I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 407 The cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks

Chapter 407 The cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks

Countless murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Finally, he lowered his head to glance at his subordinates, and Ye Cai gestured to another confidant.

Then he quietly made a killing motion in his hand.

Only then did I go back to the house and enter the door.

"Tsk tsk! Seventh brother, your mansion is beautiful. Look at how tall and thick this wall is, no wonder you often lose money!"

"Tsk tsk! Just look at how the eaves are so upturned and yellow. It's easy to be beaten for being in the limelight, and it's easy to be yellow when you do anything!"

"Tsk tsk! I saw that your steps are all paved with white marble, and there are blue lines on each step. No wonder you travel on business for everything!"

As soon as Ye Qing entered the mansion, he began to comment.

Not to mention that Ye Cai was annoyed when he heard it, even Ye Cai's subordinates were also furious.

Look, is this still human?

I have never seen such an arrogant person.

Even if you come to the enemy's house, you dare to speak boldly.

If it wasn't for Ye Cai's confession, they really wanted Liang to kill Ye Qing.

Ye Qing tucked his hands in his sleeves and squeezed them loudly.

He gritted his teeth even more.

But when Ye Qing looked back, Ye Cai nodded with a smile on his face, and said coldly and gloomyly:
"Sixth brother is very reasonable, now I will have someone knock down the feng shui wall!"

"Really fight?" Ye Qing said with a smile:

"I'm just talking nonsense, don't take it seriously!"

"Of course it's a real fight. Seventh brother, I've always been serious." Ye Cai said to his opponent:
"Not only do I have to knock down the Feng Shui wall, but I also have to tear off the protruding eaves and paint the yellow into black.

I replaced all the white marble steps with blue patterns with white ones. "


Ye Cai's subordinates knew his master's temperament.

Looking at his face, you know it's not a joke.

So they started their hands one after another, found a hammer, and knocked on the Fengshui wall directly.

Then came out the white marble strips with blue lines.

Ye Qing gave a thumbs up and said, "Seventh brother is courageous and resolute. He really sets an example for everyone. Admiration!"

Having said that, there is no sincerity in it.

What Ye Cai heard was full of ridicule.

But everyone is well aware that they are all fake smiles, so don't scold anyone for poor acting skills.

"Sixth brother invited, let's go in and chat!" Ye Cai went straight into the hall.

Take their seats.

There are maids who come up to greet wine and tea, snacks, fruit cakes, dried meat and so on.

"There are not many things in the house, but they are all good things. Sixth brother can have a taste." Ye Cai waved his hand and dismissed the maid who came up to him, and rarely poured wine for himself.

Holding the wine glass, turning it around.

Look and look.

"Sixth Brother, I don't know what to ask for advice!"

If the fake smiles are sold out, they will eventually be sold.

Ye Cai didn't want to deal with Ye Qing.

He was afraid that he would not be able to suppress the anger in his heart.

Will be violent at any time.

After all, Ye Qing was right in front of him.

It is not impossible to kill Ye Qing.

There are many masters in the palace.

Ye Qing only brought one Lu Bu over.

Masters against the sky like Shi Potian and Li Bai did not bring.

This is what gave him a chance.


This opportunity can also become a crisis.

I want to kill Ye Qing, but I can't kill him here.

After all, he didn't want to die with Ye Qing.

Ye Qing had a humble life, and sooner or later he would die in Hanzhong.

Can't do it yourself.

There's no need to get into this trouble.

The emperor and the other princes were staring at Chu Palace.

"Are you sure if you have any advice? It's just for business. We all benefit from each other!" Ye Qing didn't drink, but just sipped tea.

This tea is still produced by his Xiaoyao Mansion. It can be drunk immediately after brewing, nourishing the stomach and protecting the liver.

Seeing that Ye Qing dared to eat food from his house, Ye Cai couldn't help saying secretly: "If I knew it, I would have put some chronic medicine in the tea."

"This guy is too courageous, he dares to drink, the lesson of Yong'an City is not deep enough!"

Ye Cai was a little depressed, and he drank all the wine in his glass in one gulp, feeling a little refreshed.

Putting down his wine glass, he asked without raising his head, "What kind of business does Sixth Brother want to buy? I don't seem to have what you want in my house, but you have what I want."

Ye Qing looked at Ye Cai and smiled.

Don't speak, don't move your eyes.

Just kept watching him.

Not to be outdone, Ye Cai looked at him.

Both of them lowered their eyebrows slightly, focusing the light like a knife.

Murder is hidden.

His eyes turned into thousands of swords, fighting in the air.

Fighting and entanglement.

In the end, Ye Cai still lost some blood, and lost a little bit of killing spirit.

Although there was ferocity in his eyes, he had never been on a battlefield.

I can't understand the feeling of being invincible and invincible.

Killing and fighting are two different things.

If you look at each other for a long time, you will be able to distinguish between strong and weak, and judge whether you are superior or inferior.

Ye Cai turned a 15-degree angle.

"Sixth brother, if you have something to say, just say it! I'm rushing into the palace to greet my mother!"

Although he was unwilling to lose the battle, he had no choice but to reveal his identity.

Put pressure on yourself.

What's the use of being strong, I have a good mother.

I also have a good uncle.

Ye Qing smiled brightly.

Ye Qing is 14 years old, no, he should be 15 today.

Although it is false.

But Ye Cai is really 14 years old.

It's half a child.

After all, there is no weaning.

Ye Qing's opponent has never been Ye Cai, but Xiong Yue in the palace wall.

This is the true core of the Chuyue Kingdom.

It is the controller of the Chuyue Kingdom.

"Seventh brother is really filial enough." Ye Qing stood up and said with a smile: "Since the seventh brother is going to be an official, please also say hello to the empress for me, everyone is really good, and everyone is safe. Peace, the cunning rabbit is dead, the lackey is cooking, the world is a big game of chess, if there are no chess pieces, the chessboard will be meaningless!"

After speaking, Ye Qing went straight away.

Lu Bu followed behind

On both sides of the hall, there are countless masters of Chu Palace, with all kinds of weapons in their hands.


But I didn't dare to do it, because Ye Cai inside didn't give the order.

Ye Cai was still immersed in Ye Qing's words at this time.

Hello everyone is really good.

The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackey is cooked!
If there are no chess pieces, the chessboard will be meaningless!

What does Ye Qing mean?

Do you want to use the matter of Fenggu as a threat?

I still want to temporarily reconcile with Chu Palace.

Until Ye Qing left the mansion, his subordinates came in to report: "My lord, Ye Qing is leaving in a carriage, and the direction seems to be Luoyang Palace!"

"Understood!" Ye Caimeiyu was gloomy, depressed, thought for a while and said:

"Get the frame ready, this king is going to be an official!"


Tai Chi Palace!
In the imperial study!

Ye Qing's actions will be reported to Ye Zhen.

"Your Majesty, King Xiaoyao left Chu Palace, went to Luoyang Palace and Wucheng Palace successively, and basically sat down and left without chatting a few words!" Liu Buren reported truthfully.

Ye Zhen's face was gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "Except for the brocade box for the second child, no one else has given anything?"

"That's right, except King Fufeng who received the brocade box, the others didn't receive anything, and the brocade box is very light, it doesn't look like it contains valuables." Liu Buren explained.

Ye Zhen slapped the table heavily: "Idiot, if it's not heavy, it means the things inside are heavy. Try your best to find out what's in the box for me?"

"I want to know what the sixth child wants to do." Ye Zhen sneered: "Among all the children, only the sixth child is the most jumpy and likes to come up with new tricks, just like his mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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