu put away his weapon immediately, clasped his fists and said, "It's the lord, it's Bu Menglang, the dog bit me, I can't bite back like a dog."

"You! Presumptuous!" Ye Cai's subordinates were so angry that their hands trembled, and their faces turned blue instantly.

Lu Bu said, "My lord, what if the dog keeps biting me?"

This is also an interesting question.

Ye Qing smiled: "Then chop off his dog's head with one knife!"

"Okay! My lord is right." Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd and was about to do it again.

Ye Cai's men jumped inward in fright and entered the mansion.

Pointing at Lu Bu, he said, "Don't be presumptuous, this is the Prince Chu's mansion, not a place where common people like Wufang are treated!"

"Go in and tell Ye Cai that if he doesn't want the news of Fenggu to spread all over the street, he'd better be more polite to his sixth brother." Ye Qing walked back to the carriage and was about to leave.

Wind Valley, what is this?

Seeing that Ye Qing spoke seriously, Ye Cai's people shouted: "Wait a minute, wait until I pass the news that my prince is breaking up with you!"

After speaking, he hurried in.

It didn't take long to come out, but got a bloody slap on the face.

There is also Ye Cai in front of him.

"Hahahaha, the sixth brother is here, why don't you just come in directly, isn't my mansion your mansion? Why are the family so polite? They are born with the seventh brother!"

I know that even if I have all kinds of unhappiness now, I have to endure it.

The matter of Fenggu cannot be exposed in advance.

So he slapped his hand hard.

It's all because this thing is so troublesome.

If the matter of Fenggu came out, he must be buried alive.

Ye sat leaning on the carriage, leaning on the mahogany pillar, raised his eyelids lightly and said, "Seventh brother's mansion is too luxurious and noble, I am not qualified to enter it!"

"Who! Who said that the sixth brother is not qualified to enter, the sixth brother is my own brother, the sixth brother is both civil and military, he is the pillar of my great Zhou, he has made a lot of contributions to my great Zhou, how can he not be qualified.

If the sixth brother is not qualified, who else in this world is qualified! "

Ye Qing smirked, and looked at Ye Cai's subordinate.

Ye Cai immediately slapped and slapped this person, "You dare to say that my sixth brother is not qualified, you have eaten a bear's heart and a leopard!"

"My lord, please forgive me. I don't dare to be a villain anymore, and I don't dare to!" Ye Cai's subordinates immediately begged for mercy.

Ye Cai kicked a few times, then clasped his fists at Ye Qing and said, "Sixth Brother, he has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. I've taught him a lesson. You should calm down. Let's go in and have a glass of wine, and let Seventh Brother entertain you!"

"Okay! Since the seventh brother is so sincere, how can the elder brother care about it!" Ye Qing then let go of the hand hugging his chest and jumped down.

After patting the dust off his body, he reluctantly walked towards the gate.

But when Lu Bu passed by Ye Cai's subordinates, he stopped suddenly and said to Ye Qing: "Your Highness, someone said that dogs cannot go in, what should I do!"

Madan, is it over yet?

Ye Cai was on fire inside.

What kind of moth are you a follower, you think you are Ye Qing.

But Ye Qing tilted his head and stared at Ye Cai's face.

That means, you figure it out.

Ye Cai's subordinates felt as if they were struck by lightning, and hurriedly slapped themselves, shouting at the same time: "I'm a dog, I'm the dog, I'm a dog, I'm the dog, I can't go in!"

"Hahaha!" Lu Bu just walked over, and Ye Qing walked into the Old Chu Palace generously.

Ye Cai fixedly stared at Ye Qing's back, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

(End of this chapter)

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