I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 414 Changes in Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 414 Changes in Chuyue Kingdom
"Now Ye Qing is chatting with Zhang Lu about the geography of Hanzhong. He said what cities are there to the east of Shiquan, and how is the defense against Chuyue Kingdom? Be careful that Chuyue Kingdom secretly sends troops into Hanzhong County to attack cities!"

Bu Xiaofan continued to mutter: "Zhang Lu said that the heaviest city in the east of Shiquan is Xicheng, and it is relatively desolate in the east. Although the area is very large, accounting for two-thirds of the territory of Hanzhong County, the city not much.

There are only three counties of Xi County, Shangyong, and Fangling, and the rest are natives of the Di tribe, most of whom are villages..."

In the hall!
Zhang Ludao: "Your Highness, if you want to say that Chuyue Kingdom is indeed continuously infiltrating our Hanzhong County, they are invading Shangyongfang Mausoleum with their military strength, and infiltrating Xixian County with the Wudang Gate of the rivers and lakes.

Let me Hanzhong have to mobilize a large number of soldiers and horses to defend the east. "

"Chuyue Kingdom's wolf ambitions have spared no effort to enter our Great Zhou Hanzhong!" Ye Qing said with emotion:

"It's just that there seems to be no news about this in Chang'an. It really chills the hearts of the frontline soldiers!"

"Your Highness also knows that the queen was born in the royal family of the Chuyue Kingdom. How can such news that is not conducive to the peace and stability of the empire be spread casually." Zhang Ludao said again with emotion:
"However, it seems that the Chuyue Kingdom has suddenly restrained itself recently. All the soldiers and horses who arrived have withdrawn, and all the disciples of the Wudang Sect have also returned to the mountain gate, and they have not come out to disturb me in Hanzhong!"

"Oh! Chuyue Kingdom suddenly stopped. This is a strange thing. There must be monsters in the abnormality. I'm afraid they are not brewing a bigger conspiracy!"

This news surprised Ye Qing a little.

Unexpectedly, there is such a relationship between Hanzhong and Chuyue Kingdom, there are still frictions every year, and wars happen at any time.

And Chuyue Kingdom's sudden withdrawal may have something to do with the Chang'an matter.

This is a signal.

Do you want to reach a tacit understanding with Hanzhong?
"Who knows, maybe after two days of wind, more soldiers and horses will invade again." Zhang Lu found that he had talked too much about this, so he just shut up and said nothing about it.

Then the two chatted about other things, and the banquet ended.

"Ye Qing is coming, everyone pay attention, don't let this matter out, otherwise I won't help you in the future!" Bu Xiaofan heard that Ye Qing and Zhang Lu got up and were ready to finish, so he hurriedly withdrew his mind and used his skills to gossip Withdrawing his power, he quietly retracted the hexagrams he had typed out one by one.

"Miss Bu, don't worry, I won't say anything later, I will definitely help Miss Bu keep it a secret!" Everyone promised.

Anyway, Bu Xiaofan is the lord's woman, and she won't harm the lord.

Eavesdropping in private is also for Ye Qing's safety!
This is why men and women like to play small tricks, which is understandable.

Ye Qing didn't know that Bu Xiaofan was doing this trick below.

After I came back, I was thinking about things in the east of Hanzhong.

The next day!

Zhang Lu wanted to take Ye Qing to Nanzheng, but Ye Qing refused to go, he wanted to see the scenery near Shiquan, visit places of interest and so on.

Zhang Lu is also satisfied with Ye Qing.

But there are always people following him.

Roads are closed wherever he goes.

Don't let him have contact with common people or other officials.

A few days later, we set off to the west and went up the Han River to reach Nanzheng.

Pass through Dingyuan, Shugu and other cities.

Ye Qing was having fun again, walking and stopping.

Nanzheng City is more prosperous than other cities, and the city is stronger!
Arranged for Ye Qing and others to stay.

Only then did Zhang Lu return to the mansion and report to his father, Nanzheng County King Zhang Qiu.

Zhang Qiu asked, "Lu Er, Ye Qing is still honest, what happened!"

"Father, Ye Qing has been using excursions as an excuse to go outside to find out what is true in Hanzhong, but we have already prepared a plan so that he cannot contact anyone or learn any valuable information.

