I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 412 Ye Qing's mouth, a deceiving ghost

Chapter 412 Ye Qing's mouth, a deceiving ghost

Nan Zheng said whether to kill or not.

So Zhang Lu didn't care about what Hu Yeqing saw and heard in Hanzhong.

He quickly entered the county government office, and sure enough, he got the position he had prepared.

Zhang Lu waved his hand, and someone served wine and meat.

Ye Qing sat down, none of the subordinates who came with him were let in, they were all led to the side hall.

Ye Qing was not annoyed, he drank the wine and ate the meat.

"My son, the road in Hanzhong is really difficult. Do you know that I walked out of Wugu Valley for almost 20 days? A good place to rest!"

Zhang Lu raised his glass and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the road ahead will be easier, and there will be stations and cities along the way to welcome you. Your Highness must not suffer from this."

"If that's the case, then I will thank the prince!" Ye Qing raised his glass and said:

"Come on, Shizi and the generals of Hanzhong, for the sake of our friendship, do it!"

He raised his head and took another drink, Ye Qing blinked his mouth.

Zhang Ludao: "Your Highness, this is the unique medicinal wine in my Hanzhong. Although it is not as good as the wine in your house, it is good for warming and nourishing the body. Drinking more can expel the infestation of miasma and poisonous insects in Hanzhong."

"Oh! It still has such effects!" Ye Qing suddenly sat up straight, no wonder he was a little strange just now.

Medicinal species.

And it's yellowish in color.

So he opened the jug, only to see some unknown bugs and herbs soaked in it.

And the smell of medicine is stronger.

"How is the wine in Hanzhong, Your Highness? Most people dare not drink it!" one of Zhang Lu's generals asked maliciously.

The others laughed too.

Hanzhong is no better than other places.

The land here is Jiaoba and Shu Nanman, with many and large mountains and deep river valleys.

Everywhere is filled with miasma, and the number of poisonous snakes, tigers, leopards, insects and birds is really amazing.

The Land of Abundance not only has a good climate, but also has a lot of strange things in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, people who are new to Hanzhong are easily frightened.

But later generations have never seen anything weird or disgusting.

It's just a snake and a scorpion soaked in medicinal wine.

Ye Qing didn't take it seriously.

He only said: "It's a pity! Such a good thing, soaked in such inferior wine, can't play its role at all.

If I use the wine from my Xiaoyao Mansion, it's almost the same, what a pity, it's a waste! "

After speaking, Ye Qing used chopsticks to take out the soaking ingredients in the jug, and called out their scientific names one by one.

And it also plausibly introduces how much wine should be soaked, and what herbs should be paired with it better.

There was always a look of regret shaking his head on his face.

It made Zhang Lu and the others have black lines all over their faces.

Damn this guy is not afraid of these.

It seems that I have seen it before.

He looks like a treasure, and is more professional than us Hanzhong people.

Is this guy a freak?
"Your Highness is worthy of being an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, and his knowledge is profound. He did so much homework before coming to Hanzhong, and talking about this medicinal wine made me feel ashamed. I am convinced by Zhang Lu!" Zhang Lu clasped his fists and cupped his hands.

Hanzhong generals also echoed.

"Your Majesty, you are being humble. What I said is just superficial, and it belongs to the class." Ye Qing said:

"I know Shizi knows more, why don't you tell me other things I don't know?"

Madan, I let you say everything you can say.

Even those who don’t know know.

I'm still talking shit.

Obviously intentional.

If you want to embarrass me, just say it, death is imminent, and you still have to be happy?

Zhang Lu coughed, then raised his glass to drink, and took advantage of this opportunity to glance at his subordinates.

At this time, a civil servant got up and said: "I am the county magistrate of Shiquan, dare to ask His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang a word, I wonder if it is okay!?"

"Magistrate of Shixian County! Your surname is Zhu, your name is Fei, and your name is Yiqun. I remember it correctly. You can ask whatever you want!" Ye Qing looked at him with a smile while holding his wine glass.

What do I want to say, but only those few questions.

This is ready to find fault.

"Ah! Your Highness actually knows the name of the lower official. It's a great honor for the lower official." Zhu Fei didn't expect Ye Qing to know his name. Is he so famous?

This guy has checked the rosters of officials at all levels in Hanzhong before he comes, and he should have written them down.

This is so terrifying.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhu Fei said: "According to the rumors from the outside world, His Highness came here to follow His Majesty's order, and is going to bring the Marquis of Hedong back to Chang'an for trial. I don't know what is right!"

Zhang Lu and the others calmed down and listened.

Ye Qing shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of it. You have misunderstood the rumors. Your Majesty has never given me such an imperial edict!"

"Your Highness is not telling the truth. This is what His Majesty said personally in the court, and it was also agreed by all the officials, and it was not a day, nor was it the first time to discuss it, nor was it more than one order!" Zhu Fei continued to ask.

I knew Ye Qing would quibble.

They have known Ye Qing's cunning before.

"Is there? Why don't I know?" Ye Qing still shook his head and asked innocently:

"Why didn't I know that His Majesty gave such an order when I was in Chang'an? You must have heard it wrong. My fifth brother is in Chang'an's mansion. How can I catch him and say that he won't appear in Hanzhong? Are you talking nonsense?

I suggest that you pass this matter on to yours and put him in a cell, so as not to come out and harm others! "

"Rumours stop at the wise. As an official of the imperial court, you must not believe in rumors, spread rumors, or fabricate rumors." Ye Qing's eyes were burning, and he said to Zhang Lu solemnly and somewhat seriously:
"My son, is the official style here not very good? Don't talk about things like this in the future, or the people will think that the officials we arrange are not good, and they will lose the hearts of the people!"


It's my fault!
Zhu Fei was astonished.

The other Hanzhong officials were also amazed.

What a clever mouth.

I was stunned by him.

It was rumored that Zhang Yi from Xiaoyao Mansion was full of princes all by himself, and could fight with ministers of civil and military affairs.

They didn't believe it before, but now they see Ye Qing, they believe it.

Ye Qing is so powerful, so is Zhang Yi.

Zhang Lu had passed Ye Qing a long time ago and knew him well.

But this moment is also a little strange.

I didn't expect Ye Qing to be able to speak like this, even more powerful than before. He couldn't help clapping his hands and said: "Your Highness's ability, I admire. I rarely admire anyone in my life. I only admired my father before. Now there is another one. Then It is His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang!"

"Don't worship brother, brother is just a legend!" Ye Qing waved his hand, not embarrassed at all.

Lifting the wine glass, and drinking it, there was a tsk-tsk sound, with a face as lonely as snow.

The people in Hanzhong were almost suffocating internal injuries.

This Ye Qing is a joke.

"Your Highness, since you didn't come here for His Highness the Marquis of Hedong, what is your real goal here?"

Another general from Hedong stood up and asked.

That hand was still holding the hilt of the sword.

His eyes were fixed on Ye Qing, as if he would draw his sword at any moment and take the blame for the Zhang family to kill someone.

Zhang Lu leaned back slightly.

Anyway, they wouldn't believe what Ye Qing said.

And you must ask repeatedly impatiently until Ye Qing admits that he came to Hanzhong to do sabotage.

To do bad things.

Anyway, they have a lot of time, and they can afford it.

He didn't believe that Ye Qing was not in a hurry, he didn't believe that Ye Qing could go to Xiaoyao Mansion in Chang'an without worry.

Drag, come on play, come on, we have a lot of time!
(End of this chapter)

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