Chapter 411: Happy King Bragging
Shi Potian's departure caused great repercussions in the team.

The fifth grade Shi Potian is the best guarantee for Ye Qing.

If there is any danger in Hanzhong at that time, Shi Potian is the one who is most capable of taking Ye Qing away safely from Hanzhong.

I heard that the most powerful martial artist in Hanzhong is only rank five.

And Shi Potian is a person who can fight against the sixth rank.

"Ye Qing, why did you suddenly transfer Shi Potian back? You don't want to go to Nanzheng anymore?"

Bu Xiaofan couldn't understand it.

It's okay to procrastinate along the way, why did he suddenly send the strongest master back.

Ye Qing was getting bigger and bigger.

"Why don't you go to Nanzheng, I'm still waiting to eat the pot lid with you there!" Ye Qing jumped onto the carriageway:

"Go, go now!"

"Ye Qing, Shi Potian is gone, who will protect you, don't delay, Hanzhong is no better than Guanzhong, let alone Hedong? Do you know how dangerous this trip will be?" Bu Xiaofan asked angrily.

Even Kong Jian and the others didn't move, they just listened and watched quietly.

They also couldn't understand the lord's move.

Ye Qing swept towards the crowd with a smile, and then said: "Without Shi Potian, wouldn't there be no protection for me? Can't you just see it? Li Yuanfang can't, or you can't follow Xiaofan's gossip formation?
Or do I need special protection as a third-rank person? "


The crowd fell silent.

That's right, without Shi Potian, there is no need to go on the road.

In the past, when there was no Shi Potian, Ye Qing traveled all over the world.

This time, I just entered a rather special county.

But anyway, Li Yuanfang is also a fourth-rank, and Ye Qing himself is also a third-rank.

With the addition of nurse Bu Xiaofan, he can form a formation for support.

Why did you lose confidence.

It is we who feel from the bottom of our hearts that this trip is full of dangers, and we are close to death.

So there are many concerns.

"As I said, this trip is to visit the mountains and rivers. Hanzhong is not a beast, and the Hanzheng and Zhang family can't eat people. What happened before is still the same. Don't overestimate the enemy to be invincible, and don't underestimate yourself to be powerless. .” Ye Qing drew his sword and said:

"The brave dare to shine the sword, and the one who meets the narrow road wins! Be confident at all times, overcome and smash him when there are difficulties, I am not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Qing's saber is not his original one.

Instead, Zhiyuan, the commander of the Northern Stone Army captured, came.

Whenever I see this sword.

Everyone seemed to see victory.

I hold the enemy's sword, where is the enemy!
"My lord's admonition is timely, I am ashamed!"

Everyone bowed and bowed.

Then cheer up.

Immediately began to drive the carriage.

Even Bu Xiaofan was a little dumbfounded.

Very contagious words.

Don't overestimate the enemy to be invincible, and don't underestimate yourself to be powerless.

The brave dare to shine the sword, and the one who meets on a narrow road wins!

Why does everything make sense.

Hearing this made my blood boil as a woman.

I want to draw my sword and compete with the world.

"Does step girl get in the car?"

Ye Qing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a hint of evil charm.

"Fuck you big-headed ghost!"

Bu Xiaofan glanced sideways, and I turned around and boarded another carriage.

This is specially made by Ye Qing for her.

It is stronger and more comfortable than Ye Qing's.

Moreover, there are some special appliances and humanized designs for women in the car.

The convoy continued to set off, halfway through the Meridian Valley, and the daily journey was only forty or fifty miles.

After finishing the Ziwu Valley, it is considered to officially enter Hanzhong.

The first stop is Shiquan City!

People from Nanzheng Palace have long been waiting here.

And they are acquaintances.

It is the eldest son Zhang Lu.

"Zhang Lu, the eldest son of Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion, pays his respects to His Royal Highness, the Angel Xiaoyao Wang!"

Zhang Lu led the officials and generals of Shiquan City, and opened a long row of gates to welcome Ye Qing outside the city.

Of course, it's not so much a greeting as a plan to take over Ye Qing's caravan.

They are going to take down Ye Qing and the caravan and put them under house arrest.

Ye Qing stepped out from the carriage through the bamboo curtain, stood on the carriage, and glanced over.

I saw tens of thousands of armored soldiers behind Zhang Lu.

Moreover, they are well-equipped, their armor is bright, and their aura is no less than that of the elite of the empire.

"Hahaha, my son is still such a big gift, I'm not an angel, I'm here to do business, and I don't have an imperial decree for you.

You give such a big face, I will not pay more for drinks! "

Ye Qing jumped down and walked towards Zhang Lu.

While walking, he said: "It turns out that Hanzhong attaches great importance to business and trade. It seems that our coal business has declined this time."

"Eh! Wasn't His Highness Xiaoyao Wang sent by His Majesty to deliver an edict? Your Highness, don't play tricks on me!" Zhang Lu asked quite directly.

There is no respect in the slightest.

Ye Qing approached, and under the vigilance of Hanzhong generals and Zhang Lu's master guards, he patted Zhang Lu's shoulder and said:
"Why am I lying to you? If I wear the imperial decree and straight makeup, I will take it out. You and your army must all kneel down to receive the decree. Do you still dare to stand so stupidly?"

"Heh...hehe, Your Highness has some truths in what he said!" Zhang Lu waved to his guards, expressing that there is no need to be nervous.

After entering Hanzhong, it was Han Qing who was nervous and frightened.

What are you worried about.

"Your Highness said he came here for business, but he didn't seem to have brought anything decent?" Zhang Lu pointed to Ye Qing's casual team, which only consisted of a dozen or two carriages.

How much can it hold.

"Your Majesty is really fussy. The so-called sending goose feathers from thousands of miles is more important than gifts and friendship. Our friendship in Chang'an, drinking and visiting brothels every day is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. How can it be measured by mere vulgar things!" Ye Qing said:

"Go, go into the city, and see what delicious food and fun you have in Hanzhong. We eat and drink while I'm talking to you about my big project of [-] million taels of silver!"


Seeing Ye Qing's sudden change in painting style, the Hanzhong generals couldn't get used to it for a while.

Isn't it rumored that Ye Qing is decisive, three feet tall, blue-faced and fangs, cunning, mighty and domineering?
How is he a white-faced young man, handsome and handsome.

And he's so talkative and funny, and he loves to brag.

You don't have so much money if you sell Hanzhong.

A big project of returning [-] million taels of silver!

"Protect His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang's caravan entering the city!"

Regardless of Ye Qing and Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu's confidants waved their hands.

Get people under control first.

As for how to deal with it, that is the problem of the prince.

The caravan enters the city!

The city was empty.

No pedestrians, no merchants open for business, not even a dog or cat.

Every household closed their doors and windows.

"My lord, why is your city in Hanzhong so depressed? Not only can people not see it on the street, but even the doors are closed." Ye Qing asked curiously.

But this is knowingly asking.

Zhang Ludao: "Didn't you hear that the angels are coming? I'm afraid they're traveling in order to contradict His Highness, so they're all staying at home."

Ye Qing gave a thumbs up and said: "Your Majesty is powerful, the hearts of the people and the army in Hanzhong are really united, if you say a word, the people will obey and stay at home.

This shows the appeal of the son of the world. "

"Your Highness is too modest! Let's go directly to the county government office. I thought His Highness would treat His Highness to the fullest with the food and wine prepared!" How could Zhang Lu fail to hear Ye Qing's innuendo.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Ye Qingyi has come, so don't even think about going back.

(End of this chapter)

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