I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 413 There is no talent in the army of Hanzhong County, I Ye Qing said

Chapter 413 There is no talent in the army of Hanzhong County, I Ye Qing said
"Your Majesty, I think the officials here are really bad. There was a rumour-monger before, and now there's another deaf one!" Ye Qing looked at Zhang Lu, and said unceremoniously:
"Didn't you say it in front of the city gate, come to find the prince to do business, and continue the business between our Xiaoyao Mansion and Nanzheng Palace.

You see, after drinking a few glasses of wine, your people will forget, the capacity for alcohol is not good, and the character is not good, so I advise you to change people as soon as possible.

People like this in my army will be beheaded! "

Really dare to say anything.

This pissed off the person who stood up.

However, Zhang Lu got used to Ye Qing's way of handling things, so he waved him back.

Instead, he smiled and said, "Your Highness is strict in running the army, employing people like gods, Zhang Lu admires him!"

"Overrated! Overrated!"

Ye Qing waved his hand.

Zhang Lu went on to say: "I've heard that His Highness is a current Bole who is good at discovering talents. I don't know if His Highness can take a look. In this hall, who can become a talent, who can get into His Highness's eyes!"

Hearing this, everyone in Hanzhong straightened up.

They are all elites and outstanding people in Hanzhong.

To have family background, to have martial arts, to have martial arts.

Think of yourself as superior to others.

Possesses the strategy of governing the world and the world.

Ye Qing really scanned them one by one.

Scan the civil servants first, then shake your head!

When looking at the military officer from behind, he said: "Can you release your energy?"

"Why does Your Highness have to look at our realm first to judge whether we are talents!"

A Hanzhong military general booed and laughed.

Bole, who is still shit, needs to look at his strength, are you patting horses?

This made the others laugh.

Zhang Lu pretended to reprimand: "As long as you talk too much, let people release you. How wise your Highness is, you have your own methods and criteria for judging."

Those who can be used to let him support the scene, these generals can really be regarded as the pillars of Hanzhong.

Of course the strongest Zhang Lu did not bring.

Those who stayed behind in Nanzheng.

The generals in Hanzhong released their energy one by one.

Ye Qing could clearly feel their strength.

The most inferior ones are first-class, and there are several first-rank generals.

But there is no second grade or above.

Little Hanzhong County, with such strength, is really not bad.

You must know that this is only to protect Zhang Lu.

There are more and stronger generals protecting Nanzheng Junwang and Nanzheng Fucheng.

With the addition of the Zhang family sect with five buckets of rice, there will be more masters in win over people.

No wonder it can control the whole of Hanzhong, and divide and rule with the imperial court.

"Tsk tsk, my son, Hanzhong is worrying, there is no one in the army, I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out!" Ye Qing withdrew his gaze, turned his face to Zhang Lu, shook his head and sighed.

This annoyed the proud generals of Hanzhong.

They all stood up and stared angrily.

The last ones here are all first-class military generals, and there are also first-rank ones.

Ye Qing dared to slander them so arrogantly.

How could they swallow this breath.

"Look, son, they say they are not happy, and they still don't admit it." Ye Qing grumbled first:

"The worst group of generals in my Xiaoyao Mansion are all first-rank, and I haven't seen where their tails are going.

After entering the barracks, one by one with their tails between their legs, as obedient as they want, how dare they value their martial arts and achievements. "

Madan, can I compare with you?

You Xiaoyao Mansion are generally high-ranking, and there are second-rank, third-rank, and even fourth-rank generals.

Of course you are nervous.

Suddenly Zhang Lu felt a little regretful.

It's boring to talk about this topic.

Looking for sadism.

"Hehe, it may be that they have lived in Hanzhong for a long time, they have never seen the prosperity of Chang'an, they don't know the dangers of the court, and they don't know that there are so many masters outside!" Zhang Lu waved his army and said to the generals:

"You guys go out, so remember the words of King Xiaoyao, I have no available generals in Hanzhong, no talents!"

"No!" The generals in Hanzhong chanted their promises one after another, and bowed to leave.

But Ye Qing stopped: "Wait, I didn't say this after the world, I said that there is no decent army in Hanzhong County, that's what I said, the rest is what your son said , remember what this king said is that there is no talent in the army, and those who refuse to accept it come to me for advice in person, and I will see the truth with his subordinates!"

Zhang Lu had a toothache.

This Ye Qing is not easy to fool.

It is a bit difficult to dig a hole.

The generals in Hanzhong were even angrier when they heard this.

What does it mean that there is no one in our army.

One by one shouted: "Your Highness, we are not convinced now, and we want to ask you for advice!"

"Heh, you deserve it too!" Ye Qing patted the food table vigorously, and the food table broke in response.

Ye Qing's vigor was released, and immediately formed a rushing wind around him.

There was a burst of dust.

The eyes of the generals in Hanzhong widened.

have retreated.

"The strength of this king's third-rank military general, who of you wants to ask for advice." Ye Qing sneered and said:

"How about going together?"

Everyone even forgot that Ye Qing has martial arts.

And the strength has already entered the product.

Now announce the boundary.

The Hanzhong generals all swallowed softly.

The third grade is arrogant.

Also together.

I really want to chop him up together.

Zhang Lu was also taken aback.

He also forgot that Ye Qing has the strength of the third rank.

He actually regarded him as an ordinary prince.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, Zhang Lu patted his sleeves, then waved his hands and said, "Stay back, don't be rude to His Highness."

If you really want to do it, you may not be able to kill Ye Qing now.

It's not certain who will die.


The generals of Hanzhong just stopped their flags and drums this time, and they dare not be presumptuous anymore!


In the hall!
Li Yuanfang was holding a plate of butcher shop and a jug of wine in his hand, leaning against the door, his thin figure made the Hanzhong officers and soldiers watching them feel a little funny.

Ye Qing also brought such a small guy to make up for it.

However, they did not know Li Yuanfang's real identity.

Otherwise, I will definitely not despise it.

And if he knew what happened in the hall where the door was closed, there would never be a bright smile of ridicule on his face.

What's going on inside.

At this time Lu Bu also asked: "Miss Bu, how is my lord?"

"Don't make noise, I'm sensing!" Bu Xiaofan, who was sitting cross-legged, glared angrily, and Lu Bu immediately shut up, not daring to speak out.

Then Bu Xiaofan showed a smirk on his face.

"Your highness is so majestic, he released his strength in the main hall, and said that the generals in Hanzhong are all rubbish, and none of them can become talents.

He also wants others to attack him together, and he wants to single out all the generals in Hanzhong.

Tsk tsk, this Zhang Lu is really cowardly, doesn't it mean that the Zhang family is very scary?

Why is there no real master in Hanzhong? "

Bu Xiaofan kept murmuring.

Everyone was even more surprised when they heard it.

He took the initiative to get angry, and satirized the Zhang family in class.

Although everyone was very curious about what happened after the recovery, they didn't dare to urge them. Instead, they put their bodies in front of Bu Xiaofan to protect her.

These girls are horrible.

Not only can you use the five elements and eight trigrams to monitor the underwater situation.

It can also be used to listen to the foot of the wall.

It's terrifying.

This is thanks to the protagonist's woman, if this is the enemy, he will never know when the secret is stolen secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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