I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 415 It will be a little cold later, 1 must hold back

Chapter 415 It will be a little cold later, you must hold back
"Your Highness! We don't have any good things in Hanzhong. I hope you can forgive me for the poor hospitality!"

Zhang Qiu waved his hand, motioning for the butler to make arrangements.

The butler went down and came up with his attendants.

Wine and meat hello!

Then came the dancers.

Very open.

Wearing animal skins, with their navels exposed, they all have exquisite figures.

There is no eyebrow drawing, and no thin powder is applied.

Each one is juicy.

Just like the spring water in the mountains, it makes people feel cool and happy.

Ye Qing's eyes could see the truth.

I didn't expect Hanzhong to be so open.

There will be this dance.

Zhang Qiu was at the side, took a small sip from his wine glass, looked at Ye Qing's expression, his eyes showed a little composure.

Young, still young!

This is so exciting, you can't see it in Chang'an.

Whether you are old or young, there are a few men who can handle it.

Let alone Ye Qing, there are countless wives and concubines in Zhang Qiu's backyard, and he is also a bit older.

Every time I see this, I still get giddy.

Looking at his generals, they all blushed.

Among the dancers, a tall woman danced with her hands and feet, her waist and hips trembling slightly.

Slowly turned to Ye Qing's eyes.

Twisted from top to bottom, squatted on the ground, and twisted from the ground to stand up again.

Turning around a few times, he kept flirting with Ye Qing.

The last one accidentally bumped into Ye Qing.

He sat down on the side of the food table, and added a thigh to Ye Qing's right leg.

With a gasp, her hands were about to touch Ye Qing's shoulders, and that pink and juicy face was about to make a blind date with Ye Qing's skin!
But Ye Qing stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and said to Zhang Qiu: "This girl is still very cold in early spring, aren't you afraid of freezing if you wear so little?"


You shouldn't take me into your arms right now.

Then reach out and pinch your little face, or hold my waist, and rub it gently?
"Nanzheng County King, are you so poor in Hanzhong? Is the status of women so low? You don't even have to wear clothes. You see, this dancer is too cold to dance." Ye Qing looked at Zhang Qiu and looked at Zhang Qiu. With a serious face, he said:

"How about this, sell all the items I brought into Hanzhong this time, and make some clothes for these girls!"

"Cough cough!"

Zhang Qiu was really choked up.

The other Chinese and Chinese warriors were also stunned for a moment, followed by black and black.

Then there was a big laugh.

Xiaoyaohou, unexpectedly so ignorant.

But Zhang Qiu couldn't laugh at all.

Ye Qing obviously did it on purpose.

This little fox has stronger concentration than him.

She couldn't resist the power of this temptation.

No wonder it is said to be difficult.

No wonder the Taihuamen and Baibogu were able to be destroyed!
"Your Highness, please forgive me. It is because of poor dancing skills that fell in front of His Highness. It is not because of the cold weather. Hanzhong is rich in products, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Everyone has food, food and clothes. Thank you Your Highness for your love!"

To be trained to be a dancer who seduces Ye Qing is naturally not an ordinary person.

Get up and go.

But this time she wanted to leave, but Ye Qing refused to let her go, and Ye Qing hugged her directly on her chest.

"Girl, don't be afraid, with this king here, no one can bully you anymore." Ye Qing looked at Zhang Qiu and said:

"Nanzheng Junwang, I think this little lady is pretty, why don't you let me?"

Zhang Qiupi replied without a smile: "Your Highness likes it, you can take it away!"

"Did you hear that, you are mine now!" Ye Qing reached out and pinched the girl's face:
"Tsk tsk, it's so tender and smooth..."

The dancer wanted to cry.

Can you be a little fake.

You didn't take a fancy to me at all, nor were you fascinated.

Pretending to be like dry hemp.

Roadshows also require energy.

Is it okay if I stop acting?

"By the way, what's your name?"

Ye Qing patted the woman's skin-wrapped buttocks lightly.

The dancer exhorted, and replied aggrievedly: "Duowa, a folk girl, has no surname!"

"Duo Wa, that's a good name!" Ye Qing clapped again.

The dancing girl Dowa burst into tears.

Gritting her teeth lightly.

Her status in Nanzheng Palace is not low, she was cultivated by Zhang Qiu, and she was sent to carry out some special intelligence services.

Even Zhang Lu couldn't touch her.

Now Ye Qing is being bullied continuously.

The grievances are naturally conceivable.

"Your Highness, I heard that you have some business dealings with Xiao'er. I don't know if it can be settled!" Zhang Qiu asked, leaving the subject aside.

Ye Qingdao: "Some have been negotiated, some have not, and some need to browse Hanzhong carefully to know whether it can be done."

"So I want to ask Nanzheng County King for a few certificates, so that I can travel around the counties and cities." Ye Qing continued:
"I want to visit the most famous sect in Hanzhong, the Five Dou Rice Sect, and visit the land of Bashu in the south, and see what this southwestern country is like, with exotic beauty!"

Zhang Qiu didn't agree immediately, but pondered for a moment, and then said:
"Your Highness, I'm afraid this is inconvenient. There are many ferocious beasts and wild animals in Hanzhong, and the Di tribes are mixed in, so it's quite dangerous outside.

Especially the land of Bashu is not my territory of Dazhou. If something happens, I can't bear it and can't explain it to His Majesty! "

"It's okay, I'm responsible for myself. If something happens, it's my fate. I will ask His Majesty to clarify, and I will never punish the Nanzheng Palace!" Ye Qing vowed Said.

But you have to listen to it the other way around.

Both of them knew what the other wanted to do.

It's not what it says on the surface.

"This..." Zhang Qiu looked embarrassed:
"Your Highness, it's better to be careful, safety first, safety first."

Old fox, aren't you just afraid that I will take the opportunity to run away?
Ye Qing continued: "How about this, I will leave a letter to the king of the county, saying that if I die because of my travels and injuries, it has nothing to do with the Nanzheng County king's mansion, and I will bear it all myself.

In this way, the county king doesn't have to worry about His Majesty blaming him.

After all, it is a rare thing in life to come to Hanzhong and not be able to enjoy the famous mountains and rivers and experience the exotic customs! "

When Zhang Qiu heard this, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Then the pupils shrank slightly!
Ye Qing's proposal was exactly what he wanted.

This is simply a good thing delivered to your door.

Undoubtedly, having this will be quite beneficial to him.

"Your Highness, will it appear that I am unreasonable! The ministers of the court will know that they will say that I have committed crimes above Hanzhong!" Zhang Qiu is worthy of being an old fox. He obviously wants it very much, but he still wants to make himself more dignified. .

What a hypocrite!

Ye Qing sneered inwardly, and then said with a helpless face: "The king of the county is right, that's okay, in order to prevent the king of the county from losing his reputation, I'd better not write it!"

After speaking, Ye Qing picked up the Dowa and got up.

Then he walked outside: "It's getting late, I'll take Miss Dowa back to get dressed, and the king of the county enjoys the dance slowly!"

Everyone was stunned.

Even Zhang Qiu didn't expect Ye Qing to stop playing suddenly.

Some were caught off guard.

Packed up, Ye Qing stood up in front of the entrance of the hall and said, "Your Highness! Since you like to visit mountains and rivers, I will arrange for someone to lead His Highness to various places."

"Thank you, Prince!"

The corner of Ye Qing's mouth turned up slightly, and he looked down at Dowa: "Girl, it will be a little cold later, you must hold back... Hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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