I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 416 Live for others once, then live for yourself next time

Chapter 416 Live for others once, then live for yourself next time
"Father! Just let him take Dowa away!"

Zhang Lu's eyes were red.

He never touched Dowa once.

Ye Qing touched, slapped, pinched and let it go.

Now he is still exposed like this and taken out of the house.

It is true that the weather is still very cold now.

The important parts of Dowa are wrapped in animal skins, and other parts are exposed.

Walking back to the post house in this way, it must not be frozen.

If she doesn't freeze to death, those lowly people will see her innocent body.

that also...

Zhang Qiu looked back at Zhang Lu, and said with a cold expression: "Since she is a member of my Nanzheng Palace, she should have her destiny.

Only one woman is gone, just raise another one. "

I have the right to fear that there will be no women.

The most worthless thing in this world is a woman.

Zhang Qiu looked at the somewhat unwilling Zhang Lu and said: "Arrange someone and continue to monitor him, I really want to see what tricks he can play, perhaps, he can also attract the secrets who have been lurking in my Hanzhong for many years.

Who is not sure about fishing, he thought he could jump out of my palm!

He is just a pawn, never qualified to play chess. "

Seeing Ye Qing bring back a scantily clad woman.

Bu Xiaofan was stunned.

How could Ye Qing do this.

And this woman is trembling and rubbing Ye Tai, do you want to order Bilian.

"Ye Qing, how can you...you can't be more careful when the hall is so popular!"

Bu Xiaofan turned angrily and returned to his room.

But Ye Qing hugged Dowa and followed behind.

Straight into the room.

"What are you doing? Go back to your room!" Bu Xiaofan snorted coldly and was about to push Ye Qing out.

But her strength is not as strong as Ye Qing's.

Ye Qing forced his way in, and threw Dowa on the bed.

In order to avoid exposing her martial arts, Dowa could only make a forced landing without using any skills.

The pain made her teary-eyed.

Why is this person who suffered a thousand knives so cruel.

"She will be your maidservant in Hanzhong from now on, responsible for serving you, and you can talk to her when you are bored." Ye Qing said to Bu Xiaofan:

"He is a senior dancer trained by Nanzheng Palace. I think she must know a lot."

Ye Qing left after speaking!
Leaving Bu Xiaofan in a daze for a while.

A senior dancer in Nanzheng Palace.

It was used to seduce Ye Qing.

After Bu Xiaofan came back to his senses, he looked at Dowa again.

Dova was in a daze for a while.

I have become a handmaid.

She also checked Bu Xiaofan with her eyes.

According to intelligence, this woman is from Qishan Pavilion.

And also saved Ye Qing.

The status in Ye Qing's heart is very high.

It's also a big hassle.

Qishan Pavilion is one of the six major sects, if Bu Xiaofan has an accident in Hanzhong, he will also be questioned by Qishan Pavilion.

Although Wudou Rice Sect and Nanzheng Palace are not afraid of Qishan Pavilion, they are jealous.

"What's your name!"

Bu Xiaofan folded his hands on his chest, his face was calm.

The original resentment was gone.

She is not stupid, and neither is Ye Qing.

Since he was able to bring this name back, he must have wanted to dig something out of her.

"Minister Duo Wa, I have seen the Crown Princess!"

Dowa played a trick and replied.

Instead of being happy, Bu Xiaofan turned cold.

"Since you are from Nanzheng Palace, you should have information about me and know my identity, so...it's useless to play tricks." Bu Xiaofan said coldly:
"Duowa, the moment you were taken out of the Nanzheng Palace by King Xiaoyao, the Nanzheng Palace had already given up on you, and you were sacrificed. As a member of the Di tribe, you should know your own value, you are Can't walk into Zhang's house."

Di family!

Not really a tribe.

It is the general term for the indigenous hunting people distributed in and around Hanzhong County and the land of Bashu.

There are a total of nine well-known large gathering tribes.

So it is also called Jiudi.

Each of the Jiudi has its own king, and they do not belong to each other, nor are they alliances.

There is cooperation and attack with each other.

There are those who are close to the Great Zhou in Hanzhong, and those who are hostile to the Zhang family in Hanzhong.

But in general, in Dazhou or in Hanzhong County, the status is not high.

Especially the scattered tribes outside Jiudi.

Just judging from Dowa's name, Bu Xiaofan knew that she was from Di.

Zhou people had first names, surnames and surnames, as well as men's watch characters and women's boudoir characters.

The aborigines rarely have a surname, and most of them have a first name and a family name.

Bu Xiaofan's words hit Dowa's sore spot!
She tried hard to change her fate.

She studied hard, she practiced martial arts diligently, and tirelessly absorbed all kinds of charming skills in the United States, as well as many routines and speaking skills to seduce men.

I thought it was good enough.

Ye Qing ruthlessly rubbed against the table the first time he set out on a mission.

It was thrown on the bed ruthlessly.

She told herself not to cry.

But this time I still couldn't hold back.

Closing her eyes, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, flowed across her pink cheeks, and finally dripped down from the edge of her chin, hitting her smooth and delicate thighs.

"Miss Bu, what do you think I should do now!"

Dowa knew she had nothing left.

She understands the rules of Nanzheng Palace very well.

Useless people cannot get support from the palace.

Bu Xiaofan said: "Your Highness said, from now on you are my maidservant, so your new identity is maidservant, do what you should do, sometimes you have lived for others once, then next time you will do it for others." Live by yourself!"

After speaking, Bu Xiaofan also left the room.

This damn Ye Qing, give her a trouble.

She had to talk it out and teach him a lesson.

"If you live for someone else once, then live for yourself next time!"

Dowa's delicate body shook, and she murmured: "Can I live for myself?"


"Ye Qing, what do you mean?"

When Bu Xiaofan came out, he saw that Ye Qing still had time to eat, so he walked over and gave him a big slap.

Ye Qing raised his head: "Nanzheng Palace is stingy and doesn't give food. Are you hungry? Let's eat together!"

"I'm full just seeing you!" Bu Xiaofan turned around.

He stomped his feet lightly: "If you keep such a hidden danger by your side, I won't be afraid of blowing you up!"

Ye Qing said while eating: "Are there still fewer hidden dangers for us? Except for our own people, there are eyes, noses, and ears everywhere; heh, it doesn't matter if there is one more!"

Bu Xiaofan turned around and said, "What other plans do you have?"

"I don't have any plans. I'll visit Wudoumi first, then leave Baishui Pass, and go south along the Western Han River into Badi, from Badi to Shu." Ye Qing thought for a while and continued with longing:

"I heard that there are countless small countries in the land of Bashu, and a kind of giant-eyed mask is popular. It is very strange. To the east is the city-state of Yelang. Ten miles is a state, and fifty miles is a country;
To the south, there is the Hongshao tribe, which gathers caves and is known as 360 caves.

Each hole has a city of people and soldiers, with strong combat power, good at shooting in the jungle,
The world is so big, why not make more good friends while you are young, travel across thousands of mountains and rivers, and explore the infinite realm! "

This is called no plan!

Homework is done so much.

And heading east, there really are these things.

God knows where it will go, and it will be difficult to return by then.

Thousands of miles away, back and forth for a year and a half are gone.

(End of this chapter)

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