At the same time, the masters of Wu Dou Mijiao also monitored him 24 hours a day, and found nothing unusual! "

Zhang Qiu nodded: "That's good! Don't underestimate him, this son's palace is extremely deep, and his strategy is unparalleled. If you pay attention, you will suffer big losses."

"Father, why don't you kill him directly, it will be a one-hundred-and-a-half-year solution, and it will save a lot of trouble." Reflecting on this journey, Zhang Lu has loved Ye Qing enough.

That kid hated him when he had nothing to do, and never forgot to sneer at the Zhang family in three sentences, it was really hateful.

Zhang Qiu snorted coldly: "Stupid, you think that if you kill him in Hanzhong, you will be unnoticed. You know how much the imperial court has set up eyeliners in Hanzhong, and you know who are Huangdi's pawns.

It was easy to kill Ye Qing, but if he did, he would cause a catastrophe.

How many people in Chang'an want us to do this.

It is impossible to do things that are harmful but not beneficial. "

"It's my father! My father taught me a lesson!" Zhang Lu said:

"Then when will father kill him?"

Zhang Qiu closed his eyes and thought for a while, "Wait! Wait until the Emperor breaks up with the Chuyue Kingdom, wait for the Lantian Pavilion to rebel, wait for the Chuyue Kingdom to take action, and wait for the chaos in Chang'an.

That's when we get started.

At that time, my Zhang family was going to turn into a dragon in the rain, and it didn't have to kill Ye Qing, it could abolish his martial arts, and Xiaoyaofu was also a lot of energy. "


The next day!

Ye Qing came to Xiaoyao Mansion to visit Zhang Qiu.

Zhang Qiu came out of the mansion to welcome him!

"Chen Zhangqiu has met His Royal Highness Xiaoyao Wang!"

Zhang Qiu is about forty years old, rich and handsome, with a smile on his face and a radiant glow.

There was a vague air of a king in his gestures.

This is probably the aura of a high-ranking person who has been in charge of Hanzhong and monopolized one side for many years.

With just a quick glance, Ye Qing felt that this person was no worse than Ye Zhen.

And he is not as implicit as Ye Zhen, but more domineering, with more unscrupulous eyes.

Although the words are commonplace, there is no half respect.

Ye Qing raised his hand lightly and said, "You don't need to be polite, Prince Nanzheng."

"Your Highness, please enter the residence!" Zhang Qiu made a gesture of invitation.

Ye Qing was not polite to him either.

Go straight in, fully showing the attitude and identity of a prince and prince.

Entering Nanzheng Palace, he came to swear an oath of sovereignty.

No matter how Nanzheng Palace covers the sky with one hand in Hanzhong.

If the military and government are fully grasped, all aspects of control will be controlled.

You can ignore the Great Zhou court.

But... Hanzhong is still the Hanzhong of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Zhang family is also a courtier of the Ye family.

He is not Ye Jin, so he doesn't need to give Zhang Qiu face.

And the Zhang family definitely doesn't want to kill him now.

That also requires stage fright, let alone worry.

Zhang Qiu followed behind, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Wen Wu who followed Zhang Qiu also showed a strong murderous intent.

Many people also released Qi Jin.

There are quite a few military generals of the second and third ranks.

"It turns out that the masters are all around Zhang Qiu, it seems...he is quite afraid of death!"

Ye Qing couldn't help sneering when he noticed the small actions of these people under the Nanzheng County Palace.

Zhang Qiu is the real person in charge of the Nanzheng County Palace, so personal protection is also extremely important.

He is also afraid that other people will attack him.

But Zhang Lu is different, he has many younger brothers, and there are many qualified heirs after death.

Zhang Qiu did not send the strongest master to him.

When Ye Qing entered the hall, he found that there were two main seats in the upper position, and said with a smile: "The king of Nanzheng really has a heart."

After speaking, Ye Qing took the main seat.

Zhang Qiu just smiled and sat on one of them.

The embarrassing incident at Xiaolongmen will not happen in Nanzheng County Palace.

He Zhang Qiu is not Lan Dong.

Things were done seamlessly.

Ye Qing secretly called out to the old fox.

(End of this chapter)

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